Chapter Thirty Nine

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~ Twilas POV ~

I wonder if he figured it out? I hope not, I wont this to be a surprise for him. Im getting ready now. I choose my most beautiful white and flowy dress with some brown 2 inch heels and several brown bracelets, I tease and puff out my bangs before using hairspray to keep my hair alive. I dont bother wearing makeup, I'll be crying a lot today so there's no point. I find myself feeling really happy, Im actually DOING something. I havent really done anything while Kellins been away. I've just been depressed. Justin told me that him and the other guys are gonna drop Kellin off in the park, watch our reunion then drive to my place to pick up my stuff. I'll be touring with them now. I've already packed my suitcases, I'll leave them in the hall for the guys. I steal one final look in the mirror before posing for a selfie, careful not to reveal my outfit, and posting it on instagram with the caption: "Im being such a sneaky girl today! I feel so rebellious! 😄😈" and Kellin likes it. I run to my car and start driving, eager to get to the park on time. It'll take me 40 minutes, which shouldnt seem AS LONG because Im driving. Or so I thought. It takes FOOOOOREEEEEVEEEEER!!!!

~ Kellins POV ~

"Dude? Duuude? Earth to Kellin!?!" I hear Justin say through my door.
I groan and sit up, I actually slept for a few hours. "Come in!" I say, wiping my eyes.
Justin walks in and throws something on my bed "Have a shower because you smell, dry your hair and style it then put that on. Be ready in 20 minutes. No questions, just DO IT!!!" He says sternly before running out of my room. What the frickedy frucker? I guess I have no choice. I have a 10 minute shower, dry my hair and cover myself in cologne before checking the outfit Justin is making me wear. Its a tuxedo. Ok. What the actual FUCK is going on!?! I put on the tux and style my hair. God, this is weird. I walk out of my room and all the guys applaud. Its 4:50pm. I take a bow and laugh with the guys. Them Justin gets a text, he smiles widely and nods at the guys. Nick stands up. He joined us at our first venu, he's in the US so he had to travel here without us. He went back there for his girlfriend and promised to join us on the tour, which he did.
"Ok Kellin, follow me now or I will have to use my very manly brutal force!" He says sternly. I laugh and lift up my hands in innocence, he leads the way out of the bus.

I recognise where we are immediately. We're at the park me and Twila walked around in on the day she became my girlfriend. My jaw drops, its still so beautiful here. Nick leads me around the bus so Im at the entrance of the park, the other guys walk behind me smiling widely. Nick signals for me to walk into the park, Im confused as hell but I do it anyway. Justin is videoing me, what the fuck? I shake my head and look back at the park. Standing about 20ft away from me, in a beautiful flowy white dress, is Twila. She smiles at me as tears stream down our faces. We run towards eachother, I pick her up and spin her around. She's really here! The guys are all saying "awww" behind us and Twila flips them off. They walk off back to the bus and drive away but I dont care. Twila's here.
"Is it really you? Are you really here?" I cry.
She nods and smiles widely at me "Of course I am!" She bites her lip and I crush my lips into hers, pushing her into the same tree I did the last time we were here. I kiss her in exactly the same way, she responds by kissing me the way she did in the pool. She tangles her hands in my hair and I pull her closer to me. We lean our foreheads against eachother, breathless.
"I've missed this." She says, stroking my face. I start crying again and she pulls me into another hug, crying herself. We both sink to the floor and I wrap my arms tightly around her, still crying. "Shhh baby shh its alright, Im here. You dont have to cry anymore. Shh." She says, sniffling and stroking my hair.
"I've missed you so much. I've missed your touch, your kisses, your hugs, your laugh, your blushing, your beautiful smile, your gorgeous face, your amazing singing voice, your sexy legs, your funny comebacks, your sass and your company in general! I love you so much, I barely survived without you!" I cry into her.
She laughs and I can tell she's blushing "I love you too. I actually didnt survive. I wasnt really alive. I umm...Kellin I have to tell you something." She says, crying again. I look up at her and stop crying, I wrap my arms around her and comfort her.
"What is it baby? You can tell me." I beg.
She shakes her head "You'll call me stupid and ridiculous. You'll leave straight away."
I pull her closer "No I wont. I'd never leave you Twila, please tell me!" I beg.
She wipes her eyes and takes a deep breath before taking off her bracelets. Old scars appear. Wait. There's a new one. A fresh one. No. No no no. My eyes fill with tears and I gasp. She shakes her head and bursts into tears "I told you! There was no point in me coming, you're gonna leave now anyway!" I pull her face to look at me as tears begin to fall down my face again.
"Listen, I told you I wouldnt leave and Im not going to. Im shocked and incredibly sad that you did it. But also happy that its only small, I noticed how much smaller it is compared to the rest of your scars. Im not going to leave. Not ever. I promise." I say into her eyes. I pull her wrist to my lips and kiss all her scars including her latest one.
"How did I ever get so lucky?" She whispers, still crying.
I kiss away the tears that fall from her eyes and cup her face in my hands, stroking her cheeks "I think Im the lucky one here."
She shakes her head "You're impossibly perfect, you know that right?"
I smile widely and shrug "I try, I try"
She laughs and kisses me again. She pulls away first and looks at the water, running off to the bridge just like she did last time.

~ Twilas POV ~

God I love Kellin. So much. I run to the bridge when I notice all the beautiful colours the pond was reflecting. Its sunset. I stand on my tiptoes to try and get a better view and sigh, I cant get high enough. Suddenly, arms wrap around my waist and lift me on the side of the bridge. I sit on the side of the bridge and the arms wrap around my waist.
"That better?" Kellin chuckles sweetly.
"It'd be perfect if you were next to me." I sigh. He chuckles and hops up on the bridge next to me, there's a wall nearby, I can reach it. I wink at Kellin and climb onto it. I can see the sunset perfectly. Kellin climbs up and sits next to me, he wraps an arm around me and we watch the sunset together. This is so perfect.

When the sunset is over Kellin hops down off the wall and holds his arms up to me. I place my hands on his shoulders and he wraps his hands around my waist, lifting me off the wall. He places me on the ground and pushes me, lightly, into the wall. He places his hands either side of my head.
"We only have 5 beds. Mine's a double, you're gonna have to share with me." He whispers.
I smile "I wouldnt have it any other way." He smiles down at me and one of his hands drifts down the wall, wrapping around my waist. He pulls me closer to him and I look deep into his eyes. I tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear before stroking his face. HE SHAVED!!! My jaw drops and he raises an eyebrow, I kiss both of his cheeks and smell them. Mmm, after shave, the good kind. "You know I over react whenever you shave. Your cheeks are soooo smooth and they smell sooooo good oh my god it kills me!" I say truthfully.
Kellin chuckles "You can keep kissing them if you want, Im not complaining!"
I smile widely and kiss his cheeks more, wrapping my arms around his neck. When I stop and look in his eyes, he's blushing. A giggle escapes my mouth. "Mr're blushing!"
He shrugs "Pink is a fabulous color!"
"It looks adorable on you!" I wink at him. He laughs and we carry on walking around the park, hand in hand, just talking. We must've talked for about half an hour before he says "Did I ever say how beautiful you look tonight?"
I shake my head, blush and giggle "Nope. Did I say how handsome you look in that very nice tuxedo?"

~ Kellins POV ~

I shake my head and smile at her. "Well, you look phenomenal Mr Quinn."
I smile widely at her "And you look like an angel, Miss Twila." She blushes and I kiss both of her cheeks "Mmm, I've missed doing that..." I whisper.
She giggles and suddenly two huge lights shine on us. I immediately go into a protective stance over Twila, until I realize its the guys on our bus. I roll my eyes and they all run out laughing. Jack gives Twila a nod and she shouts "SUP NOOBS!!!" And we all laugh. Justin hugs her, in a friendly way. Gabe picks her up and spins her around and she squeals. She raises an eyebrow at Jack before walking towards him "Dude. Cheer THE FUCK UP!!!" She laughs before he wiggles his eyebrows and picks her up in a firemans lift.

~ Twilas POV ~

He begins to run off with me shouting "Kellin, your girlfriend is mine now!" And I start slapping his back.
Kellin pouts before shouting "JAAAACK!!! GIMME BACK MY GIRLFRIEND!!!"
Jack laughs and shouts back "OH HELL NO!!!"

~ Kellins POV ~

I see Twila get her phone out, a minute later I get a text from her.
Twila: Get Gabe, Nick and Justin to help! Im a damsel in destress goddammit! 😂💁 Xxxx

I laugh and tell all the guys what she said, they all nod. Nick hasnt really spoken to Twila so he doesnt know her as well as we do but he helps anyway. He air screams and we all run towards Jack, throwing him on the ground. Twila jumps out his grip just in time and I catch her, in my arms, bridal style. I smile widely at her before she kisses me lightly on the lips "My hero." She whispers.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora