A Very Aggressive Stalker

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No, no no! This can't be happening! I tried my best to recall where I had ran from.
Left....left...right...left...? I couldn't remember.
It was no use; I could only hope that I'd manage to find a way out as I wandered in the dark. There weren't even staff bots down here, which was weird. Probably just couldn't make their way down the stairs... I turned a corner, noticing two faint lights at the end of the hallway. The hell is that?
I wasn't sure whether I should go towards or away. I glanced behind me. Maybe I'm better off taking a different route.
The lights were noticeably closer when I looked back.
Mm, don't like that. I turned around to walk away, but a faint noise caught my attention- footsteps.
I whipped back around, the lights bouncing as they grew brighter and closer. Those weren't just lights- they were eyes. They were approaching fast, too. I screamed, turning heel and running away from the lights of death.
Left, right, right, left. I turned corners at what felt like was the speed of light, searching for any means of escape. I could still hear the footsteps behind me, but I didn't dare take a look back to see how close it was.
I didn't want to know.
I was beginning to run out of breath and I could feel myself slowing down; the footsteps were getting closer. There was only one thing I could think to do.
I turned around and clicked on the flashlight, aiming it in front of me with my eyes squinched shut. The footsteps stopped. Why am I not dead? I slowly opened my eyes.
Standing not 5 feet away was a massive endoskeleton, its mouth gaped open as it blankly stared me down with its glowing eyes. It stood like it had been frozen in time with its arm outstretched to grab me. I shuddered, slowly backing away. That was close. Too close. I narrowed my eyes at the ugly thing, getting real fed up about the frequent near-death experiences.
"You're a bitch!" I spat out at the hunk of metal; It made me feel somewhat better as I kept up my retreat. The light flickered; the flashlight was starting to die on me again.
During the brief flicker of darkness, the animatronic had shuddered forward another half-step.
"No no no, not right now please..." I begged the flashlight, whose light was beginning to flicker more and more. It was nearing a strobe-like type of flashing as I watched the animatronic step it's way toward me between flickers.
This is bad. This is really bad.
A new sound reached my ears- a very familiar growl. I watched in horror between strobes as Moon appeared from behind the endoskeleton, pouncing on it. The thing let out a horrible screech as Moon tore off its arms and head with precise and effective motions. He stood hunched for a moment, and then looked up to meet my eyes. The flashlight finally died, leaving me to stare into the blood-red luminescence of his gaze.
"M-Moon..." I started, my voice shaky. "I didn't know-" I cut myself off with a scream as Moon lunged towards me, releasing a horrific snarl. I dove to the side, but he hadn't been aiming at me.
I heard him collide into something else, and then came another screech. It dawned on me that there had been another endoskeleton approaching me from behind, and Moon had saved me.
He turned to me, the red glow illuminating his face. He looked angry, but he didn't make a move to dish out a punishment.
"Y/N." Said Moon, his tone icy. His eyes pierced my soul.
"Wh-" I started, but he cut me off.
"Do not make this mistake again." He instructed sternly. Was that...worry in his voice? I was shocked. It had to be!
"Stop smiling. Nothing here is funny."
I hadn't noticed the faint smile that had formed on my face, but I quickly extinguished it after his scold. It had also failed to occur to me that he would have night vision despite being a creature of the night. Good on me for being oblivious.
I made an effort to begin to my apology, but he hushed me. Both of us snapped our attention to the progressing glow of a flashlight in a nearby hall.
Someone was here.

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