Arts and Crafts

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At some point during my thought process I had eventually drifted off. Next thing I knew, I was blinking awake in a foggy state of mind. I glanced over at the clock. I've got some time before the Daycare opens...
I got dressed, taking note of how empty my wardrobe was getting. Hm. I should probably bring some clothes from home. I tucked that thought away for later as I walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Speaking of Moon...
I didn't remember hearing him leave my room last night. Didn't hear him slip back into the vent. Nothing. I wonder if he stayed...what would he even do? It was another thought for later.
Sun was already tidying up the daycare in preparation for the day when I walked out of my room. I made my way beside him.
"Good morning, Y/N!" He chimed.
"Good morning, Sunny." I chipped back, letting a beat of silence fall as I remembered I had some questions to ask.
"Hey, so, uh....last night? Are we going to discuss that?"
Sun didn't look up from his work. "You know Moon's in control at night, sunbeam."
Perhaps I wasn't explaining myself well enough.
"What were you talking about last night with Moon?" I pressed, which evoked almost no reaction from Sun.
"I didn't talk with him, silly!"
Okay, now he's just playing dumb.
"Upping the intensity?" I remarked flatly.
"H-Hmm?" Sun casted a nervous wayside glance.
"I heard you two last night."
Sun laughed weakly. "Ah...heh...well..." he struggled, "well actually it's-" he didn't bother to finish his sentence as he suddenly bolted away.
"HEY!" I yelled after him, but he had already reached his tower with his long strides. He certainly knew how to avoid uncomfortable situations; I had no way to reach him now. "WE ARE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THIS!" I shouted up at him, at which he hurriedly closed the curtains. "Do not shut me out!" I hissed angrily. I threw my arms up and over my head, letting them drop against my sides as I huffed with frustration.
Come on, I shook my head, he's got to be overreacting right now. It was either that or I was destined for something very undesirable. Enough for Sun to not want to be around me? Yikes. I knew I'd have to pry the answer out of him soon enough. But how? He's not gonna let me near if I'm upset. I stood in place, a smirk beginning to form.
Then I'll act the opposite.
Eventually the children began to filter in through the slide, their ruckus evicting Sun from his hiding place. He knew he was at least somewhat safe with the presence of others, it's not like I could bitch him out in front of a bunch of kids. That didn't stop him from keeping his distance, though.
I eventually managed to approach Sunny, tapping him on the shoulder. He froze, preparing for the worst.
"Listen, sunbeam-"
"Don't worry about last night."
"...Oh?" He cocked his head to the side, weary but curious.
"Let's forget about it. I'd rather focus on repairs with you." I smirked, which prompted an excited smile from him.
"R-Really!? You mean it?"
"Sure do."
He could barely restrain his excitement from the bubbly giggle that escaped him. He lowered his voice to a near whisper. "Kisses too?"
I nodded, and he just about exploded with joy. "OH! I am just so so SO excited!" He exclaimed, commanding the attention of every kid within the daycare as he trapped me in a hug.
"...for arts and crafts...!" I covered, hinting for him to be quiet.
"You're not wrong; I'm definitely going to be toying with a piece of art tonight." He mumbled with a wink.

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