Chapter Seventy Six

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Watch the video AFTER reading this chapter. Its a slide show of pictures about Jeremy Sumpter. I found it and thought I'd put it in here to show you guys what a beautiful human he is. Of course, I love Kellin more XD )))))

"So, what do you wanna do first?" I ask when me and Kellin are outside.
Kellin shrugs and wraps an arm around me "What do you wanna do first?"
I look back at the map " about we go to the cafe for brunch?"
Kellin chuckles "Brunch? What the hell is that!?!"
I sigh and kiss his cheek "Its another British term Mr Quinn! If you miss Breakfast and have your first meal at around lunchtime, it is called Brunch. Which is basically a crossover of breakfast and lunch."
Kellin nods "Right! I need to start learning British terms!"
I laugh "That you do Mr Quinn, that you do."

~ In The Cafe ~

"What are you gonna order Kels?" I ask curiously, debating over options in the menu I was given.
Kellin taps his chin in thought "I was wondering what it meant by a Traditional English Breakfast?"
I smile "You're so cute when you don't know things! Basically it means a fry up. Bacon, eggs, tomatoes, sausages, baked beans and anything else thats really bad for you! Its pretty much a heart attack on a plate. I think I'm gonna have a look at the cereal selection over there, they might have brioche!" I squeal happily, gotta love brioche man!
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What the hell is a brioche!?!"
I giggle "Its basically a cakey/bready kinda thing that's swirled into a spiral shape using syrop and then has chocolate chips in it. Its probably the second best breakfast option ever, first being pancakes."
Kellin nods and smiles "But of course! OK, I'll come with you to the cereal selection seeing as I'll need you to explain what different things are!" He winks at me and we both stand up and make our way over to the cereal selection.

Well I practically run there, Kellin walks behind me laughing. I put my hands on my cheeks "THEY HAVE BRIOCHE!!!!"
Kellin laughs and runs up next to me, I point them out to him as he smiles "They look pretty nice actually. I'll have one if you have one?"
I smile and nod before picking up 2 brioche, 2 yogurt drinks and 2 hot chocolates. Kellin raises an eyebrow "What's with the yogurt drinks?"
I smile "Brioche because they taste good, yogurt drinks for strength and vitamins and hot chocolate for energy and warmth." I explain.
Kellin wraps his arm around me "You nerd. Did you take science for GCSE?"
I wink and giggle "Triple science bish!"
Kellin laughs and kisses my cheeks from behind "Nerdy nerdy nerd nerdy, nerd nerd!" He sings.
I turn around in his arms and starts singing "We are the nerds, lost in time and space!" In the tune to the strays.
Kellin laughs "I see what you did there!"
I go to the till and buy our breakfast. Kellin frowns at me but I kiss his cheeks "I'm paying you back for last night!"
Kellin wiggles his eyebrows "I'm pretty sure you did that this morning baby."
I giggle "Well I feel like this morning wasn't enough for what you did last night Mr Quinn, you deserve this morning and breakfast for last night."
He smiles proudly "Was I that good?"
I giggle "You were better than that!" I sing in the strays tune again, Kellin laughs but I wink at him "You deserve more than this morning and breakfast but I know for a fact you won't let me buy you anything else so I'll just have to finish paying you back tonight."
Kellin kisses my lips lightly "I can't wait."

I giggle and run back to our table, I hand Kellin his food and drink and he starts eating his brioche.
"Mmm! These are really good!" He says in appreciation.
I smile widely at him "I know right!?!" I take another bite of my brioche before finishing it and downing my yogurt in one quick gulp. Kellin looks at me impressed. Suddenly I remember something and quickly grab the map. When I spot it I start squealing.
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What???"
I start squealing and pointing at the map uncontrollably "LOOK LOOK LOOOOOOOK!!!"
Kellin looks "Look at what!?!"
I stop squealing "Did I never tell you about my Peter Pan obsession!?!"
Kellin shakes his head "I didn't even know you liked Peter Pan!"
My jaw drops, how did I never tell him this!?! "Well Peter Pan is my favourite Disney movie of all time. The 2003 version with Jeremy Sumpter, not the really old one. Though I like that too. I was pointing to the show ground at the map because I remembered something awesome that's happening today!"
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What's happening today!?!"
I smile widely "They're doing a cinema experience and showing the 2003 version of Peter Pan in about an hour! Then there's a Jeremy Sumpter signing! JEREMY SUMPTER IS HERE!!!!" I squeal.
Kellin laughs "I haven't seen the 2003 Peter Pan."
My jaw drops "Oh my god Kels. Well we are definitely going to this things then! You need to be enlightened!"
Kellin laughs "So do you really like this Jeremy Sumpter guy?"
I blush slightly "I used to have a crush on him when I was younger..."
Kellin gasps "So you LIKE him!?!?" He says in his feminine voice.
I shake my head and giggle "Not in that way anymore! I was in love with the character he played. Now I'm in love with someone much better!" I giggle.
Kellin smiles "And who might that be?" He asks playfully.
I roll my eyes "I fricken married him yesterday!"
Kellin laughs and leans froward across the table and kisses my lips lightly "I know! C'mon then, finish your hot chocolate and we'll go and see Peter Pan!"
I squeal like a little kid "YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAY!!!"

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora