Let's Talk This Out

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My heart was in my throat. The urge to vomit was almost overwhelming.
Eclipse was chuckling- he seemed to sense my fear by the way he gently traced a single claw along my jawline.
"Don't worry. I'll make this quick." Eclipse reassured sweetly. My mouth had instinctually started rambling as soon as I figured that my life would be clipped short in a matter of seconds.
"You're amusing, starbeam." He interjected calmly as he casually inspected one of his taloned hands. Despite the levelness of his tone, I could see the spark of anger as his eyes flicked to meet mine. "But you're too much trouble."
"I-I don't want trouble!" I sputtered, feeling a bead of nervous sweat trickle down the nape of my neck.
"Oh, but you want to fix me, don't you?" He growled. "Sounds like trouble to me."
I was no longer dangling from my shirt as one of his hands curled around my torso, clutching me firmly as he brought me close to his face.
"I've heard everything you've had to say about me, dear starbeam." He lowered his voice to a hiss. "For a long while, too. I've been lisssssstening."
Wait. How long-
The noise resonated from outside the daycare, but it was loud enough for Eclipse to redirect his attention.
"One peep and I'll snap your neck." He hissed into my ear as he whirled to face the daycare doors, where we silently waited. Truthfully, I wasn't sure if I wanted someone to open those doors. As long as I keep Eclipse talking, I could work on persuading him. I mentally paused. Or just escape when you have a chance, you idiot! He won't hesitate to shatter you!
"Yo, check it!" Shouted a muffled voice. The sound of shoes squeaking against tile grew, then slowly faded.
"This is perfect footage, you gotta see this-"
It was a male voice, but he didn't sound like he was alone. Two, maybe three other voices joined in before their voices began to fade. I waited motionless in Eclipse's clutch for awhile longer until he finally refocused his attention.
"Trespassers." He rumbled with amusement. "I'll handle them once I take care of you-"
Keep him distracted! Keep blabbing!
"You're the v-!" I nearly blurted, clamping my mouth shut when I saw the rage build up behind those yellow eyes. Right. Can't say virus. "Err, you came from the arcade game, didn't you?"
"Tch! You think you have it all figured out, don't you?" He spat out angrily. "You think I'm some sort of mistake, right?"
My skin prickled, not liking where this conversation was headed. "Nonono! That's not-"
"You're wrong. Very wrong." He interrupted with a dangerous chuckle. "I'm supposed to be here. I've ALWAYS been here!"
I didn't understand what he meant by that, but I didn't have much time to think once I realized that he was squeezing me in his grip. Very tightly. Do something! I mentally screamed at myself.
"I...be...lieve...you." I managed to huff out, unable to think of anything else.
"What was that?"
"...air..." I wheezed.
He grunted, relaxing his grip on my body. I sucked in a generous amount of air, grateful not to slip into unconsciousness.
"Repeat yourself." He ordered, although he seemed more inquisitive than anything.
"I- echem- I believe you?"
"Do you, now." He eyed me warily, curious but unconvinced. I was glad he was at least willing to listen. I've talked myself out of shit like this before. Let's hope I can do it again.
"I don't know your story, but I'm willing to listen."
"Lis...ten?" He repeated slowly, acting as if he was unfamiliar with the word. His teeth glinted as his mouth curled into a smile. I fought the urge to shudder.
"You're a curious thing, starbeam." He paused for a moment, thinking. "You're not going to run off, right?" He questioned slowly.
"I'll stay right here." I affirmed, my heart fluttering as I realized that I might make it out alive.
Eclipse slowly returned me to the ground, finally releasing me from his talons. He lowered his massive figure so that we could still be face-to-face. There wasn't any way to escape with him so close, but at least I was out of his clutch.
"You ought to learn some manners, though." He lightly scolded. "It's not polite to insult."
"I'm sorry, I'll behave." I figured it would be smart to appease him. What's the worst an apology could do for me, anyhow?
"Oh, I'll make sure you behave." He reassured in a sly tone.
Once again, I found myself eating- no, choking- on my words. He chuckled before continuing.
"In fact-"
The daycare doors slammed open.
"The fuck is that?" Said a voice.

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