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For the next six months, Lucy quietly traveled back and forth between the Royal Palace and Masrur's personal residence where he and Masud were ordered to live to continue breastfeeding Masud. Masrur, who had not once left Lucy's side since he was made her guard was forced to limit his time with her, the room that he had used in the Soleil Palace soon becoming vacant but was left untouched. Though others were suspicious of Masrur's actions and above all, surprised at the child that Masrur had suddenly brought, none questioned any further after a glare from him.

"This child has no mother," he clearly stated, his crimson eyes digging deep into theirs as he refused any objections. "Only a father."

To others, it was a warning to not question any further. From his words alone and the tone in which he said it gave them the idea that it was only a one time fling and that Masrur despised the woman with his entire being for not only using devious measures to sleep with him so as to climb up the social ladder but also for abandoning the child. They could only assume that Masrur had killed the woman, leaving the child with only him as a family. But, the truth was the very opposite. The words he said were the words that he wished he would never have to say and words that broke his heart as he gritted his teeth in frustration and anger as he remembered Lucy's expression at the time.

Masud did have a mother. A mother who cared for him and loved him to the point where she was willing to exchange her life and freedom for his.

In the blink of an eye, five years had passed since the birth of Sikandar and Masud, the Kingdom of Sindria continuing to enjoy endless prosperity and wealth under the rule of King Sinbad and Queen Lucy. While Sikandar grew up in the Royal Palace and was raised as the Royal Heir, Masud was raised by Masrur in his residence as a knight who trained with the goal of joining the Royal Army and succeeding Masrur's position. The early memories that Masud had of Lucy had long but faded and no one suspected anything of his birth. Not even Masud himself was aware of his own birth mother. His powers were sealed by Kaede, the only other person who knew of Masud's birth, ridding him of any suspicion that he was Lucy's child.

"It's not easy to erase the characteristics of a being blessed and loved by the rukh," Kaede remarked as he redid the seal on Masud each year as the child slept soundly. "But, we can only hope that this will serve its purpose well."

Masrur nodded his head.

Standing up after tucking Masud to sleep, Kaede turned to Masrur. "Lucy plans to transfer all her authority as the Head of the Heartfilia Household to him once he reaches adulthood."

Masrur softened his eyes in sorrow as he gazed pitifully at Masud. "So to have a means of protecting himself."

Kaede nodded. "Strength alone will never amount to anything," he replied. "Isn't that why you're not only training him in swordsmanship and martial arts but also politics, economics, sociology, literature, arts, and the like? Everything that Lucy learned as a child, Masud is also learning."

"He is intelligent."

Kaede turned to Masud and smiled. "He is yours and Lucy's son, after all."

Masrur smiled fondly. "Yes."

"But, be sure to not let Sinbad find out," Kaede warned. "If he were to find out that you're also teaching Masud the manners and ways of a King, both you and Masud will be branded as a traitor."

"I don't intend on harming Lucy in any way."

"It's good if you know that but," Kaede looked at him, "you know that that isn't what Lucy implies."

He softened his eyes, his crimson red orbs glowing with affection and longing.

"It's enough for her to have separated from you two and to pretend to be strangers to her son. If something were to happen to you two, she would truly despair. No matter what others say, you two are her family. Even if it's not on paper."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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