Baby cries & night terrors

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Y/n hummed to Oliver, trying to get him to fall back asleep. She looked back at Bobert, who was tossing around. "Can't catch a break..." She whispered. She kissed Oli's forehead and laid him back in his crib, pulling his small blanket over him. He was asleep the second his head touched the pillow so Y/n got back in bed.

Bobert was crying, shaking, and mumbling incoherently. Y/n had to wake him up before he woke himself up. Bobert has frequent night terrors and always screams. This has happened multiple times already this week and she was starting to worry. Not only that but it caused a horrid commotion in the house.


Bobert sat up, immediately shaking Y/n harshly. Victor started crying, screaming for attention. Bobert was too far in his head to be able to comfort either of the twins so Y/n got out of bed and grabbed them both from their cribs. She sat back in bed and rocked the two crying babies. She urged her husband to lay in her lap, which he gladly did.

Oliver quickly stopped crying, squeezing his small fist into his mouth to chew on it. "Shhh... Shhhh..." Y/n whispered, setting Oliver down so she could comfort Bobert. Victor screamed and Y/n rocked him more, kissing his head and quietly singing a lullaby. Victor slowly stopped crying, reaching up and playing with his mother's hair.

Y/n smiled, kissing his head again. She nudged Bobert off and laid the twins back down. They both fell asleep quite quickly. They always have. Y/n got back in bed and grabbed Bobert. He shook his head and pushed her away for a moment before Y/n started combing her fingers through his hair. "It's me, love. It's Y/n."

Bobert hugged her tightly, crying into her warm skin. She comforted him well and eventually got him to sleep again. By then the sun was rising though so she just went downstairs and started making breakfast.

Y/n shook Bobert awake before he could wake himself up. He looked around wide-eyed for a moment before hugging her. "It's okay... It's alright. I'm here, you're safe." She comforted. Bobert couldn't stop sobbing. He felt pathetic. The grasp his step father still held over him made him sick. Sick...

Bobert got out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Y/n was quick to follow turning the light on and shutting the door behind herself. Bobert threw up, clutching the toilet seat tightly. Y/n rubbed his back and lightly kissed his neck. The first time he asked her to do that she was grossed out. Kissing someone's neck while they're puking?!

But, it comforted him well.

He finished and flushed the toilet. Y/n filled up a cup and passed it to him. Bobert drank out of it and looked up at Y/n. "I'm sorry. They're getting worse and... I don't know why. I've been thinking of just sleeping on the couch so you get more-"

Y/n kissed him, shutting him up. She pulled away and filled up a cup with water as well, chugging it. "I taste like throw up, huh..." Y/n nodded and smiled a little before shaking her head. "No, I don't want you on the couch." She looked up at him. He looked ill. Pale skin, eyes sunken in, dark circles, dull eyes...

"That's your bed. Your room. You earned it by becoming alpha and it'd be such a waste for you to sleep on the couch... Plus, you take up the whole thing and other people sleep there." Bobert nodded and laughed a little. "If you want to talk about your nightmares I'll listen, baby."

He nodded and looked away. "But... Not right now. I'll give you time, okay? Brush your teeth and get back in bed. I'm exhausted."

She stood up and Bobert smacked her ass lightly as she tuned to talk away. He stood up and pulled out his toothbrush. His hands shook as he thought of the nightmare.

'He can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt you anymore. He can't hurt you anymore.'

Bobert chanted the sentence over and over again in his head as he brushed his teeth. Bobert had killed his stepdad two years ago. It felt fucking amazing but still he haunted him. Bobert finished brushing his teeth and walked back into the room. He stopped by the twins' cribs, as they were on his side of the bed, and looked down at them.

They looked like the exact replica of Bobert. It was like looking at his old baby photos. He got in bed and hugged Y/n tightly. "Love you." She mumbled, already half asleep.

"I love you more..." Bobert whispered, kissing her head.

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