About Last Night...

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Not even two seconds had passed before Sun's body collided into mine. He wrapped his arms around me with suffocating strength; it didn't seem like he planned on letting go anytime soon, either.
"Too...tight..." I managed to wheeze out. His grip relaxed, allowing my lungs to flood with air. "I'm SO GLAD you're okay, sunbeam!" He carried me like he was cradling a baby as he climbed up into his tower. I watched him as he talked; half of his tongue was still missing.
"What happened last night? Was that you?" I gestured towards his mouth, wasting no time to get my questions answered. Sun set me down on a pile of pillows and blankets in the middle of the room, allowing me to finally set down the manual I had been clutching the entire time. He had tiny string lights draped across the ceiling and pictures from the kids taped to the walls. The whole room looked like a glorified pillow fort. It was...cozy. Sun sat down next to me.
"Moon normally doesn't let me see what happens when he's in control." He looked up at the lights. "He must've let his guard down, and I..." he turned his head away, "I saw you beneath him...I was scared he was going to hurt you. I...I didn't even know I could take control like that, and...and..." he trailed off.
"Sun..." I didn't know how to tell him. His gaze fell upon me, adding to the nervous pressure. "...thank you for looking out for me." I gave a reassuring pat on his shoulder, letting my hand linger for a moment after. "But I can handle Moon on my own." I couldn't bring myself to outright tell Sun what really happened. He's just so innocent...I can't let myself traumatize him.
"Are you sure!? He really seemed to have you pinned."
I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
"Y-Yes, I'm sure. Just...trust me on this one."
He nodded, dropping the subject. "I'm just so happy you're safe, sunbeam!" He pulled me into another hug, falling back onto the pillows. "Can you stay here with me?" Sun suddenly blurted. He saw my eyes widen with surprise. "Just until the daycare opens?" His grip tightened on me ever so slightly. Something told me he wouldn't take no for an answer. I honestly didn't want to say no; I was exhausted and his embrace was just so soothing...but I needed to get something handled first.
"I can't, I need to get you repaired." I motioned towards the manual.
"REPAIR!?" He shoved himself off me, scrambling to his feet and taking a couple steps back. "Nonono...I don't need repairs!" He pleaded.
"Sunny, half of your tongue is missing. I need to reattach it." Why is he being so skittish?
Sun shook his head. "No, no! I don't need it! I look as good as ever!" He broadcasted an unconvincing grin.
"You're not getting out of this."
His smile fell, which was replaced with a worried frown. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"What's with you?"
He shook his head, refusing to speak.
"I'm not going to hurt you or anything, Sun." I stood up, putting myself between him and the balcony.
"I-I know..." Sun grumbled miserably. "M-My wiring is just very sensitive!" He averted his gaze, folding his arms close to his chest.
All worked up over some wires!? I raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. "Does it hurt you or something?"
"I...er...smacked the last mechanic across the room because of it," came the nervous affirmation, "...on accident, I promise!"
Huh. No wonder he's so freaked out. I wasn't super thrilled on the very real possibility of being catapulted across the room, but I trusted that Sun could restrain himself. It's not like I'd be tugging on his wiring like an idiot.
"I'll be as gentle as possible, and I promise I'll hang out with you up here afterwards."
He seemed to like that compromise from the smile that gradually occupied his face.
"O-Okay. Let's get this over with."

Sun/Moondrop x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt