Chapter Sixteen

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~ Kellins POV ~

As soon as I told Twila how scared I was I regretted it. She got even more scared. Stupid Kellin. Stupid stupid stupid! We're both terrified now. I try my best to comfort and encourage her, but because Im just as scared I need the same treatment! She looked so excited until we sat on this goddamn ride. The guy in the booth is playing on his phone. Nice, so I pay them all extra to stay open for tonight and offer them shows and shit and he doesnt even smile or look at us. Wow. I guess you cant choose the staff these days. Me and Twila are both pretty cold from the water ride but the air will hopefully warm us up.

Wait. No it wont. Even if it was a hot and sunny day, the way we'll be shooting through it means the air will be cold no matter what. Well shit. Again, stupid Kellin.

Twila squeezes my hand and I look at her. She's got her eyes tightly shut and her lips are sucked into her mouth. She's trying not to cry. I run my thumb along her hand and she smiles slightly. I kiss her hand and she smiles properly, still not opening her eyes. She looks happy enough but I know thats only on the outside. Inside she's probably crying, screaming and trying not to have another panic attack. To be fair this ride is the scariest here but its also the shortest. Im pretty sure we shoot up then back down again and thats it.
"Hey, babe?" I ask quietly. She nods. "Im pretty sure this ride just shoots up, then down and its over." I try and comfort her.
She shakes her head, trying not to cry again. Then the guy in the booth pushes the 'GO' button. We slowly start rising.




~ Twilas POV ~

Kellin has no idea what this ride does. He thinks we'll shoot up then fall. Oh how wrong he is. We slowly start rising. Oh god. Here goes. I keep my eyes tightly shut. We've been rising for about 5 seconds.
"Open your eyes Twila, we arent that high yet. Look at the view" Kellin says comfortingly.
I open one eye and then the other, I look at the view. It is quite nice. Then I do the worst thing possible...

I look down.

I yelp and shut my eyes again. Some tears make their way through my invisible barrier I was trying to create. Kellin strokes my hand with his thumb again.
"When we get to the top we'll stop and the guy in the booth will tease us by leaving us up there as long as he likes. There's no telling when we'll be dropped." I say quickly, trying to avoid my voice cracking.
"Open your eyes, dont look down. Just look around you. Look at the view until we get to the top. Talk to me, Im scared too y'know!" Kellin begs.
I nod and open my eyes slowly, I look around. The view gets better the higher we go. We're above nearly all the lights now. I kick my legs out and stare at them.
"If I look at my shoes it looks like there's a green screen behind them and all this is just really bad special affects." I laugh, so does Kellin as he tests out my theory. Sure enough, its exactly the same for him!

We start having casual conversations while we rise higher and higher. Its distracting enough, looking into Kellins eyes while we talk. I could listen to him talk for hours. His voice is just so...calming. Not just his singing voice. His voice all together. The haters who say he sounds like a girl when he sings are either deaf & blind or jealous men. More girls love Kellin at this very second than the average male hater will have in 3 lifetimes, they cant help but be jealous. His voice is too shrill to sound like a woman. If a woman had Kellins voice everyone would complain the woman sounded like a man!
I was just arguing against haters in my head when Kellin says "What're you thinking about?"
I blush and say "Oh nothing..."
He laughs and says "Really? You looked deep in thought, almost angry thought!" He says
I sigh "I was coming up with arguments towards all those people who complain about your voice being 'high like a woman' and I must say I came up with some great ones!" I laugh at myself. Kellin laughs when I emphasise the speech marks over the 'high like a woman'.
"Really? Care to share any with me?" Kellin asks humorously.
I then tell him every argument I came up with, which you saw earlier, and by the end Kellin was laughing. "You're sooooooo sassy!" He says
I simply nod and strike the emoji pose () which makes Kellin laugh harder.

Its then me and Kellin realise that we have stopped. We didnt stop just now either. Its been silent in the background for a while now and neither of us noticed. Im suddenly filled with panic, Im shaking like a leaf. I try and calm myself but then I look down and manage to contain my scream. Kellin does the mistake of looking down too and he also looks terrified. We look at eachother, my eyes fill with tears. I take a last look at the view before looking back at Kellin. We stare at eachother before tightening our grip on eachothers hands. We then clutch the seats harder with our other hands and brace for impact. We laugh at eachothers brace-for-impact faces before going back to the faces.

I swear the guy in the booth was watching because as soon as we started relaxing the ride dropped, causing me and Kellin to nearly have heart attacks. After that, the ride was over fairly quickly. Kellin had to once again snap me out of my state of shock and dislodge my fingers from the seat. We then went for one last stroll hand in hand before deciding to go home.

We sit in the car, silently. We dont drive, we just sit there. Recovering and remembering all the highlights of the night.
"I guess I'll drop you back at your actual house then?" Kellin says, slightly sad. I hold his hand and he smiles weakly at me. His stomach growls. I pat it and Kellin blushes.
I kiss both his cheeks "I will not allow you to drive me all the way to my house then back to yours if you're that hungry Mr Quinn. If I have to force you to eat dinner with me then so be it." Kellin laughs.
"Yes m'am!" He replies, still laughing.
"Only if you want to stay...of dont have to if you-" I start, Kellin silences me by placing his finger to my lips.
"I would love to eat dinner with you, I was hoping you'd invite me in. I didnt want to seem rude. Now you've invited me Im happy as can be!" He says, beaming.
I smile widely at him as he begins to drive. I start mentally going through all my food cupboards to see what I can cook. "Do you want spag bol or you can have pizza and I'll have a burger or something?" I ask.
"I think we should go for 'spag bol' though Im not sure what it is, it'll be easier for you to cook the same thing for both of us!" He says winking at me.
"Spag bol is a Brittish slang way of saying spaghetti bolognaise! I dont like pizza thats why I'd have to have something else but I dont mind!" I say innocently
"Ohhhh in which case I'll have spag bol please!" He says, proud of himself for pronouncing a Brittish slang term correctly.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now