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An ear-shattering scream filled the air. I retreated to the other side of the office, a futile attempt to remove myself from the situation.
The arm was spasming about on the floor, clawed digits curling into a tight fist. Eclipse's anguished wailing quickly deteriorated into a loud static noise, his voice box likely damaged from the screaming.
The door's power system was running low. God knows what hell laid in wait beyond those few inches of steel. My eyes flicked to the vent.
I knew what I had to do.
I grabbed the severed arm, carrying the twitching appendage as I enacted my escape. Grunting with strain, I lifted myself atop a cluttered desk, standing on tiptoe as I removed the grate and clambered inside.
Based on my previous experiences, I really hated confined spaces. As per usual, I didn't really have a choice. I could hear alarms and buzzers start to sound from the office as the power ran critically low.
The metal security door finally gave way, unleashing the beast upon the quaint hiding space. Yellow eyes scoured the office, the hiss of static coating his growl as he locked eyes with the vent grate cast askew.
I felt a prickling sensation on the back of my neck as I crawled deeper into the ventilation system, risking a look back.
Eclipse's burning stare met mine from the entrance, his figure too large to fit into these vents. With a wordless snarl, he vanished into the pizzaplex.
A full shudder rippled through my body as he disappeared, somehow feeling worse about my situation. He hadn't even spared a taunt- was that the first sign of defeat, or an indication of my impending doom?
Assuming the latter with the severed hand still in my clutch, I continued to crawl forward into the vent system, which creaked and groaned under my weight.
I didn't get too far before the vent gave out, metal screaming as I broke through and fell onto the floor of some hallway.
Footsteps thudded my way urgently, ears catching my clumsy fall. "Y/N? Y/N!" Chris called.
"Where the hell have you been!?" I yowled, unable to disguise the bitterness in my voice.
"You weren't at service and repairs, like you said in your note." Chris argued lightly, hoisting me to my feet by my arm. "Are you serious about him having a virus?"
"Yeah, and it's ugly." I growled.
"Like, how bad is it? 'Cause I was running diagnostics on the system, and-"
"Listen, I just need to get him to repairs so we can reset him." I explained, walking with him towards the daycare. "You'll understand when you see."
"Is that his hand?"
"Yeah. I accidentally cut it off."
Chris grunted with some concern, deciding not to prod much further as he walked with me. I suppose I wouldn't want to know, either.
My heart caught in my throat as we neared the daycare, not really wanting to subject myself to the horrors behind the doors. Chris sensed my hesitation, walking ahead to open the doors.
The door swung open to reveal a perfectly clean daycare.
"Okay, you need to tell me what the fuck happened." Chris ordered, turning back to face me as we walked inside. He seemed frazzled, not knowing how to attack the situation he knew so little of. That made two of us.
It was all right here, though. The bodies. The blood...
For a split second, I doubted my memory. The daycare was too clean, the only evidence being the blood smeared on my clothes. Was it my own blood? I didn't even know anymore. I felt so mind-fucked.
"Eclipse hurt you, right?" Chris prodded, noting my hesitation. I scrunched my eyebrows.
"...no." I admitted slowly, realizing that Eclipse hadn't actually inflicted any true damage on me, at least not with his own hands.
"What's with the blood on you, then?" Chris pried further. Although his questions came from a good place, I couldn't help but feel interrogated. I don't know if it was my adrenaline finally crashing, or some sort of epiphany, but I could feel the sting of tears that began to accumulate.
"I...I don't..." I faltered, my voice breaking. "It was so much..." I whispered, quickly wiping away the wet streaks on my face.
"Forget it. We'll talk about details later." Chris reassured softly, changing his approach. He cleared his throat, nervously itching the back of his head.
"Listen, I just want to make sure you're safe. If he hurt you, or anyone for that matter..." He paused again. Chris didn't like talking about this, but he must've felt a need to tell me. "You know they won't keep unsafe robots around."
He was right, as much as I didn't want to admit it. Eclipse was a threat, especially once people found out about him.
Sun and Moon would be gone forever, then.
But maybe people didn't have to find out about Eclipse. Maybe that's why he was being so elusive in the first place- he knew his fate once prying eyes fell upon him.
"He didn't hurt me." I reassured with a calming sigh, wiping the residual wetness from my cheeks. "I've just had a long, frustrating day. Didn't you say Monty had a virus before?" I asked in an attempt to diffuse the situation.
"Are you kidding? He's had more than I can count." Chris chuckled, patting me on the back comfortingly. "He sure gave me some scares, but he never hurt me, though. I'm sure it'll be the same for you. Just give me a holler when you're ready to run a diagnostics check."
I nodded appreciatively, smiling weakly. "Yeah. Sounds good."
Chris returned the smile before taking his leave, slipping out between the daycare doors.
Something moved inside the daycare once the doors slammed shut behind him.
I turned to watch a dismembered body fall to the floor with a sickening crunch. It was just a tangle of muscle and bones at this point, marred into oblivion.
The rafters. He hid everything in the rafters.
I looked up, squinting into the midnight oblivion above. There- in the dark. If I listened hard enough, I could hear static.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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