Tyler's house

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[ Narrator ]

Tyler has been dating Y/n for over a year now and he still refuses to let her come over to his house.

Every time she brought it up it was a fight.

She had no clue what he was trying to hide but soon realized it was his mother.

Tyler loved his mom so much. He took great care of her. But he was afraid of what Y/n would think. Plus, he didn't have a nice house.

It was a shitty 3 bed, 2 bath one story house that hadn't been renovated since 1980 and looked like something from a nightmare.

He tried his best to keep it clean but his mom would just go through and trash it looking for things in a manic haze.

So he made sure everything she would want was always laid out of her.

It looked like a mess of pills and garbage to those who didn't know why it was there.

But Tyler finally said yes. Y/n finally convinced him and she was standing outside.

At first the thought he was joking. There's no way he lived here. It wasn't suitable for people. But instead she smiled and knocked on the door.

It slowly opened and Tyler peeked out. He avoided eye contact and cleared his throat. He wasn't opening the door enough for her to see inside.

"Do you really want to do this..." he whispered. "Tyler... Of course. This isn't going to change how I feel about you, you know that. Right?"

He didn't do anything and Y/n frowned. "Oh Tyler..." she walked forward and grabbed his cheeks. Y/n kissed him for a moment before pulling away and stroking his hair.

"I love you Ty."

"I love you too..."

He slowly opened the door and let Y/n in. She looked around at the mess but just grinned. Tyler grabbed her hand and went to pull her along when his mom emerged from the dark hall.

"Tyler! Who's that? Hi, I'm Tyler's mom. Isn't he handsome? Fix your hair. Have you seen your dads jacket anywhere? I can't find it. But don't tell me out loud. Write it down. They're listening."

Tyler was humiliated. He let go of Y/n's hand and walked over to the coat rack.

"I hung it up for you. So nothing would happen so it." He helped his mother put it on and grabbed her hand.

"It's okay. It's okay. No one's listening mom." He led her to her room and laid her in bed. Y/n followed and watched as Tyler opened a few pill bottles.

"Magic pills." His mom repeated. Tyler turned and looked at Y/n before turning back to his mom. He honestly wanted to cry.

But so did Y/n. This way of life seemed... Devastating.

"Shhh... It's okay. It's okay. I'll make sure they don't get you, okay? Promise. Just rest." Tyler kissed his mom's forehead and stood up.

"It's okay. I'll make food for when you wake up so just rest."

He slowly left the room, closing the door. Y/n bit her lip and Tyler stared at his shoes. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "F-for what?" Y/n was trying so hard not to cry.

"For this. My house is a shithole and my mom is... She's sick but... I'm taking care of her."

Y/n nodded and hugged him. "Don't be sorry Ty, you're doing amazing." He hugged her back and nodded. "Thank you."

They stood there for a moment before Tyler let go and walked to the kitchen.

"She's not always like this. After my dad died everything just kinda... Went to shit. But sometimes she's happy and... Normal. I guess."

Tyler prepared food for his mother while Y/n looked around. "Tyler... Your mom seems like a lovely woman."

"When she's not crazy." He snapped.

Y/n was taken aback by his sudden mood change and Tyler dropped his head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Everyone I've ever brought to meet her has called her crazy and shit... But she's not crazy."

"I wasn't going to say that. I don't think your mom's crazy at all. She went through something terrible. You did too. Losing your dad was... There are no words for what happened but you guys are doing to good. Especially you Ty. If you need to talk about it you can... You know that, right?"

Tyler nodded and smiled. "I'm sorry. Thank you for understanding. I was so afraid you'd leave me but I can't help it. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Y/n smiled and hugged Tyler. "I can't express how much I love you." She sighed. "And I still know I love you more." He responded.

"No way."

Tyler picked Y/n up and kissed her neck. "Yes way. Yes wayyyy!" He teased, spinning her around. Y/n laughed and held onto him tightly.

Tyler set Y/n down and they both grinned at each other.

She noticed the happy shimmer in his eyes that he had lacked when he first answered the door. Tyler noticed the comfort she had lacked at first and he kissed her again.

The young couple swayed and kissed in Tyler's cluttered kitchen for several minutes before they parted so Tyler could make his mother food.

Y/n watched quietly in awe of her boyfriend. There was so much she had learned from today and she was so glad that he had let her see this side of him.

Tyler felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders and beyond happy that Y/n still loved him.

For the rest of the day they simply enjoyed each other's presence, despite the time when Tyler's mother woke up and startled from a nightmare and had Tyler had to go comfort her, and cuddled.

They were so happy together always, despite where they were and how shitty everything was. And for Tyler, that's all he wanted.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now