Chapter Twenty Five

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~ Twilas POV ~

"Kellin, I dont mean to complain, but we've been driving FOREVER!!!" I whine,
Kellin laughs "We're about 5 minutes away now."
"REALLY!?!?! YAAAAY!!!" I shout, just as I do David Tennants running action music comes on "HELL TO THE MOTHER FUCKING YAAAASSSSSSS!!!" I shout, getting excited.
Kellin laughs a lot and has to wipe his eyes. "Wow, you are such a nerd!"
"But you love me anyway!" I say innocently, smiling at him
He smiles down at me "Damn right I do"
I blush and he holds my hand.

~ 5 minutes later ~

~ Kellins POV ~

I had to drive her to London, it was only a 40 minute drive but because we were so excited it took forever. I blindfold Twila and speak to the guy at the gates, I show him my pass and he smiles, opening the gates for us. She is going to LOVE this.

~ Twilas POV ~

I have no idea where we are. I know we're driving IN somewhere because we're driving really slow. I think Kellins parking the car now...yep definitely parking.

I hear Kellin opening my door and he helps me out. He leads me down several corridors and finally he opens a door and helps me up some steps. He removes my blindfold. I start crying instantly. Im standing inside the set for David Tennants tardis. I thought they'd demolished this place!?! I clutch Kellin for support and he laughs. I start hyperventilating.
"Kellin...this is..." I trail off.
"Feel free to touch the console, set free your inner nerd!" Kellin jokes
Thats it. I lose my self control. I run up to the console and start saying lines from different episodes before flipping switches and pulling leavers, running around the console just like David. I hear someone walk in but I ignore them. I press a button and the centre piece of the tardis makes its beautiful wheezing/groaning sound. I jump up and down excitedly before carrying on with my catchphrases and acting skills.
"You're right, she's a natural!" I hear a familiar voice say.
"I know right!" Kellin replies
I turn around, very slowly. Standing next to Kellin is none other than David Tennant. In his old suit. With his old hairstyle. I throw my hand over my mouth and contain a scream. Tears stream down my cheeks.
"Arent ya gonna say hi to the doctor Twila?" Kellin asks innocently
David smiles his amazing smile at me. He walks towards me and I cant help it, my knees give way. David catches me "woah there!" He says in his Doctor Who voice.
"H-Hi" I stutter nervously
"Hello there Twila, I saw you controlling the Tardis earlier and I must say, she likes you!" He says politely. I giggle nervously.
"I-Its really you!" I say nervously.
He nods "The one and only, the last of the Timelords" he says proudly.
I cant help it, I start crying again.
The Doctor hugs me "Aww, there there. Dont cry!"


"Oh my god I cant believe its you! Im a huge fan! I forced Kellin over there to watch every episode from the day you became the Doctor and we watched all your episodes in a day! Everytime I watch you regenerate I cry. And when I hear Vale Decem! You are and always will be the best Doctor this world has ever seen! I love you so much, you have no idea! Thank you for being the Doctor!!!" I say, stumbling over the words.
David smiles at me "You're very welcome! Its always fun to meet the fans, Kellin practically stalked me this morning, begging me to come over here! He explained everything you'd been through and how much of a nerd you are for Doctor Who. I couldnt say no!" He says in his Scottish accent quietly, so Kellin couldnt hear. I laugh. "He really likes you, he's a good kid! You two should definitely date, if you arent already!" David says.
I nod "I definitely will! I always was going to, this has made me more sure! Doctor-David haha sorry erm...could I take a few selfies with you? And possibly record a video with you to put on youtube?" I ask, cringing at how much Im asking for.
David smiles widely "Of course!"

We start taking selfies, Kellin joins us in a few. We all do a pouty selfie, even DAVID pouts! Then we do a video of me and David running around the Tardis, improvising a Doctor Who scenario that Im featured in. We start to push controls frantically and David speaks in his Doctor Who voice. The video ends with the amazing wheezing/groaning of the tardis and me and David staring up at the centre of the beautiful console. David puts his number in my phone and I put mine in his, he promises he'll talk to me whenever I text him and he looks forward to it! This day has been amazing! Kellin assures me its not over yet, I wonder what will happen next!?!

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now