Confusion and Candy

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I was conflicted with all the emotions Moon had ran through in such a short span of time. He's certainly a wild card. I wasn't sure how to feel about it. He had been so gentle, and then...not. Was it really just because I said thank-you? I rose to my feet, still slightly groggy; a couple hours of shuteye wouldn't be enough to cure my sleep deprivation. I debated going back to sleep, but I felt bad enough leaving Sun on his own for half the day. I looked out at the balcony- the lights were on. Looks like Moon doesn't want to deal with me. Maybe I could muster up the courage to talk to him tonight. If anything, I was just grateful I didn't have to fight for my life this time around.
I stretched, walking up to a small mirror on the other side of the room. I was in desperate need of some TLC; I looked terrible and my clothes smelled like ass from when I ran for my life from those skinless animatronics. It seemed like a shower and a punishment would be waiting for me tonight.
The fatigue that nagged at my eyes was beginning to put up a serious fight as I reconsidered going back to sleep. Doesn't sun have energy candies or something? I vaguely remembered a poster I had spotted while on the run from Moon. Sure enough, there were a couple wrapped candies scattered on the ground.
"These better work." I mumbled as I grabbed a couple, popping three in my mouth. I felt like a rat with how I was scavenging off the floor. Whatever it takes to get through today. All I had to do was think about the hot shower later tonight as my reward. Yeah. I can do this. I looked around, realizing that I didn't really have a way to get out of the room.
Was there a way out of here? I wasn't too keen on jumping down into the ball pit; with my luck I'd land on an unsuspecting kid, and I didn't need that on my record.
I casually nosed through the room, moving aside various pillows in search for a slide or something I could use to get down to the main floor.
I pushed aside a star-shaped plush to reveal a vent without a cover. It was a straight-shot into darkness, and it looks like it had been used before by someone else.
I think I'll just have Sun come grab me instead.
I put the pillow back, walking over to the balcony.
Surprisingly, the daycare was pretty tame. Sun was leisurely walking around, stopping every once in awhile to interact with the kids. I smiled.
"Hey, Sunny!" I called out.
He looked up, a big grin spreading across his face. "Sunbeam!" He quickly made his way up to me, scaling up various objects to reach the balcony. He swept me up into a hug, "I've missed you!" He planted a kiss on my forehead.
"Sorry for leaving you alone for so long." I smiled sheepishly.
Sun looked surprised. "No no no, don't be sorry! It's been a good day with them." His expression softened, "Plus I'll have plenty of time with you during repairs..."
As far as I could tell, there wasn't even a scratch on him. That wire-pulling really did something to him. I wasn't ready to admit my excitement about that comment, but I'm sure he found my enthusiastic response in the redness of my face.
A sudden rush of energy shot through me like a bullet. I looked down at my hands. Am I shaking? I watched the tremors in my hands and arms.
"Uhhh...." Don't freak out. Don't freak out.
Sun raised an eyebrow, noticing my sudden panic.
"What's going on, sunbeam?"
"Uh, I tried..." I barely managed to reign back the thoughts in my head that zoomed at a million miles an hour, "I tried your candy. I needed a pick-me-up."
He tilted his head in a questioning manner. "How many?"
I shrugged as I essentially vibrated in place. "I dunno, like, three or four?"
His eyebrows furrowed. "You should be fine...unless..." he grabbed my shoulders, "What was the date on the candy?"
I blinked. "Wh- how am I supposed to know!? And why does it even matter? I don't care if I ate expired candy."
"The outdated ones have the caffeine equivalent of 2 shots of..." he hummed for a second, thinking of the word, ""
"Espresso!?" I completed the sentence.
I had just consumed the equivalent of 6 shots of espresso.

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