Chapter Sixty Two

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Me and Kellin spend pretty much the rest of the day in the pool, until the lifeguards shout at us to get out because the pool is closing. We get changed quickly enough and meet eachother at the front desk. I run over to the vending machine like an excited child and squeal. They have every flavour of Square bar and Monster. Oh my fricken god. I scramble through my purse until I find two £2 coins. I buy myself a Marshmallow flavoured Square.
"Kels, do you want a Square?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the machine.
"Sure, ready salted please!" He replies innocently.
I laugh "Not the crisps, the sweet bar snack things!!!"
Kellin gives me a confused look and walks over to the vending machine "Oh, I've never had one of those. What are they?"
My jaw drops "Basically rice crispies that are stuck together using syrup and they come in different flavours. Chocolate, marshmallow or caramel. Which one do you want?"
He looks at the floor "Can I try yours first, to see if I like them or not?"
I giggle and mess up his wet hair "Sure you can Kels!" I rip open the Square packaging and hand it to him.
Kellin smells it "Oh my god they smell amazing!"
I nod and laugh "I know right? Taste it!"
He nods and bites off the corner, he closes his eyes and smiles. "I have tasted heaven."
I laugh "You want a marshmallow one?" Kellin nods but doesnt open his eyes. I roll my eyes and buy him a Marshmallow flavoured Square. I force my own Marshmallow Square out of his hands before replacing it with his. Only then does Kellin open his eyes and rip open the packet. He tries to pace himself but, as I've already found out, its impossible to pace yourself while eating a Square. Me and Kellin chomp down our Squares and smile widely at eachother. Without warning, Kellin smashes his lips into mine. It was a greedy kiss. He smiles and pulls away "You taste exactly like the Square you just ate. Im going to have to kiss you a lot in the next hour."
I giggle "Yay!" And try and kiss him again.
"Twila!?! Is that you!??" Somebody asks rather loudly. I pull away from Kellin to see the lifeguard I thought I recognised. Then my jaw drops.
"Leo!?!" I smile, amazed. Leo nods. I run up to him and hug him. "Dude I havent seen you in YEARS!!!"
Leo laughs "I know right!?! How've you ben?"
I pull away and see Kellin with a rather angry/jealous look on his face. "Remember the last Rock Night I ever went to? Remember the boy who sang on that stage for the first time that same night?" Leo nods, I smile "Well that" I point to Kellin "Is the exact boy. He's also my perfectly impossible boyfriend!" I smile widely at Kellin and he gives me a weak smile.
Leo whispers "I dont think he likes me..." I let go of Leo and run towards Kellin.
"Kels, dont worry. He's an old friend from Rock Night that Hannah used to have a crush on. I wouldnt be so mean to my best friend and he isnt my type." I whisper, kissing his cheek.
Kellin smiles widely "Perfectly impossible boyfriend?"
I giggle "Well I had to let Leo now Im spoken for and not even remotely interested, I also needed to make you smile. You seemed a bit jealous there Mr Quinn!"
Kellins face falls "Well you ran up to a guy I've never met and hugged him..."
I kiss his lips "You're the only guy for me, Leo is JUST a friend. Besides, I wanna set him up with Hannah! So, does my perfectly impossible boyfriend want to come and meet one of my friends from Rock night?"
Kellin smiles and kisses my lips lightly "Sure, why not?" He wraps an arm around me protectively and walks me towards Leo.
Leo immediately turns serious "Look man, me and Twila are just friends ok? Im not low enough to make her cheat and I think she'd probably slap me if I even suggested she do so."
I lean up and whisper in Kellins ear "Oh I'd do more than that." And Kellin chuckles.
Kellin holds out his hand and Leo shakes it. "Its cool man, I get it. You guys are friends, thats fine by me. But if you EVER say anything bad to, or about, her I cannot promise I'll be anywhere near as cool as this." Kellin says sternly.
Leo gulps "Well I definitely wont be doing either."
Kellin nods "Good."
There's a slightly awkward silence before Leo clears his throat "I remember you both performing that night, you were both awesome. Hey, arent you in that band...Sleeping With Sirens?"
Kellin smiles "Yeah I am, why?"
Leo smiles back at him "Im a pretty big fan of you guys, not huge because Im more into the heavy stuff like Nirvana, but I think your music is pretty cool."
I lean up and whisper in Kellins ear "See what I mean? Perfect for Hannah!"
Leo hears "Wait is Hannah here!?!" He looks around frantically.
I laugh "No Leo but she's in the area, why?"
Leo looks embarrassed "I always..erm..." He scratches his neck awkwardly.
I jump up and down and squeal "You liiiiiiiiiike her you liiiiiiiiiiike her!!!"
Kellin gives me a confused look "How can you tell!?!"
I tap my temple "Well 1) Im psychic and 2) Its sooooooooo obvious!"
Leo laughs "Shit, do you think she'd notice if I talked to her?"
I smile devilishly "Will you notice when she acts exactly the same way?" Leo gasps "Look dude, I'll give you my number and I'll ask her about meeting up with you, is that satisfactory?"
Leo smiles widely and hugs me "I could KISS you!" Then Kellins anger can practically be felt behind me and Leo laughs "But I wont obviously, I like Hannah."
I pull away and kiss Kellins lips "See? Im a genius AND a matchmaker!"
Kellin smiles "That you are Twila, that you are." I trade numbers with Leo and he runs off extremely excited. Aww! Hannah better date him after all this. Literally.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now