Hide and Shriek

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Crawl forward. Stop. Listen. Repeat. I cycled this process for what seemed like hours, staying in place for a couple minutes every once in awhile. Moon had kept up his taunts for some time, but he had been quiet for a long while now, almost too quiet, which worried me. Maybe he went back to the tower, the silence was starting to spark more concern than his taunts, no, no...he's got to be here somewhere.
Unfortunately there hadn't been any more peep-holes in the jungle gym to look out into the daycare, so I had no idea whether or not he was out in the room or in the tubes.
I froze. That was the first noise I've heard in what seemed like hours. He must be in the tubes with me. I could feel my heart rate increase with every passing second.
I couldn't tell where the sound was coming from; I had met a four-way intersection. Each path was pitch black, so I couldn't rely on my sight to find him. My breathing hitched as his cruel cackle resonated throughout the tubes. Fuck, I don't like that. A bead of nervous sweat ran down the nape of my neck.
I snapped my head around to look behind me, a pair of red eyes glaring right back as they approached rapidly.
"NAUGHTY!" crowed Moon, leaping forward. I screamed, scrambling backwards until the floor beneath me disappeared; I had launched myself into a slide head-first. Moon dove to grab me, managing to claw a gash into my shoulder as I fell just out of his reach. Pain suddenly zinged through my skull as I smashed into the side of the slide and tumbled backwards, groaning as my back and my side met the cold plastic as well. Fuck, that stung.
I rolled over onto my back, slowly moving backwards as the glow from his eyes colored the slide red. A harsh, cold laugh erupted from Moon as he crawled down the slide and came into view. I felt my heart turn to ice as my back bumped against a wall.
I was completely fucked.
"Nobody ever wins hide and seek with ME" hissed Moon. He slowly crawled forward, his tongue grazing over those sharp teeth in hungry anticipation. WHY THE FUCK DOES HE HAVE A TONGUE!? I started to tremble. Oh my god, I'm going to get eaten. This is how it ends. Moon's red pupils dilated and contracted as he looked me up and down.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk" he rumbled, "You make an introduction very difficult" he wrapped a hand around my ankle, his claw-like fingers digging into my skin. I whimpered, lowering my head to avoid his burning gaze as he moved himself even closer.
"Look at me, starlight" he whispered into my ear "I want to see you."
I didn't move...I couldn't move! I was petrified with fear.
"Don't tease me, Y/N..." he murmured with a tinge of playfulness. His grip around my ankle  disappeared as he gently traced my jawline with a  sharp finger. "Look at me." I still couldn't bring myself to look up as I felt the tears welling behind my eyes.
His patience must've ran out at this point; he gave a dreadful snarl as he grabbed my jaw roughly.
"LOOK AT ME!" he forced my gaze into his, those pupils constricted into small, burning dots. I felt the tears start to roll down my cheeks as he looked on.
"So naughty for such a pretty face..." He stared for a decent while, letting go and leaning back slightly once he was content. "You wouldn't need so much punishment if you only listened." scolded Moondrop. I looked to the side, noticing another slide directly to my left; I must've overlooked it before, but it was my chance to escape.
I braced myself against the wall behind me as I kicked out at Moon, landing a solid hit on his chest.
He grunted as he fell backwards with a thud, but he was already halfway back up when I dove into the slide.
Thud! Slam! Thunk! The slide didn't hesitate to dish out a hearty amount of bruises as I tumbled down onto a playmat. Wait, a playmat? I looked up into the room, realizing that I had finally escaped the jungle gym. I started to push myself up off the ground, but my face met the mat again as a crushing weight landed atop me.
"Don't you f҉u҉c҉k҉i҉n҉g҉ move." Moon warned in a low, icy tone. "You haven't listened to me all night...you know what that means?" He growled, not waiting for a response. "It means that I'm going to-"

Sun/Moondrop x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें