I Heard A Rumor

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Moon paused for a moment, searching my eyes to decipher whether I was toying with him or not. "Untie you, hm?"
I nodded firmly, my gaze burning into his. "Perhaps I'll reward you later if you listen."
He mulled over his options, ultimately succumbing to my demands. "You're lucky that I'm so patient with you, starlight..." He rumbled, untying the bonds that kept me at bay and returning the ribbons to his own wrists. I slowly sat up, accidentally letting the towel fall as I rubbed my forearms.
I looked up at him, unimpressed. "Really?"
"You know I can't hide my desiresssssss..." Moon chuckled mischievously, leaning towards me as his tongue slithered from his maw. I flicked his tongue before it could settle on my skin.
"Gah!" He flinched, pulling his tongue back into his mouth with a frown, "Naughty girl better watch herself..." He hissed lowly.
I rolled my eyes, covering myself back up with the towel. "Like I said, I'll reward you later. Maybe."
"Maybe?" He repeated, watching me get up from the bed to find a change of clothes.
"Mm-hmm." I asserted casually, plucking a shirt from the dresser, "Let's see how good you behave today."
"Behave?" He prodded.
"Well, you and Sun absolutely demolished the entire play area, so the daycare is closed for the day to fix that." I poked him on the chest. "And you are definitely helping."
Moon huffed with outrage. "Tch! This isn't our fault- you failed to tell us you were leaving."
"I said I was going to help clean, and I'm not the one who made the damn mess!" I retorted as I buttoned my pants. Moon huffed again, deciding to drop the argument; I took this as a small victory.
"Okay. Let's start at the arcade and get that over with."
Moon grumbled complaints under his breath, yet he still followed me out of my room and through the daycare doors.
It was still dark in the daycare since I neglected to set the timer, but the rest of the pizzaplex was illuminated with the overhead fluorescence. Consequently, Sun shivered into view the moment we stepped outside the daycare entrance.
"Sunbeam!" He exclaimed, hugging me tight with a purr, "You know how much I hate spending time away from you." He relinquished the embrace, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
"I know, and I'm sorry..." I started as I went to rub my neck, but quickly pulled my hand away as I remembered the bite Moon had left there. Sun noticed my reaction, gingerly turning my head to the side by my chin.
"Moon needs to learn to be more gentle." He sighed sadly, but he didn't let this news ruin his mood; he straightened up with a smile. "No worries! Let me fix you up, sunbeam!"
I smiled at the offer, but shook my head. "We can handle that later. Right now we're going to handle the arcade mess."
Sun huffed and made a grumpy face. I laughed, playfully pushing him on the shoulder. "C'mon, we've got the whole day off today. We have time."
His eyes lit up with this information as we began our trek to the arcade. "A whole day! How wonderful!" He clapped his hands together with delight, "I seemed to miss a lot since I've
seen you last...did anything else happen?"
I nearly choked on air thinking about everything else; getting tied up by Moon was definitely...something.
I wonder what he would've done if I didn't ask him to take the bonds off...
"Y/N?" Sun prodded expectantly.
"Huh? Oh! Uh, n-no. Nothing else really happened." But what about that Danny kid? I knew I'd have to ask sooner than later. "But...uhm...a little birdie told me something..." I faltered, still unsure how to ask Sun.
"Which is? Do tell!" He responded curiously, looking over at me as we walked.
"So, erm, I heard you have...feelings..."
"...O-Oh...?" He squeaked nervously, "W-What did...you hear?"
"That...uh...you don't like me anymore..." I mumbled, avoiding the answer.
"WHAT!? No no no! That's preposterous! You know I-"
"I heard you love me instead."
Sunny stopped in his tracks, wide-eyed; he paled as if he had seen a ghost. "S-Sunbeam, I...I didn't know how to...I didn't think you-"
"I love you, too." I rushed, my face burning with intense heat. I brought my hands to my face, nervous to hear his reaction.
"R-Really...?" Sun whispered, gently pulling my hands into his as he crouched down. I looked up at him, realizing his face was just as red as mine. He gave a wobbly smile and a giggled. "Y-You mean it...?"
I nodded, feeling a bright smile crawl onto my face.
"Y-Yeah. I love you."

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