Chapter Sixty One

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We stop off at Tesco on the way to the pool so I can buy myself a costume. We run to the swimming isle and I start rummaging through costumes. Kellin is looking through the other side of the rail. I find the perfect thing. Its a white bikini with little gold decorations. I giggle at the thought of Kellins face when he sees this. I hold it to my chest and run to the till without letting Kellin see it. I pay for it amd shove it in my bag. Kellin walks over to me with a confused look "What costume did you settle for?"
I giggle "Its a surprise! I think you'll like it though!"
Kellin smiles and wraps an arm around my waist, walking me out of Tesco and back to the car.

~ At The Pool ~

Me and Kellin give eachother a quick kiss before he runs into the male changing rooms and I run into the female ones. I take a deep breath and find myself a cubicle. Im DEFINITELY keeping my bracelets on. Thankfully they're all waterproof. I just realised, my promise ring matches my bikini!

I shuffle awkwardly out of my clothes before slipping into the bikini. I dont think I've ever worn a bikini before. They arent uncomfortable I just Even though all of my main areas are covered up, its not as modest as a swimming costume. I walk over to a locker and shove all my stuff in it before loading a pound coin into the slot and taking the bracelet with a key on it. The key will unlock my locker once Im out of the pool, they put it on a bracelet so people dont lose the keys. I struggle putting the bracelet on myself but eventually manage it. Then I walk over to the mirror. Ugh. I feel so self conscious. I never should've picked this damn bikini. Oh well. I sigh and step out of the changing rooms, walking down the corridor to the pool. When I come into the main pool area I hold my left wrist with my right arm in attempts fo cover myself up. I look around frantically before spotting Kellin, leaning agains the wall with his mouth hanging open. He's looking directly at me.

~ Kellins POV ~

I change quickly enough, eager to beat Twila to the pool so I can see this surprise costume she picked. Im guessing its white, she said I'd like it. I lean against the wall of the main pool area and wait. Within a few minutes a beautiful, black haired woman steps out of the changing rooms. She's wearing a white bikini with small gold decorations on it. She holds her left wrist with her right arm then looks around. My mouth is hanging open when I realise the woman is Twila. She giggles and walks over to me, still hodling her wrist.
"Hey Kels, you look handsome!" She smiles.
My mouth is still hanging open "You-You're-You look fricken amazing Twila!" I stutter.
Twila giggles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear "I picked this bikini because I thought it'd be funny to see your reaction. Im actually feeling extremely self conscious right now."
I wrap my arms around her bare waist and kiss her "Look around at the peoples faces. They either havent noticed you, ignored you or have their mouths hanging open like I did. You look amazing Twila, dont doubt yourself."
She looks around and lets go of her wrist, smiling up at me "Shall we do some swimming then?"
I smile back at her "Sure, after you m'lady!"
Twila giggles before walking to the edge of the deep end of the pool. She takes a few steps back before running and flipping into the pool flawlessly. She swims underwater to the edge Im standing at and pops up, moving the hair out of her face.
"You are too amazing." I say honestly. Twila rolls her eyes and swims out of the way. I do a run up and cannonball into the pool. I come up for breath and look around, searching for Twila. Where'd she go!?!

~ Twilas POV ~

I swim underwater and wait for Kellin to go up for breath. I swim up the front of his body and wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss his lips lightly and he smiles devilishly before slowly sinking underwater. Im confused at first but then he starts to grab my legs. I gasp and plunge underwater. I make stupid faces at him until he runs out of air and has to come up for breath.
"You cheated! You made me laugh, no fair!" He pouts.
I roll my eyes playfully "Fine, if you can catch me I'll go on the inflatable over there with you!" I point at the huge, inflatable obstacle course thats sitting on the water.
Kellin laughs "Challenge accepted!"
"3...2...1 GO!!!" I shout, swimming away from him. Im a pretty good swimmer to be honest, I can hold my breath for a long time and swim pretty fast. I turn over onto my back, still underwater, and watch Kellin swim towards me. He's so determined! I smile and continue swimming, making circles around him. Kellim goes up for breath and I swim to the other end of the pool befor coming up to breathe myself. Kellin smiles at me. I raise an eyebrow and go back underwater, swimming to the other side of my end of the pool, then back again. I stand in the middle and jump around. I turn to Kellin and mouth "YOU WANT IT?" Signalling at myself, he licks his lips. I laugh and mouth "COME AND GET IT!!!" Before diving back underwater and swimming around again.

Eventually Kellin stands up in the deep end and I stand up at the shallow end.
He holds his hands up "I give up, you win!" He says breathlessly, clutching at his sides.
I swim over to him as fast as I can and kiss his nose, he wraps his arms around my waist and laughs "GOTCHA!!!"
I pull away and playfully punch his arm "Asshole!"
Kellin gives me a look of mock hurt and laughs "Inflatable?"
I sigh and nod, trying to climb out of the pool. Kellin swims next to me. "Want me to lift you out?"
I smile "If you want to, I can get myself out though."
He winks and wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me onto the side. I smile and jump up, queueing up for the inflatable. Kellim runs into the line next to me. Basically its a double sided inflatable obstacle course, there are 2 lanes. Both are exactly the same but 2 people can race against eachother. There's 2 holes at the start which both participants must jump through, then you have to jump over a rather large pyramid and then go either over or under the bars. The option to go under is only for me really, because Im so small. Finally you climb the stairs and go down the slide into the pool. The fact that there are 2 people and this is inflatable means the whole thing rocks about and you could fall off at any moment. Fortunately for me, Im really small and light so I dont usually fall off. Kellin doesnt realise I've been to this pool before and completed this thing multiple times. I know all the ways I can win.

Me and Kellin soon reach the front of the queue and are waiting for the people infront to finish. The lifeguard that monitors the people going on and off the inflatable looks at me like he recognises me. Im sure I recognise him but I dont know where from. The people infront both slip and fall off at the bars, I note where the slippery spot is. The lifeguard holds a hand infront of us before lifting is and telling us to go. I dive through the whole with perfect accuracy, so does Kellin. This is the only bit I struggle at, the pyramid. Its a bit tall. I run back to the hole and do a speedy run up and fly over the pyramid before skidding underneath the bars. Kellin gets half of himself over the pyramid and gets stuck. I laugh and run back, I pull his arms and he slides down the pyramid before jumping up and attempting to beat me. Unfortunately, he didnt make note of the slippery spot like I did and he slips off. I smile down at him and wave. He smiles and signals for me to go on. I skilfully slide underneath the bars before making my way up the stairs. I stand at the top of the slide and shout down at Kellin "WHO'S KING FOR A DAY NOW!?!?!" Before jumping and sliding down the inflatable slide. When I come up for air Kellin is still laughing from my line at the top of the slide. I take a bow and he laughs more. I swim over to him and jump on him, forcing him under. He wraps his arms around me underwater and we experience our first underwater hug!

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now