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Deep inside the Lily Palace, there was another Hall specially built as a bathhouse. With a large bath that was the size of the Imperial Court itself, it was an elegant and grand space made of gold accessories and white marble. Preservation magic was cast onto the Hall, making sure that it didn't grow weary over time and so that it didn't need to be constantly cleaned. Lilies floated atop the water surface as steam rose in the Hall, shrouding the place in a mist of white.

Lucy furrowed her brows, her cheeks slightly flushed as she sat there in the bath after Tomoyo had washed her body and excused herself. "Did it really need to be like this?" she asked.

"Yes," Kouen answered, his face nuzzling against hers, his voice breathing softly into her ear.

"But...isn't this uncomfortable?"

"I don't see how it is."

"There's more than enough space here. You don't need to be so close," Lucy glanced behind her.

"No," he adamantly refused.

Lucy pulled her lips into a tight line. Sitting in between his legs with her back to him, his arms were firmly wrapped around her as the two sat there in the bath together. Their bodies were firmly pressed against each other as beads of water trickled down their skin from the steam. It was warm enough as is but the position they were in just made the heat all the more unbearable. Kouen glanced at her, her long, silky blonde hair flowing about as the nape of her neck and skin was entirely visible. A lock of her hair dangled slightly, sending drops of water rippling onto the surface and he gulped. He traced a finger down her back and Lucy widened her eyes, letting out a soft shriek.

"K-Kouen?!" she exclaimed, her face a bright red and her eyes swirling in a panic.

Seeing her reaction, his cheeks flushed slightly, wondering just how much cuter she could get. She was like a little white bunny and no matter how many times he teased her, he never got tired of it. But right now, rather than wanting a laugh, he desired something else. Noticing the lust and passion in his eyes, Lucy flushed a deep red, unable to escape from those eyes which looked only at her.

Placing his lips against her bare skin, he trailed along the nape of his neck and Lucy widened her eyes before shutting them as she felt his lips gently trace the surface of her skin. His goatee brushed slightly against her and he glanced up with a pair of fervent crimson eyes as he watched her body tremble from his touch. He stuck out a tongue and licked her and she immediately widened her eyes. Clutching his arm which was firmly wrapped around her, she let out a gasp and leaned back into his chest, her honey-brown eyes flickering softly with pleasure.

"N-No," she stammered. "Not in here."

"Why not?" he asked and continued to lick her before softly nibbling her skin, leaving a hickey.

Lucy held back a moan and glanced back at him. "B-Because..."

"If we get dirty, we can just wash again," he said, leaving another hickey. "So," he gazed at her with a burning, aching desire and whispered low into her ear, "let's do it."

Lucy hesitated and noticing her hesitation, he planted a soft kiss on the side of her head and held her affectionately in his embrace.

"It's fine if we don't go all the way," he said. "I promised you. I won't touch you until you want me to so," he looked into her eyes, "until you allow it, I won't go all the way with you."


"But," he gave a rather embarrassed and ashamed look, "I can't really help my body's natural response. Since," Lucy widened her eyes as she felt something hard poke at her back, "in front of you, I can barely control myself."

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