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    The blood moon disappeared behind the dark edge of the cliff, the narrow streak of sky above his head still had a faint reddish hue.

    A silver-gray shadow swished through the gradually dimming shadow, like a fast and silent breeze, sliding through the gasp between the stone wall and the ground.

    The dense dark elements flowed through his fur, leaving a burning pain on the unhealed wounds.

    The strong muscles that haven’t been used in a long time emitted exciting soreness when they contracted and stretched, stimulating his nerves, blood rushed through the body quickly, sweeping like river through his ears, and a current of excitement surged.

    Elinor stopped suddenly once in a while.

    He raised his head and sniffed the air, his fluffy pointed ears turned vigilantly, catching the slightest fluctuation in the air.

    That human being was very skilled in covering up his whereabouts.

    This brought great difficulty to tracking him.

    Fortunately, there was no wind and no light at the bottom of the abyss, and fewer creatures appeared, as a result even tiny traces stayed longer than usual.

    Elinor smelled a protruding rock somewhere on the wall, and then rushed out again like a shadow.

    The primitive excitement of hunting made his pupils dilate, like a bottomless black hole in the hot gold, shining with a fierce and cruel wild brilliance.

    Elinor could feel that the distance between them was shortening.

    He cautiously avoided areas where the dark elements were more concentrated, to avoid encountering other creatures at the bottom of the abyss, and to prevent himself from being dominated by the desire to hunt.

    There were more and more remnants and traces in the air and on the ground.

    Sometimes it was a few drops of dried blood that had not been licked away, sometimes it was a bone blade that was half broken in the crevices of the rocks, or even a half of the remnants of bones that had been gnawed by other creatures. In addition to the messy tooth marks, on the bone surface precise and cold cuts could be seen.

    During the focused running, passage of time could hardly be noticed.

    The blood moon rose and fell, the cold and bloody brilliance fell once again on the ground.

    In the heavy darkness that moonlight couldn’t illuminate, creatures walked through, the brutal gnawing and disgusting swallowing sounds were amplified by the silence before sinking in the abyss, and mysterious monsters moved their ugly bodies. The bottom of the entire abyss seemed to come to life again.

    Elinor jumped onto a hanging rock, and the incomplete blood moon reflected in his eyes.

    He sniffed the air.

    Familiar smell.

    That human was nearby.

    He continued to jump towards upwards, and finally, behind an extremely concealed rock, Elinor smelled an abnormal wave of dark elements. He leaped lightly in the direction where the wave came from. At the moment he landed, he noticed a strange attacking aura and jumped back keenly – but his current size was still too small, and he was still injured in his front paw by the repelling dark element.

    Elinor licked his burned paw pad, and the shallow burn marks were imprinted on the bottom of his paws.

    He looked over there. A barrier formed by the dark elements was cut to an inconspicuous opening by his subconsciously extended claws.

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