Roommates Don't Keep Secrets

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My stomach dropped like a stone. I have to live here!? "S-Sundrop-"
"You can call me Sun, Y/N." He corrected, a warm smile on his face. I swallowed and started again.
"Sun, I can't live here. I have an apartment already, I can't-"
"You are the caretaker of this daycare! You'll need to be here a lot with the day AND night shifts!" He clapped his hands together enthusiastically.
I should've read that contract better.
"You'll have everything you need here," continued Sun, "and I'll keep you company! Your room is right by mine, too!" He gestured to the tower looming over the ball pit. I squinted, now noticing a door that had been painted to be the same color as the tower bricks on the ground floor. Sun's balcony room was directly above it...I wasn't sure how to feel about that. Maybe I'll stay a night since it's so convenient, I thought to myself. Hopefully it's not as stuffy as my apartment.
I wasn't aware how fast time had flown by, but it was about 30 minutes until midnight. The children had slowly thinned out over the day, leaving two or three left at this point. A shy little girl started tapping on my shoulder, taking me out of the conversation with Sun.
"Um...Y/N?" She asked quietly. I smiled and turned my whole body towards her.
"What's up, sweetheart?" She suddenly hugged me.
"Thank you for not doing nap time today, I really had fun today. I like your hair, too! I'll see you tomorrow Y/N! Bye, mister Sun!" The girl toddled off to the exit before I could say anything. I turned to Sundrop, who was suddenly very fidgety.
"We do nap times?" He avoided my gaze, watching the last child leave the daycare.
"Well, um, y-yes-" He stammered, starting to get up. "Oh boy! I think there's quite a mess over in-" I grabbed his arm, pulling him back down.
"Why'd we skip it?" He clearly didn't like this question.
"Er...Ah...well, you see..." He glanced at the clock. 11:45. Sun paled. Why was he so nervous? Sundrop sighed, meeting my eyes. "Moon leads naptime, and he'll be here at lights-out."
I tilted my head in confusion. "Okay, and?" Sun frowned, placing a hand on my shoulder. Seeing him this bothered was new to me.
"Moon is much less...friendly...and..."  he shook his head, "Oh, dear. He's not going to be happy that I've kept you away. You...might want to hide if he's upset, Y/N." Sun gestured at the jungle gym. I laughed, he was surely overreacting; I had watched him panic over a box of crayons and its lack of color coordination earlier today.
"Sun, I think you're just overthinking it!" I gave him a reassuring pat on his stiff shoulder. "I've got to meet him sooner or later. Even if he's half as understanding as you I'm sure we can work it out no-problemo." Sun didn't answer. "Sun?" I gently pushed on his shoulder and he finally turned to me.
"Can you hide just in case?"
"Can't I just go to my room?"
"NO!" He blurted. I flinched at his response; there was a definite tone of desperation in his remark. He took a short breath, composing himself. "Not tonight, sunbeam. He'll expect you to be there." I nodded; it was easier to just go along with it.
"Okay, no room tonight. I can handle myself, Sun."
He sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N, I just want things to go as smoothly as possible." He peered at the clock again- 11:55. Sundrop suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace that left me struggling for air. "Be safe, please. I'm gonna give you some time to find a place to hide," he gave a little squeeze and then let go."I'll be back in the morning, sunbeam." I watched him jump his way up to his room at the top of the tower.
5 minutes until midnight. From what I could understand, I had 5 minutes to hide.

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