After placing the dress on it hugged around her body revealing the shapes she had hiding beneath before going over her hair and makeup.

"Enzo". "What". "Pass me the jacket". "You mean my jacket". "Whatever", aria says opening the door slightly standing in the crack as enzo walks over.

He stops infront of the door lowering his head to meet her eyes as she takes the jacket from him before he quickly looks up over into the bathroom mirror to see 2 faint lines on the left side of her back whilst the rest was covered by her hair.

"You have more"? "More what"? Aria asks placing the jacket over her. "Marks".

"Are we going or not"? "We are going to be late come on", santi says walking in.

"Ill be down in a second get the cars ready".

"So"? "So what you do have more then"? "Can we not talk about this", aria replies. "Why are you so hooked up on it all just drop it", she adds. "Let's go", aria says walking past as enzo follows.

Aria sat with lexi in the back of one car whilst one of the guards drove them as enzo and a few others drove another one.

"He told me we are going to a club". "Yeah kind of", Lexi replies. "Why are we going again"? "He has a meeting and a few buyers of some weapons so we usually do it in one of his casinos or clubs".

"Oh right and why do I even have to be apart of it". "Because he only has guards on the outside whilst we are out". "There duty is to keep watch outside not in as no one will be in".

"If you were to stay then one of us would of had to stay behind to keep and eye on you which is why you have to come because we all go together".

"Right". "So what's going to happen to me then whilst your all in the meeting". "You will stay in the club area he has people like security and that there that will keep watch on you whilst we go for the meeting".

"So I basically have babysitters by my side"aria adds. "Not exactly they won't be with you maybe on the opposite side or at the exits but they won't be staring at you 24/7 so you can just relax and have fun I guess", Lexi replies.

"Don't drink though or enzo will flip again". "Okay now I have to drink", aria says smirking. "Honestly you already had a man killed yesterday at the club". "He killed him"? "He touched you obviously he did". "Jesus", aria replies.

"He's ruthless about men touching anyone that lives with him like family and that". "He must care about you". "I mean look at you, wearing his jacket and everything you can't say there isn't anything there".

"I fucking hate him". "Yeah right keep talking", lexi says laughing.


They all arrived at the club before making there way in a back door. "He's taking you down there, you stay there until we are back".

"Don't let her drink". "And keep her on her own", Enzo adds.

"Whatever bye", aria says making her way down a set of stairs before entering the main club area.


"You know you aren't meant to be stood right next to me right"? "I've been assigned to stay with you the whole night".

"Yeah well I've been told otherwise so you either move away and leave me here or I'll cause I scene".

"I know what your like I've been told but I'm not moving as I've been ordered". "Fine I'll move then", aria says standing up.

"You either stay here or leave, you do not follow me". "Sorry I cant do that and you know it", he says as his phone starts ringing.

"I'll be back do not move from this spot theres more of us around watching". "Whatever", she says rolling her eyes.


The guard quickly walked out of the main area in order to hear the person calling before aria decided to order a couple drinks.

She slowly carried them over to a booth for herself on the opposite side of the room away from the crowds of people before drinking them both.


The meeting

"We had a deal". "That was before you offered to pay less you know how we work it's the same amount every time we don't offer deals with lower mafias", Enzo replies.

"So what are you implying". "The usual 3.5 million no lower", Enzo says. "Throw in 2 extra weapons and we have a deal". "You heard what I said now take the 3.5 of get out of my club", Enzo replies.

"3.5 it is". "Now that wasn't so hard". "Pleasure doing business again mr Marchetti", the buyer says leaving.


"Thought they weren't going to take it then", lexi says sitting down at the table. "They take it every time they need it more then we do they would be willing to pay more but always ask for deals they know how this works".

"So what's next then"? "We ship there arrangement over tomorrow night". "What else are we here for". "My family are coming tomorrow", enzo says. "Again"? "Yes again and we have to do something about aria".

"They can't know I have a girl hostage in one of my rooms". "Why don't you just take her to one of the other houses". "Because we need to keep her in the same house as us for now you know what she's like she's took santi down more than once".

"Plus we need to be in the same area as her if it wasn't for us she would be going mental".

"She's fucking powerful", Lexi says smirking.

"I know she has a short temper and shit that's why she needs to stay with us but we can't risk my family knowing any of this".

"So what do we do". "We let her out for the day". "You are joking she will run", Santi says. "Then we add extra security we can't keep her locked in it's too risky we let her free roam for the day in the house".

"Let her stay with you for the day lex". "At least then she won't be as angry".

"So that's it just let her out"? Santi asks. "Mostly".

"This meetings over lexi stay everyone else get back to the cars".

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