Chapter Eighteen

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~ Twilas POV ~

Its Thursday and Im sick. Not just sick. Like REALLY sick. I got food poisoning from the Chinese food. At about 6am the day after I ate the Chinese food I woke up feeling like I was going to be sick, I bolted to the bathroom and luckily made it in time. Kellins stayed with me, he's been taking care of me. Every hour he comes and brings me a damp cold flannel and rests it on my forehead because my temperature has risen quite a bit. I can tell he's worried about me. He's with me nearly all the time. The guys have all visited me a few times to check Im ok. Their first reaction was Kellin got my pregnant. Thats really inaccurate because I've only known Kellin is Kellin for a few days and it takes 2 weeks before you start throwing up I think? If Im right that would mean if Kellin had got me pregnant I would've slept with him while he was dressed as an old man. Which at the time I would've never done!

I've been sleeping nearly all the time and thankfully havent thrown up too much. Im on the road to recovery and the doctor said I should be all better by tomorrow. Unfortunately I've been sweating so much with my rising temperature that my hair is greasy and I can tell I look awful. I feel really self conscious. I really want to shower.

"Hey baby" Kellin says quietly as he walks into my room with a glass of water and a damp flannel.
"Hey" I say hoarsely. Im feeling so self conscious right now. I try to cover up my hair.
"What are you doing?" Kellin asks, smiling. He helps sit me up so I can drink my water, he begins to wipe my face.
"I feel disgusting and greasy and gross. I need a shower really bad. I dont know how you can sit so close to me, Im disgusting!" I say, trying not to cry. Kellin strokes my face with his hand. "You're still beautiful to me, you're sick. You cant help that. I dont think a shower is such a good idea, you havent stood up in a day, your muscles are weaker now. A bath might be a better idea. I'll have to help you in and out but I promise I wont look, I'll be completely serious!" He says, putting on a fake serious expression. I laugh.
"I dont care if you look, if it means I get to be clean I'll do it!" I say truthfully.
"I'll go start running your bath right now!" Kellin says, winking at me before dashing off to the bathroom. God I love this man, he's perfect. I start humming the tune to "let love bleed red" and look at my window.

~ Kellins POV ~

Im really worried about Twila, she's pretty sick. Im trying to help her as much as I can. I hope its helping. As Im running her bath, putting plenty of bubble bath in it so she doesnt feel uncomfortable, I hear her humming the tune to "let love bleed red".
I smile to myself and walk back to her room, I lean against the door and listen to her. "Lay me down and tell me everything will be alright, everything will be alright" i sing when she gets to the chorus. I make her jump slightly before she blushes and looks at me "How long have you been standing there?" She asks sweetly.
"Long enough" I say, smiling at her.
"You sounded amazing just now, just like the original!" She says in awe.
I laugh "You sounded amazing too!" And she giggles. I kiss both her cheeks while she blushes.

I then wink at her and run back to the bathroom and turn off the taps.
"How hot do you like your baths?" I shout to her from the bathroom.
"Scolding!" She replies. Perfect, got it right first time! So proud of myself!
I walk back to the bedroom and see she's sitting up with her legs out of the bed, ready to stand. I grab her towels and help her to the bathroom. She walks like an old lady, its pretty cute. When we get to the bathroom she tests the water and nods "perfect" she says. She turns to face me and blushes.
"What?" I ask, smiling at her.
"I-I umm..." She stutters
"Its ok baby, take your time" I comfort her
"IthinkImightNeedHelpUndressing" she says quickly
"Speak a little bit slower, I couldnt understand you." I say calmly
She goes a deep shade of red and pulls on the fabric of her clothes. Oh.
"You need help undressing?" I ask quietly. She nods and looks at the floor, embarrassed.
I move my finger under her chin and lift her head up to face me. "Dont worry, I'll help. I'll make this as not awkward as possible, turn around so your back is to me." I say quietly. She nods and turns.
"Arms up" I say. She lifts her arms and I pull her top over her head and her arms. She quickly moves her hands to cover her chest. "I think I can take my underwear off" she says nervously, giggling. I laugh and turn around so she isnt uncomfortable, I kinda wanted to look. My heart was hammering in my chest when I took off her shirt but I think I did well to hide it.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now