Midnight snacks

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Part uno
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[ Tyler ]

Don't fuck this up. Don't fuck this up. Don't. Fuck. This. Up.

The door opened and I smiled. "Y/n for pizza?"

Fuck me.

"Did you misspeak or are you asking me out with terrible grammar?" She laughed. "Both?" Thank god, that gets two things out of the way. Good job Tyler. "One, I'd love to go out with you and two, thank you. She grabbed the pizza and walked away. "Hey, you can come inside if you want." She offered. "Better not... I have three other pizzas that gotta go..." I mumbled as she came back with her wallet.

"Too bad... Can you come over after work?"

"Tutoring... But if you give me your number we can... Set something up?"

She smiled and nodded, hanging me the money. "Thanks for the big tips by the way... It's really helpful." I said as she walked back away. "Thanks for being cute and making my days better. Pizza delivered by a cute boy? I mean, it doesn't get much better than that..." She mumbled as she motioned for me to hold out my wrist.

I pulled my sleeve up and she wrote down her number. "Wow... You're handwriting is nice." I admired. She laughed and stood up. "You're so sweet, Tyler."

I shrugged and she leaned in, kissing my cheek. My eyes widened and she pulled away. "Better deliver those other pizzas..."

"No..." I sighed, smiling at her.


"Fuck, I mean yeah. Yeah, I should. I'll text you though."

. . .

"Mom... I'm home." I stretched and pulled my shirt off. There were no lights on and my clothes were wet from the rain that had started a few minutes ago. "Mom?" I walked around, looking for her. I saw her asleep at the table and looked back at the kitchen. Shit... No dinner... I sighed and started the oven.

Guess I'll make us nuggets and mac-and-cheese... Again.

I'm tired of it but it's all we can fucking afford.

I pulled out a tray and dumped some nuggets on it. Fuck, only five left...

. . .

"Mom... I made dinner..." I whispered, shaking her. "John?" She mumbled. "N-no mom... It's Tyler."

"Oh... Tyler... How was tutoring?" She asked. "Good. I already ate so..." She nodded and I sucked my stomach in so it wouldn't growl. "Thank you, Tyler." I nodded and sat down. Mac-and-cheese isn't enough... I'm so hungry. Fuck, I'm so hungry!

"I don't like it when you sleep at the table..." I muttered, scratching my forehead. "I know but I just get so tired." She replied. "It makes your back hurt and then when you go to work your back is hurting and it's a whole ordeal... Just go lay on the couch or try sleeping in your bed, mom. You always sleep here. It's not good for you."

She sighed and I tried not to look at the food. "Did you get any tips?" She asked. "Yeah, a shi- a bunch." I said happily. "Good, we need groceries."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now