Chapter Sixty

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Picture is of Kellin Quinn in a swimming pool, I thought his expression was adorable and his tattoos were amazing and as we're going into pool stuff now I thought: why not!?! XD )))))

Its been a month since I moved in Kellin and finally escaped from my father forever. Life has been absolutely perfect. Me and Kellin havent had a single argument, we're still as perfect as we always have been AND my injuries are almost completely healed! Today Im going to try and walk again for the first time in ages.

"You ready baby?" Kellin asks sweetly, wrapping his arm around my waist.
I nod and smile "as ready as I'll ever be!" Kellin kisses my nose before lifting me by the waist slightly. I place my feet on the floor and clutch Kellin for support. He moves himself infront of me and lets go of my waist, holding onto just my hands.
"Try and walk towards me baby, you can do it." He encourages me. I nod and try my hardest to move and surprisingly, I walk over to Kellin without any problems! I actually walk over to him a bit faster than I planned and end up falling into him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek "Well done baby, you did it!"
I smile and giggle "Yay! Wait...what day is it exactly?"
Kellin gives me a serious expression "Some time in November I think, I havent been checking!"
I squeal, Kellin gives me a confused look but I simply look down at my legs "You better work now goddammit!" Before letting go of Kellin and running down the stairs. It feels nice to run. I havent ran or walked in so long. I turn on the tv and check my recorded episodes on sky, sure enough its there.
"KELLIN!!!" I shout excitedly.
He runs down the stairs and is next to me in a second "What is it?"
I simply squeal and point at the screen. Kellin doesnt get it. I sigh "DOCTOR WHO HAS COME BACK!!!!" I shout. Kellin smiles widely at me and we both start jumping around the living room before falling on the couch and watching the episodes. Me and Kellin could barely contain ourselves. At the end it shows a preview of the Christmas Episode and mine and Kellins jaws drop.
"ED!!! BUDDY!!!" I shout at the screen "HOW YA DOING!?!?!"
"WHERES SHAUN!?!?!" Kellin shouts.
We just found out that Nick Frost (from Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz and Worlds End, otherwise known as The Cornetto Trilogy.) is playing Santa in the Dr Who christmas special and we realise how awesome Christmas is going to be this year.

Kellin suddenly looks extremely nervous. "Whats wrong Kels?" I ask curiously.
Kellin shakes his head "I was gonna ask you something but..." He trails off.
I cross my legs on the couch and face him "Ask me the damn question, right now!"
Kellin chuckles "I was just wondering'd like to go out to dinner tonight?" He blushes slightly and looks away from me. I push myself with all the force I have across the couch so I land on him, I wrap my arms around his neck as he falls backwards on the couch.
I kiss both of his cheeks "I would love to Mr Quinn! Why were you nervous about asking me that!?!" He should know by now I'll say yes to anything he asks. Literally.
"Well you've only just started walking again...its a lot to ask!" He shrugs.
I smile "That wouldnt stop me saying yes! I'd go to dinner with you even if you had to carry me there and back!"
Kellin smiles widely as kisses both of my pink cheeks. "So, I was thinking..." He puts on a foreign accent "Mcdonálds!"
I laugh "Sounds awesome, very posh! You really know how to treat a woman Kels!"
He smiles and shrugs "I know, I know." Then he wraps his arms around me "What do you wanna do now?"
Isigh "Well what time are we going to..." I dont speak for the same amount of time he did before saying in the exact accent he had said it in "Mcdonálds!?!"
Kellin laughs "Probably about 5pm."
I nod "Whats the time now?"
He checks his phone " long until 5pm?"
I giggle "1 hour and 45 minutes."
Kellin winks at me "Thank god my girlfriend is such a nerd!"
I blush "On the contrary Mr Quinn! Though I skipped 2 years of school, I understood everything in Maths so I could spend as much time day dreaming about you as I wanted!"
Kellin smiles and winks "You daydreamed about me? Really?"
I roll my eyes "Of course! I had to distract myself from answering every question on the board somehow! Especially for that one term where we learnt about timesing decimals, oh my god the urge to put up my hand and answer the question was so strong I just cant even describe it!"
Kellin laughs "If only I'd had you as a private Math tutor!"
I wink "That would've been fun huh!?!"
Kellin chuckles before whispering "Remember that time the boys and girls in our form were forced to swim together? Because we usually had all boys and all girls? Remember when that Haylee slut walked out in a bikini and every boy stared at her? I seem to remember you running out behind her while all the boys were distracted so nobody saw you dive in and swim to Hannah?" Of course I remember that, I was traumatised. "Well I saw you. Can I just say you were still beautiful back then? ESPECIALLY in that white swimming costume!" He pretends to fan himself.
I playfully punch his arm and blush "Dont make fun of my swimming costume! I was traumatised that day! Im so glad everybody was staring at Haylee and not me, Im surprised you could take your eyes off her!"
Kellin laughs "Im not really into slutty, fake girls. I prefer the shy nerds." He winks down at me before kissing my cheeks. Then he gets a sudden light-bulb moment. "Hey, new plan! How about we go swimming!?!" He asks excitedly.
I laugh "There's a perfectly good pool out back!"
Kellin smiles "Yeah but it isnt a PROPER swimming pool with other people!"
I turn serious "Like I said, perfectly good pool out back." I hide my face in his shirt.
Kellin gasps and kisses my hair "Are you feeling self conscious baby?"
I nod into his chest "Of course I am, I'd be wearing basically nothing in a hot room filled with people who are also wearing basically nothing and everybody would laugh at me!"
Kellin strokes my hair "Nobody would laugh, if they dared they wouldnt ever laugh again after I've dealt with them. You're beautiful. It'd be a lot of fun, you wouldnt even notice the other people there! Are you sure you dont wanna go?" He asks softly.
I lift my face from his shirt and sigh "You've convinced me! Im gonna have to buy myself a swimming costume on the way though, should we leave now?"
Kellin smiles widely "Sure! Will it be a white swimming costume?" He gives me a devilish smile.
I slide off him and wink "Maybe it will be! C'mon you, lets go pack our swimming stuff!"
I hold out my hand, Kellim jumps up and grabs it. I pull him up the stairs to the bedroom and we grab several towels, Kellins trunks, talc (white baby powder stuff) before stuffing it all in a bag and making our way to the door.

((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Guess they cant hang, I hope they closed the door after them! Ah, sws references everywhere! XD )))))

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum