"So what do you say I have a shift today after school anyway so you can tag along to see if you like it"? "Okay you have persuaded me I'll come and give it a go", I say as we stand up

"Okay then that's final meet at the front at 2".


" so it's pretty simple you just grab a cup and place it under here before clicking the button to whichever drink they want". "All the milks are at the side along with the syrups and toppings".

"Got it"? "I think so". "Okay here comes someone so remember to smile". "Okay".

"Hi welcome to aroma what can I get you"? "Hi can I have 2 hot chocolates and one green tea". "Of course it will be ready in 5".


"You get a lot of customers". "Yeah today's a lot busier you should see the weekends honestly", she says. "I can't even imagine", I reply.

Arias POV:

"Welcome to aroma what can I get you"? I ask looking up to see 2 men in suits one looking at me whilst the other messes on his phone. "The usual", one of them says whilst the other starts typing away to someone.

"Sorry I don't know your usual could you repeat it"? I ask looking confused as the one on his phone looks up confused. "It's 2 black coffees aria", Zoe shouts from the back.

"Okay it will be ready shortly", I say before turning around making the coffees.


"Here are the coffees sorry for the inconvenience ", I say placing the coffees onto the table as they pick them up before walking over to the side table mixing in some sugar.

"Usuals"? I ask as they leave. "They come in mostly every week and order the same thing", she says. "How come they wear suits"? I ask. "Due to work", she says.

"Makes sense so they work in like an office".

"Uh not quite". "You don't know who they are do you"? She asks. "No"? "Am I meant to"? I reply. "Jesus aria how could you not know", she says. "Okay now your scaring me know what"?

"There the mafia aria they both work in the strongest mafia here", she says. "What"? "The one with the dark hair he's the leader and the one in the blonde is his second in command", she says. "They're practically glued to one another they always come in here at this time".

"How come I've never heard of them"? "I'm not sure but you should be careful they are quite ruthless there on the news almost every week".

"I will, well at least I'll try", I say placing the used cups in the sink.


"Do you need a lift back to your flat I don't want you walking home on your own". "No I'm alright honestly it's not far from here anyway. "Okay well be safe and message me when you get back". "I will make sure you lock the door".


Aria stuck in some headphones before setting off back to her flat with her bag over her shoulder crossing the road.

"Watch it asshole"! Someone shouts out the car swerving around her as she flicks them off.


The next day

"Hey what are you doing tonight"? Zoe asks. "Nothing so far I was going to start the essay but that's it". "Great you should join us we are going to a club". "I don't know I'm not used to the area yet I've pretty much only just arrived". I reply. "Oh come on it will be fun plus we won't be going alone".

"Well I'm not taking no for an answer so I'll pick you up at 9 with a dress I'll get changed at yours so be ready". "Fine".

1140 words

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