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I felt hazy. I heard footsteps pacing nearby.
I managed to pry my eyes open to a squint, unsure of where I was. Everything was blurry.
What's....going...on? What....happened?
I had so many questions, but my mouth and my brain must've been out of sync, because all I could manage was:
"Y/N?! Y/N!" Urged a voice. Where...? What's...? I struggled to form a single cohesive thought as my blurred vision slowly ebbed into focus. My throat hurt, but I wasn't entirely sure why.
"Y/N? Wake up please."
I matched the gravelly voice to a very distressed Moon. I could feel that I was on my own bed. My pants were on, but the way the room air met my torso told me that my shirt was absent.
The memories began to flood like a burst dam when the smell of rubbing alcohol reached my nose, but it hit harder when the sting of a thousand bees met my neck.
"GAH!" I yelped, reanimating myself into an upright position with a wild look in my eyes.
"What the fuck is happening!? Where's my shirt?"
Moon was standing on the side of the bed with a panicked expression. His brows were scrunched with worry and the corners of his mouth twitched towards a concentrated frown. I noticed that scratch marks littered his body, too sharp to be made by anyone other than himself. For once, he was entirely serious.
Something was very wrong here.
"There are scratches on your back and some abrasions on your...your neck." He noted hesitantly, his focus wandering to the floor.
"Why did you...what happened!?" I blurted, eyeing him wearily.
"I don't know." He muttered, knowing it wasn't good enough of an answer.
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I don't know!" He hissed through gritted teeth with exasperation, finally meeting my gaze. I flinched, swallowing hard. His eyes widened slightly with the realization and regret of his harsh tone before his guilt-stricken expression returned.
"I don't know what...I didn't..." he looked down at his slightly trembling hands, then back up to me, "I need to go." He hurriedly made a move for the door.
"Moon..." I pleaded, knowing I wouldn't be able to chase him down. He stopped almost immediately, but he didn't turn around right away. He seemed to wipe something off his face before responding.
"I am not me." He stated gravely, refusing to look my way.
"What happened to you? Why did you change like that?" I gingerly rubbed at my throat.
"I wasn't in control. Everything went dark." Moon muttered.
"Maybe it was just a fluke-"
"This doesn't happen," he turned to face me with a hardened countenance, "Ever."
"We can't wait for this to solve itself." I concluded as I slowly rose to my feet, making my way to the dresser. "I need to get you fixed. I-I can get help."
"Right now." I threw on a bra and t-shirt before whirling to face him.
"Y/N..." Was all he could say before his red pupils rolled back into his head. Next thing I knew, Moon had collapsed to the floor.
"Moon!?" I exclaimed, rushing to his side.
"Ngh..." He groaned, allowing a single eyelid to flutter open.
"What's wrong? Is it happening again?!" I felt a surge of panic, not sure if I could go through another incident.
"It wants me." Moon whispered in a hollow tone.
"What does? Are you okay!?"
His eyes flicked back to me, but his gaze didn't feel familiar.
"No." He corrected himself in a low tone.  "It wants you."
I felt my stomach drop and my skin prickle. It!? What was 'it'?
Moon shook his head, struggling to ward off whatever he was battling.
"You. go." He rasped, his face strained with concentration.
"No. I'm staying right here."
Moon seemed to grimace as he prepared himself for his response.
"Go get Chris."
I knew the situation was dire if Moon wanted Chris, of all people, around.
"That bad?" I asked nervously.
"It's trying to corrupt me."
"You think it already got Sunny?"
There was a deafening pang of silence.
"We can only hope for the best." He replied vaguely.
"What do you mean?"
"I can't protect you out there-" he pointed into the daycare, "You know this."
The daytime lights weren't scheduled to turn on for awhile longer, but Moon was right. If Sunny was corrupted, I'd have nobody to protect me. Nobody to protect the kids. Nothing.
The kids...
"I'm cancelling the daycare today." Moon nodded in agreement, watching me as I made my way to the door. "Are you coming?"
"I'm not going with you. I don't trust myself." He replied in a somber tone, averting his eyes for a moment. I hesitated, not wanting to leave him alone.
"Tick tock." Moon reminded. I nodded, making my decision.
"Stay put. I'll be back soon." I opened the apartment door, taking a step out into the daycare before looking back at him.
Moon nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching towards the inkling of a smile.
"Be safe. I love you." He rumbled quietly.

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