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Vent chapter 🤨🤨
Tw: sh, suicide

[ Narrator ]

Boris slammed the door and followed Y/n inside, trying to breathe properly. "Y/n!" He grabbed her wrist as she got to the stairs and she pulled it away.

Boris ran past her and blocked the stairway.

Y/n tried to go underneath but he grabbed her and sat down. Y/n struggled and got free, stepping past him and running up the stairs.

Boris stood up and slipped, falling and hitting his chin on the hard planks of the stairs. He winced for a moment but got up and ran after her.

"Y/n! Please wait. You do not understand." Boris pleaded.

Y/n opened the door and stepped out, making Boris back up.

"I understand perfectly fucking fine. You're a fucking drug addict Boris. You've chosen drugs over me again."

"I am sorry-"

"No you aren't! Don't even- You're not sorry, Boris. You're never fucking sorry."

He shook his head and his tears mixed with the blood of his split chin and fell onto the carpet below.

"Y/n I love you. I love you. I am... There is something wrong. Y/n please do not leave. I am trying to get better but it is hard."

Y/n looked back at the open suitcase on the bed and then back at Boris.

He genuinely looked so sad and so sorry.

She turned and shut the door, locking it behind her. Boris didn't even care it was his house and his room. Because in his mind it was always their house and their room.

He walked over to the bathroom and shut the door, sitting down. He wiped his eyes and tried to stop crying but only caused more tears to come.

He lost control of his breathing as he tried to stop crying. Boris stood up and punched the wall as hard as he could repetitively.

He slammed his head against the wall pulled at his hair.

Why? Why? Why? Why did he always go back to drugs? Why couldn't he control himself? Why does he do things he knows are bad? Why isn't he like the other boys at his school?

He turned and looked in the mirror. Normally at this point he would've just taken some pills and passed out on the sidewalk.

He threw the glass sitting on the counter at the wall and sat down.

Y/n sat with her knees against her chest, crying against Boris's door. She wanted to help him so bad but didn't know how.

She got up and unlocked the door, walking towards the bathroom.

She was never scared of Boris before. But she had never really seen him like this. She opened the door and immediately her entire body dropped.

"Boris! No!" She rushed to his side and grabbed the razor blade, throwing it away from them. She grabbed his wrist and turned the water on.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now