Got Your...Tongue?

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The concentrated spritz of cleaning solution managed to beam Moondrop right in the mouth.
He turned, scrunching his eyes and scraping at his tongue, spitting out as much as he could in disgust. For once, I was thankful he could taste things.
This brief moment of opportunity allowed me to dash past him, straight-lining it for the jungle gym. However, it only took Moon a second or two to recover.
"So feisty..." Moondrop growled; I could already hear his footsteps as he rapidly gained on me. I pushed my body to the limit, urging my feet to run faster, my eyes to find a new place to escape, something, anything!
I felt arms wrap around my torso as Moon tackled me, lurching me forward towards the floor. A playmat spared me of additional bruising, but I didn't believe Moon intended to follow suit. Despair welled up in me; this was it. I've ROYALLY pissed him off and now I'm gonna lose a limb...or my life. Probably both.
He ripped the spray bottle that I was still clutching out of my hand, throwing it aside. "Naughty..." he tsked, his tone firm.
"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I pleaded, terrified of what was to come next. "I'll make it up to you! I promise! Please!"
Moon tilted his head, his curiosity piqued; my pathetic begging had caught his attention.
"Hmm...make it up to me, huh?" He seemed to like the thought of that. At this point, anything that didn't entail dangling over a 2-story drop was fine by me.
His weight slowly lifted off my back. I felt my skin prickle as his hand wrapped around my waist to turn me over, where it lingered for a moment afterwards.
"I can't stay mad at you..." he cooed, "...perhaps I'll skip the punishment for something else..." I nodded enthusiastically, not realizing what I was getting myself into.
He grinned. "How about we get this horrid taste out of my mouth?"
Oh, dear. I've really done myself in this time.
"W-We...?" I repeated shakily.
"This is how you'll make it up to me, starlight." He slowly crawled over me, leaving a hand on my thigh as he made his way closer to my face. "You put this awful taste in my mouth, so you're going to take it out..."
The way he stared down at me was like how a starving animal would look at their next meal... and it didn't take too much thought to piece together who was who in this situation.
"You're lucky that I love the little games we play..." Moon gently turned my head to the side, his long tongue slithering out of his maw to meet the skin on my shoulder.
I was shocked, terrified, and...
His tongue slowly made its way from my shoulder, to my collarbone, to my neck. His breath was warm against my skin; I couldn't stop the resulting goosebumps that suddenly speckled every inch of my body.
I didn't move. Hell, I hadn't even struggled. I'm not moving because I'm terrified. I'm not moving because I'm terrified.
I could feel his hand start to venture up my thigh at an agonizingly slow pace as he moved my head to the other side, intending to repeat what he had just done.
Halfway up my neck, however, something had changed. There was a sickening crunch, followed by the thump of something falling to the floor. I had not felt anything, but Moon emitted a blood-curdling screech of pain, rearing back as if he had been prodded with a red-hot iron.
I quickly sat up, instinctively retreating away from Moon. Something touched my foot as I moved back, and I looked down.
There sat Moon's tongue, writhing on the floor.

Sun/Moondrop x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя