A Small Confession

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I could hear him sigh between kisses, as if I had taken his breath away. I thought it was pretty cute.
"I love feeling your smile form when we kiss." Sun muttered shyly, laying back on the bed.
"You do?" I asked, cuddling up next to him- he just about melted at this.
"Very, very much..." he purred, pulling me over so that I laid on top of his body. There wasn't any negotiating, either; his arms wrapped snugly around my body for an eternal embrace. I smiled, turning my head so that my ear rested against his chest.
It was a comforting sound; before I knew it, he had lulled me to sleep.
The shudder below my body pulled me from the depths of my dreams.
"Not right now." Rumble-whispered an irritated voice.
Another shudder.
"Yes, right now." I could feel hands gently run along the length of my back.
He shuddered once again. The hands suddenly yanked away, almost as if they had touched something hot. A low, frustrated growl followed soon after.
"She doesn't want me here." Moon grumbled, "And I don't cuddle."
His body trembled as Sun regained control, letting out an exasperated huff. He took a minute to just hold me and run his hand through my hair before continuing the squabble. "Look at her." Sun barely whispered before allowing Moon to switch.
"Sun! I don't-" Moon whispered harshly before his eyes landed on me, at which he expelled a small sigh of defeat, "You know I'm not good at this, Sunny..." He hesitantly rested his arms on my body, unsure what to do. His body was rigid- he must've been nervous.
"Perhaps if..." he muttered to himself, allowing his hands to caress the sides of my body, careful to keep his talons from grazing against my skin.
I was surprised, to say the least.
Despite the sharpness of his claws, I had never felt such a gentle touch; almost as if he was handling the most delicate flower on Earth.
It was somewhat comical- Moon certainly knew how to handle my body whenever it was time to get hot and heavy, but anything else was uncharted territory.
In other words, Moon had no idea what the fuck he was doing right now.
There was a long pause of silence, and I had almost wondered if he had fallen asleep. Then again, I wasn't sure if that was something they were capable of doing. I nearly jolted when Moon finally spoke.
"I want to make her happy, I just...I..." his whisper trailed off into a small, frustrated sigh.
"What if she doesn't love me back?"
The pitter-patter of my heart hiked up significantly, and I wasn't sure if Moon would notice or if I would have a heart attack first. I felt him shudder beneath me again.
"She will..." Sun whispered.
His purr sounded more like a growl now.
"...I won't let her say no..."
I felt my blood go cold, and my heart raced for a different reason. What the fuck does that mean!? It wasn't like I planned on saying no, but Sunny's sudden hostility made me nervous. It also didn't help that Sun's fingers were digging into my skin from gripping onto me so tightly. I had almost blown my cover with a cry of pain, but Moon had come to my rescue.
"What the fuck are you doing!? Let her rest." Even though they were whispering, I could easily detect the venom in Moon's scold. The grip on me relaxed, then disappeared. It went quiet for a long while; I laid there, frozen in place as I listened for another move. I waited, and waited...and wait...ed...
I stretched when I came to, feeling for the nonexistent figure below me. I groggily opened my eyes, realizing that I was alone.
"Sun...? Moon?" I mumbled, propping myself up as I looked around. The room was empty, but I could hear the shuffling of someone outside the balcony.
"Ah, you're awake!" Sun chimed, bounding back in with a bright smile. I returned the expression as I sat up on the bed.
"I hope I didn't move around too much last night."
"Oh no, no! Not at all!" He assured, flopping onto the bed next to me with a giggle. I tiled my head at him as a question wandered into my subconscious.
"Are you able to sleep? Or do you just...?" I trailed off. Sunny chuckled.
"Yes! We have a sleep mode to conserve power, although we haven't been sleeping lately..."
"Why not?"
Sun shrugged. "I don't know. Moon won't let us." He shrugged again with a hum of indifference, "He just likes to be bossy, I think. But I don't mind- I like watching you sleep."

Sun/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now