Use Your Words

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"Sun told me!" It was a last ditch effort, but it was enough to keep him from ending the conversation.
Moon frowned. "He doesn't know."
"I know something happened- you changed. Sun told me that much."
There was a flicker in his eyes- Anger? Sadness? Perhaps both. "I changed for the better." He muttered.
"How were you before?"
He rolled his eyes as he recalled the memory. "I used to be...calmer. Happier." He grumbled shortly. He realized that I wanted him to continue, at which he growled with frustration, "Do I have to?"
I nodded up at him enthusiastically. "Yes! You owe me."
"Dropping me. Multiple times. And not letting me finish."
He scoffed, somewhat amused at the grudges I held.
"So? Are you going to tell me?"
He seemed unimpressed with my nagging, but ultimately spilled. "There...erm, there was a little girl who used to go here daily..." He started slowly, "Sweetheart. So pure. Innocent."
He paused, his claws digging into a pillow, effectively shredding it with minimal effort. I watched in silence, glad he chose to shred the pillow instead of me.
"One day, I noticed bruises on her. Lots."
He turned to look at me in the eyes, a fiery rage smoldering within his.
"Seeing her like that...It...It changed me, changed my programming." He growled low in his throat, sending a shiver down my spine from the ferocity of his tone.
"Changed" I tentatively asked.
"I found him. I broke every bone in his hands. I dragged him away into the vents, and I laughed." A dangerous chuckle erupted from Moon as he replayed the scene in his mind, "I had never done that before, never hurt someone. But that changed," He ripped some of the plumage out of the pillow, "Seeing him writhe...I loved it." He whispered, a sinister smile occupying his face. I didn't dare respond, not with him in this mood. "Adults make me angry." He concluded with an icy tone.
Let's hope I'm not next.
He blinked, snapping himself out of whatever the fuck that was. He looked down at his hands, flexing and relaxing those clawed digits. "I'm...I..." he struggled for a moment, "I'm...dangerous."
"Do you...want to hurt me?" Might as well get this one out of the way.
"...No." He seemed to hesitate with his answer; I hoped he was just embarrassed to tell the truth.
"But what about the punishments?"
"Preparing you. Just in case I..." he didn't finish the sentence as he grimaced.
"...lose control?" I finished for him. He didn't respond, a flash of worry flickering on his face. So that means yes. The momentary tenderness in his face disappeared, adopting the familiar coldness he normally displayed.
"I'll hurt you, just like every other employee." His body went rigid as he growled his next remark, "You'll die, like every other employee."
"But y-you don't want to." I re-affirmed weakly.
"It's how I am." He said flatly.
"But you weren't like that before! You said so."
There was a beat of silence.
" it a glitch?" I asked quietly.
He didn't like that suggestion.
"A GLITCH?!" He spat out the word like it was a bad taste in his mouth, "I am NOT a glitch." He snarled as he leaned in close, his blazing red eyes being the only thing in my vision. "I am not broken."
"I-I didn't mean to-"
"Stop talking." He snapped, picking me up with both arms outstretched, like I was something he didn't want to touch.
"W-Woah, woah, where are we going?" I wasn't really a fan of getting carried around like this, especially in the nude.
"You are leaving my room."
"Wait, you're not-"
He hung me over the end of the balcony, allowing his grip to slip, "Oops." He commented sarcastically. I yelped, plunging into the ball pit below. After a couple moments of struggle, I was able to claw my way back to the surface.
"Clean yourself up." Moon hissed from above, tossing the shredded clothes on top of me before walking back into his room. He made sure I was watching when he threw the curtains shut.

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