Valentine's Day

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(Anything in italics is a memory of when they were kids)

[ Y/n ]

"Y/n/n? Wake up! It's Miles. Remember?" I opened my eyes and Miles smiled widely at me. "Miles..?" He nodded and got in my bed, hugging me "Hurry and get dressed. It's Valentine's Day!"


"So?! So we're gonna go have a picnic! Because we're boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Miles used to love celebrating Valentine's Day but over time it just changed. I enjoyed it more and he enjoyed it less. I don't know why but every year I try to make him enjoy being my Valentine.

"Miles?" I looked up at him and he hummed. The town was quiet, which is probably why Miles and I enjoy exploring it so much.  "Why don't you like Valentine's Day anymore?"

"Because it's for virgins."

I rolled my eyes and stopped him. "Fine. If it's for virgins let's spice it up." I pointed into a store and he looked over at it. "Lingerie?" I nodded and he looked back down at me. "No, doll. Are you ready to go back to the house?" I shook my head and pulled him towards the store. "Sex isn't going to make my Valentine's Day any better."

"Fine." I stopped pulling him towards the store and we walked back to Bly.

"Don't be mad Y/n/n." Miles nudged me and I shook my head. "I'm not mad." I responded. "Yes, you are." I sighed and continued walking in silence. We walked through the gates and Miles stopped. "It's not that big of a deal... It's not even a real holiday."

"Well it's a big deal to me!"

"Y/n, we do typical Valentine's Day shit every other day of the year. What do you want me to do? I'm happy to give you gifts and kisses but it's just a pointless holiday."

Suddenly it hit me. Who had said that before?

"Miles, what are you doing?" Quint came walking towards us and Miles smiled. "I'm having a picnic with Y/n. We do it every Valentine's Day."

"Seriously? Come, boy. Valentine's Day is a pointless holiday. There is much to be done. Sorry Y/n but Miles and I have more important matters than your constant need for attention."

"Quint did this."


"He's fucking dead and you're still worried about how he feels about you?!"

Miles stood silently and I scoffed. "Whatever. You're pathetic. And by the way, I don't have a constant need for attention. It's just nice to spend a holiday based around romance with the one person you love the most. Which has always been you, by the way. But sorry I was distracting you from that creep."

"Don't call him that."

"Okay, I have plenty of other names for him. Child molester, pervert, weirdo, the grossest man on planet earth, bad example, should I go on?"

"He's none of those!"

"You know the things he did just as well as I do. So don't think for a second that he actually ever cared about anything more than how much money was in your pocket."

I walked away, angry that he was ever close to a disgusting thing like Quint.

.  .  .


"Go away Miles."

"No I-"

"I told you to go away."

"Shut up! I'm trying to apologize!"

He sat on my bed and put a hand on my hip. "I know I'm a dick and I'm trying to not be one but it's really hard... I'm also sorry I let Quint get in the way of something that was so special to us... I want to make it up to you. I really do!"

"Miles it's like 10 o'clock."

He pushed me over slightly and laid down, hugging me close to him. "So? A little late night adventure never stoped up before." He kissed my neck and I couldn't help but smiled. "Fine..." 


.  .  .

Miles led me through the maze that we both knew like the palm of our hands until we were at the middle. I gasped and looked at all the stuff he had set out. "Miles this is so lovely..." I sat down and he did as well. "You like it?" I nodded and looked up at him. "I love it."

.  .  .

The candles illuminated his face perfectly. Miles honestly looks like a god. "I... Got you some stuff."

Miles pulled out a few gifts and I sighed. "Miles-"

"I did have to get you something I'm rich."

I laughed and took the presents from him. I opened the first one and gasped. "I thought they'd look really pretty on you..." I pulled out a locket and earrings. "Miles they're beautiful."

"Look inside..."

I opened the locket and laughed. There was a picture of him and I as kids. "Miles... Seriously this is too cute."

He helped me put them on and I moved on to the next thing. I opened it and sighed. "Well it was you who said you wanted to spice things up." I pulled out the red lingerie and admired it. "I guess since it's a present I have to put it on... But I'll wait till after this." I put it back in the box and put the lid on it. "Okay and one more gift..." Miles added.



He opened his arms and I gladly jumped into them. Miles shifted me into his lap and pressed his lips against mine. We kissed for a moment before he pulled away. "I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Miles..."

"I'm sorry I ruined Valentine's Day for like 7 years straight."

"This makes up for it."

He smiled and I leaned in to kiss him again. "Wait..." I stopped and stared at him.

"Can we move this inside so I can see you in that lingerie?"

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now