
Enzo's pov:

"They're inside". "Thanks Mike". I walk in and immediately see her standing at the bar with my jacket on. My fucking jacket.

I quickly look over to see lexi dancing with someone on the opposite side but my main intention was not letting aria leave my sight.

"Santi you go and get lexi me and Caleb will get aria you know what she's like". "Got it".

I make my way down the step onto the main floor before watching her try to squeeze through the crowd as a guy catches up to her.

'Who the fuck is he'

I watch her talk to him before noticing she's getting agitated so I made my way over passing through the crowd of people.

She tries to get past him before he grabs her by the arm causing her to kick off. "Move out the fucking way now"! I scream as everyone looks over to see me before parting from one another.

3rd person:

"Get the fuck off me now". "Why so you can just run away again". "I'm warning you get off". "No". "Fuck you", aria says pulling her arm from him as someone knocks him down to the floor.

"Let's go", enzo says pulling aria closer to him. "What the fuck are you doing here". "I ain't going anywhere". "So we are doing this the hard way then"? Enzo says throwing her over his shoulder. "What no put me down enzo"!

He quickly throws her over his shoulder before walking back towards the main entrance to meet santi keeping lexi up straight as they all make their way back to the car.

"Fucking put me down now"! "Stop hitting me aria". "Put me down then I'll stop". "No". "No put me down I'm going to be sick". "No you aren't".

"You have me fucking upside down I'm going to be sick please", aria says before enzo signals for the rest to go to the car before placing her back down.

She walks her way over to a fence nearby before being sick over the side. "You done yet"? "Shut the fuck up this is your fault".

"How is this my fault your the one who snuck out and drank". "Your the one who fucking tipped me upside down".

"Let's go". "I can walk on my own". "No you can't". "Get the fuck off I can", aria says walking towards the car before tripping over as enzo catches her.

"Told you". "Fuck you". "Let's go".

"I'm not sitting with santi". "I know your sat with me". "Actually can I sit next to santi". "Just get in the car".

Enzo's pov:

Within 5 minutes of us driving back she had fallen asleep against the window of the car with my jacket over her arms from the cold.

I don't know what's gotten into me. Usually if anyone speaks to me the way she does they would be dead by now, but with her things are different.

Yes I can say she stresses me the fuck out but all I do is send her to her room.

Her dress looked nice. Although I could tell it wasn't hers as we hadn't bought her any.

It matched her hair and eyes along with the freckles from under her eyes up and over her nose.

Her eyelashes were long and curled upwards to really show off her hazel eyes along with the amount of lip gloss on her lips which shone every now and then as we past a light.

Before we arrived home I made sure one of the boys could take lexi to her room as I carried aria upstairs to hers.

Placing her on the bed making sure she was on her side in case she threw up before covering her with a blanket leaving her laid there in my jacket.

The next day
Arias pov:

"Who is it"? I ask as someone knocks. "Caleb". "Oh come in". "I bought you medicine for the headache". "Thanks", i reply taking the medicine.

"We are all going out tonight which means your going to come". "Where to"? "I can't say but you will have clothes delivered to wear", he replies.

"Is it somewhere bad"?I ask. "No it's okay we have a meeting that's all so you will have to come and just wait in another room".

"I'll leave you to it you have clothes in the bathroom to wear for now". "Okay thanks".

Aria made her way over to the bathroom before finding the clothes on the back of the door. "Cute".

She made her way to the shower making sure she had showered from last night before getting changed into the fresh clothes.

"Aria"? "What". "Are you in the bathroom"? Enzo asks from the bedroom. "Yeah I'll be out in a sec". "Or just come on in", i say turning around to face the doorway.

"I mean it is my house", he replies. "Does privacy not stand out to you I could of been naked".

"Doesn't bother me did Caleb come". "Yeah why". "Where did you put my jacket". "On the bed". "Wait where are we going after", I ask following him out into the bedroom.

"Out". "But where". "None of your buisness". "But it is I'm going I have the right to know". "It has nothing to do with you okay so don't cause a scene".

"Wasn't planning to". "We'll see", he replies walking out.

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