The mask

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[ Narrator ]

Every night, Miles makes Y/n put on a sleeping mask and refuses to let her take it off till dawn. He also says it's a must that she's always touching him in some way. Even if it's just holding his hand.

The mask was custom made so Y/n couldn't take it off. Miles tied it at night and in the morning, he'd untie it. If she needed to do anything in the night, he'd help her.

She never doubted anything he said and always listened. But she was starting to wonder.

"Miles..?" She whispered. He hummed and Y/n kissed his shoulder. "Why do you make me wear this?" She asked.

Miles contemplated. Honestly, it's because he knows very surely his house is haunted and that his room in particular is a hotspot for apparitions. He didn't want Y/n to see one and be scared so he made her wear the mask. That way, if she opens her eyes in the night, she won't be face to face with Quint or anyone else who died on the property. (Which was quite a large sum of people.)

"Uh... Just because." He replied. "What if I want to look at your handsome face?" She said. Miles blushed and turned away. "Then look tomorrow. Pinky promise it'll stay the same." He joked. "Milo..." Y/n whined. "Baby, just because. Okay? It's for your own good. Trust me. Do you trust me?"

Y/n laid there quietly for a moment before sighing. "Fine. I trust you." She whispered.

"Good. I love you." He kissed her forehead and cuddled up to her.

"Love you too, Miles..."

. . .

The next morning Miles untied the mask, humming to himself. He pulled it off from in front of her eyes and Y/n squinted. She looked around, looking at the room. Miles kissed her neck and shoulders before moving back up to kiss her cheek. "Good morning." He grinned. "Good morning." Y/n said groggily.

Miles has been at the stables for the past few hours. He has a baby monitor in his room so he'll hear when she whines. Y/n always whines when she gets up. He finds it quite adorable honestly. And sometimes it makes him horny.

He showed her the outfit he picked for her, waiting for her approval. She flopped back on he bed and rolled over, slamming her arms on the duvet. Miles set the dress down and walked over. He hit her ass and sat down next to her. Y/n looked over and sent him a glare but he playfully smiled back. "I don't want to change." She whined.

She was wearing a tank top and his boxers. Her favorite thing to wear to bed. "No? You have to. We have a date today. Remember?"

"Can't we reschedule. I want to stay here and cuddle."

Miles sighed and laid down with her. "Princess. You have to get up." He tucked loose hair behind her ear and admired her face. "Milo... I don't wanna." She whined. "Please." He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. "For me?" He asked. Y/n groaned and Miles sat up. "Good girl." He smiled.

. . .

Miles and Y/n had returned from their date and Miles was tending to the horses. Y/n was in their room, staring at the mask. Miles would notice if she cut eye holes... Y/n didn't know how she could take it off. The way Miles has it tied requires someone looking at it to untie it... He wakes up if she moves too much and isn't touching him... And not only are there several layers to the mask, but not a single one is sheer.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now