Seeing Red

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Eclipse turned around, hissing as camera lights flashed at him.
A small group of teenagers were clustered at the daycare entrance, their cameras and flashlights honed in on the fifteen-foot monstrosity. Eclipse's back was turned to me, but I knew his face was twisted into a horrible snarl based on the panic in the teenager's expressions.
"GogogogoGO! FUCKING GO!" Yelled one of the group members as he shoved the others back out into the pizzaplex.
They weren't quick enough, though.
Eclipse already had one of the teens in his grasp, juggling the unfortunate soul between his four taloned hands. The boy was shrieking and wailing in a panic, struggling in vain against the mechanical hand that ensnared his body. As for his friends, they had scattered. Left him behind.
"HELP! GUYS PLE-" he had cut himself off with a shrill scream, followed by the popping and snapping of bone, tissue, and cartilage as his innards were suddenly splayed across the daycare.
Blood had sprayed itself everywhere, and I had found myself staring wide-eyed at the droplets of crimson speckling my clothes.
A crunching noise had snapped me back to focus on the aberration. This was too much. I couldn't stick around for this; simply couldn't stomach such a gruesome sight.
There was so much blood.
My feet instinctually carried me away from the horrors I had been subjected to, a sickly feeling beginning to fester in my stomach.
Unfortunately, this did not go unnoticed.
"LIAR!" Eclipse shouted after me, having turned back around to keep tabs on where I was. Much to his despair, I had already traveled across the daycare, nearing an exit. I could feel his stare burn into the back of my head. "Y/N!" Eclipse snarled with absolute hostility. I risked a single glance backwards, long enough to see him winding up to hurl something at me. I took the hint and dropped to the ground as he followed through with the pitch.
Although the ballistic was hurtling at an impressive speed, I was still able to make out a few key details as it neared closer: hair, teeth, and eyes.
It couldn't be.
The features of the face has disappeared in an instant as the severed head shattered against the wall, skull fragments ricocheting everywhere like a grenade. I could feel a prickling sensation as some of the shrapnel had buried itself into the flesh on my arm.
That wasn't the worst of it, though.
Brain matter had exploded everywhere, and my mouth must've been open in that instant. I spat out the contents in a frenzy, panic gripping me by the throat as my stomach knotted three times over. I didn't know what to do. I was frozen in my tracks. A painful pressure was applied to my arm, redirecting my attention.
One of the teenagers.
He was terrified. I could see the animalistic panic in his eyes. Yet here he was, dragging me through an exit into a hallway, loudly urging me to run. He did the best he could to barricade the doors we had just passed through, throwing the emergency deadbolt before searching for anything extra to protect us.
"YOU PROMISED!" came the muffled scream, the thundering footsteps approaching closer as Eclipse neared the door. The anger in his voice and the panic it spurred was enough to bring me to my senses. The boy was digging something out of a pile of debris. The doors began to groan with strain with Eclipse trying to break through. I turned on my heels, searching for any sort of escape. We couldn't outrun him. It was down to hiding or fighting, and I wasn't confident in our chances of defeating Eclipse.
The sounds behind me only fueled my drive. I knew he'd break through soon enough.
And that's when I saw it.
A laundry chute.
The fall down it could kill us. Then again, it could take us away from here. It was necessary gamble. I wasn't waiting around in hopes that Eclipse just wanted to talk. I ran to the chute, unlocking and opening the metal grate.
"Hey-!" I cut myself off immediately as I looked back over to the teen, sucking in a sharp breath.
Blood. Everywhere.
I had only looked away for a couple seconds, but it was all the time Eclipse had needed.

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