Chapter Twenty Four

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~ Kellins POV ~

Im overjoyed that Twila is ok. I honestly thought I was going to loose her. The thought of living without her-no. I wouldnt live without her. I couldnt. Im hoping today she will officially be mine. I organized the day, thankfully we dont have to leave until around 3pm so its fine. Plenty of time for lounging about watching Doctor Who! I could seriously get used to this life with Twila. Infact, while I was asleep I dreamt of a future with Twila...


Im outside a familiar looking house. Its a lovely house, more like a cottage really. I knock on the door and my beautiful Twila answers it in seconds. She looks so happy to see me. She covers her mouth with her hand and tears spill from her eyes, I kiss them away and she giggles. Still the same old Twila.

Twila pulls me through the door and leaves me at the bottom of the stairs. I turn around and see a picture of me and Twila on our wedding day, she looked so beautiful. Suddenly Twila holds my hand and pulls me to the stairs again, we stand there hand in hand watching the stairs. Then we see her. Shuffling down the stairs is my beautiful 2 year old daughter Kelsea. She's wearing a cute pink little unicorn onezie, with the hood up. In her hand she carries a piece of paper. She hasnt spotted me yet, she's focused on walking down the stairs on her own. When she gets to the bottom step she looks up at me and smiles "DADDY!!!" And I beam at her and pick her up, kissing her face and spinning her around. She giggles, just like Twila. "I missed you Daddy!" She says, hugging me. "I missed you to junior sloth!" I say, winking at Twila who smiles widely at me.
"Kelsea honey, show Daddy what you've got in your hand for him." Twila says softly, she's an amazing mother. Kelsea hands me the piece of paper. Its a picture of her, Twila and me. Twila's in a tower, her extremely long hair in the picture floats down to the ground. Twila is holding Kelseas hand as they look out the tower. Im at the bottom, climbing Twilas hair to save them. "This is amazing honey, you're a true artist!" I praise Kelsea. She giggles and says "Mommy is like Rapunzel!" I nod dramatically.
"Yes mommy is. She's my beautiful queen and you're my beautiful daughter!" I say, kissing her forehead. Twila blushes. "C'mere babe!" I say to Twila, holding an arm out for her. She happily joins in our hug. "FAMILY HUG!!!" Kelsea squeals and we all laugh.


That was the best dream I'd ever had and I was kinda sad it was over. That life was perfect. Now I knew what I wanted. I'll go one step at a time. Maybe it'll turn out better than the dream? That'd be really cool!

"What're you smiling about?" Twila asks sleepily.
"I just had an amazing dream." I beam.
"Really? Tell me what happened!" She says, leaning on her elbow to face me.
I blush "Its kinda...embarrassing..." I say
"Ok now you definitely have to tell me!" Twila answers excitedly
I roll my eyes and tell her about my dream and how perfect I thought it was. By the end she was smiling as widely as I was. "Wow. That really does sound perfect." She says.
"I know right." I sigh "Now I know what I want. I will stop at nothing to make it happen! Starting with today. We've got an awesome day planned but it doesnt start till 3pm, whats the time now?" I ask sweetly.
She checks her phone "9:20am"
I smile widely "shall we continue our Doctor Who marathon until 2:30pm?"
She beams at me and jumps out of bed "HELL YEAH!!!" I laugh and follow her out to the living room.

We pause Doctor Who every so often so I can ask questions and we can grab some food. We get to an episode called "The Angels Take Manhatten."
"Woah woah woah. ANGELS!?! Does that mean what I think it means?" I ask, getting excited. Me and Twila look at eachother before sighing and saying "Good old Sally Sparrow" and laughing at eachother. Her smile quickly disappears. Thats when I know this episode is going to have a lot of feels.

* 5 minutes in *

Y'know I actually really like Matt Smith. Sure David is still my favorite but Matt is a close second.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon