I Didn't Think This Through

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I'm sure he meant it as a lighthearted flirt, but my heart felt like it shot out of my chest as I watched him walk away. Does he know what he's saying!? Oh my god, how much did Moon tell him? I could only imagine. Maybe I'll do the interrogation some other time. I was seriously debating it. But then I'd be subject to another one of Moon's torments. I sighed- I had to find out sooner than later.
Sunny's boundless energy overshadowed the kids. If anything, he tired them out this time around. I began to reconsider the cleverness of this set-up. Who knows what he could do, being this amped-up? I can't wait to see. My mind drifted into dangerous thoughts, and I didn't catch myself; that kiss really did something to me. I wonder how much Moon told him. Part of me wanted to find out, but I eventually reigned in my daydreams. Figure out what the whole punishment thing is about first.
I sat on the thought for a moment.
Maybe I can get both of them to talk. I had to deal with naptime, regardless if I wanted to or not. Let's hope he's in a good mood. The last thing I wanted was to be spattered on the floor in front of a bunch of kids- that would be both humiliating and traumatizing.
I became more and more nervous the closer the clock ticked towards naptime. Keeping my hands busy seemed to help, so I hyper-focused on cleaning up after the kids. Sun made sure to give me a nudge when the time came along, at which I groaned.
"Don't worry, Y/N. Just focus on the fun we can have afterwards!" Sunny assured. He seemed so excited for repairs tonight. I felt like a piece of shit for tricking him. Let's hope I can just get it over with quick. I smiled and nodded at him, walking over to the timer. I waited for Sun to climb into his tower. He should be in a good mood, right?
I flicked off the lights, but I didn't run this time. He said I needed to start fighting back. I stood my ground, securing a sanitary bottle in my hand. I blinked a couple times to adjust to the darkness, keeping my eyes trained on the tower balcony.
Nothing happened.
Where is he!? I squinted up at the tower, searching for those crimson pupils.
A firm hand wrapped around my torso from behind as the other secured its place around my neck.
"Moon-!" I began, but he quickly cut me off, fastening his hand more securely around my throat.
"Shh, starlight..." he mumbled, "...Although I love when you say my name like that..." he half-growled, half-purred with satisfaction. He's happy to see me...I think. So far, he hadn't thrown, dropped, or slashed at me, so it was a good start.
He purred into my ear as his other hand moved down from my waist to massage my outer thigh. "I'm sure you're very curious on how I found out about..." he leaned in close behind me, "...human anatomy."
I swallowed hard. I wanted to know, but I needed my questions answered first.
"I'm, uh, curious about why you want to terrorize me so much."
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to." He reprimanded quietly, "Unless you want a punishment..." I shook my head, which prompted a pleased growl from Moon.
"Perhaps not, then..." he paused, "...but I see that spray bottle."
There was a beat of silence.
"Why don't you be a good girl and set it down?" He suggested lowly.
Say less. I let the bottle fall from my grip; it wasn't worth the punishment. Although I couldn't see him, I knew there was a sly smile proudly bestowed upon his face.
"You're being very good..." he praised, the whirring getting louder as his hand moved closer towards the inside of my thigh. He was watching my reactions; moving further only if he saw that I was enjoying it. In other words, his hand didn't take too much time to reach the sensitive skin of my inner thigh.
"Naughty, naughty..." he rumbled.
"There are kids right there." I muttered, shifting my gaze over to the hoard of sleeping children across the room.
"Afraid you'll be too loud?" He teased, a gravelly chuckle erupting from him.
"I...uhm...ah..." I stammered, watching his hand move upwards between my legs.

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