Chapter Twenty Eight

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~ Twila's POV ~

While we are slowly rising up the mountain, I look at the window and notice a familiar building.
"Oh my god, that's my old high school down there!" I say, in shock.
"Really? I think I went to that school for a year, my mom got a British boyfriend but it didn't last long and we moved back at America after a year." Kellin says casually.

Suddenly, I start remembering my last day at that place...

~ Flash Back ~

An emo boy joined our school a few months ago, he's literally the hottest guy in this place. I've never spoken to him, he'd probably ignore me like everyone else here. He's in the same year as me, he's 15. I'm only 13 but I skipped 2 years thanks to my intelligence. It sucks, I had no friends in my year anyway but I'm really short. 4" 11 to be exact. That's pretty short for a 13 year old, now I have to work in classes filled with giant 15 year olds. Yay. The only good part is that I have classes with the emo boy. He has 1 friend, just like me. My best friends name is Hannah, she's 13 too, she skipped the years with me. Its basically me and Hannah against the world at this point. We're both bullied severely because I'm emo and Hannah is a slight Goth. She only wears dark makeup, its not that bad. Its mostly to do with the fact that we're both nerds and unfortunately, with the 2 year skip, we can't exactly defend ourselves. Hannah's parents are lovely, they take better care of me than my dad and stepmum. I get bullied at school and at home. But I've learnt to let most of it go over my head, every Friday me and Hannah go to this "Rock Night" at the pub. My dad and stepmum think I'm at a math club with Hannah, oh how wrong they are! Its lunchtime right now, me and Hannah are sitting in our usual place: on the steps in the gym, opposite the canteen. We've both got my headphones in, listening to rock music and dubstep just like everyday. We eat our lunch and rave. Suddenly Hannah grips my arm, I hiss in pain and she lifts up my sleeve, seeing the latest addition to my bruise collection my father gave me last night. Hannah gasps but I just shake my head.
"This can't go on, I can't live with you being abused like this Twila. Its not right. We're running away, tonight. Your bag is already at my house, you packed it ages ago for an emergency remember? Anyway, my parents are out of town for a month so we have the house to ourselves. You can move in with me. My parents already agreed and your dad doesn't know our address. Tonight we'll go to the pub for rock night to celebrate. We'll be safe Twila." Hannah explains her plan.
My eyes light up "Really!?!"
Hannah nods and I hug her, its all ending today. I'll never have to see them again! This is going to be great!
"Why did you grab my arm earlier anyway?" I ask curiously
"Because that emo guy you liked just walked in, see he's over there! You should go talk to him!" Hannah says excitedly.
I look over in the direction she signals to and sure enough he's standing there, leaning against the wall. He looks so cool. I blush and shake my head at Hannah. She sighs and rolls her eyes.
"HEY FAG!!!!" The sporty guys shout at the emo boy. He looks up. "THIS PLACE IS FOR REAL MEN TO DO SPORTS AND WOMAN TO WATCH!!!" The sports guys say to him, looking at us when he says women. I stand up just as the emo boy starts walking out.
"Sorry, guys on Viagra really aren't my style!" I say sassily to the sports guys "And I don't see anyone doing sports here. Steroids give you a really bad temper, you know they also stop you going hard? I guess that won't bother you though, it doesn't look like you'll be getting laid anytime soon!"
The sports guys stare at me, in shock. Me and Hannah run out of the gym, she goes to the snack bar and I run after the emo boy.
"Hey dude, are you OK?" I ask as I walk over to him.
"Go away little girl." He says grouchily in his American accent.
My eyes fill with tears "Did you not see what I did just now? I just earnt myself even more bullies because I was defending you!" I cry.
He faces me "What?"
"You don't even have the decency to show some manners to the one person that checks to see if you're OK?" I say, tears rolling down my face.he gives me a surprised look "Oh, are you surprised by the LITTLE GIRLS choice of words? Dude, I skipped 2 years of high school. I can't believe this, I've been wanting to talk to you since the day you arrived and the one time I gain the courage to do so you make fun of me. This LITTLE GIRL has been through a lot y'know. She's bullied at school everyday and then gets beaten up at home by her dad. Her stepmum tells her to kill herself all the time. This LITTLE GIRL was scared to talk to you because she thought you would do exactly what you just did. I know I'm small, an emo, unpopular and a complete nerd but I have feelings. Whatever, I guess you don't care. Nobody does. Do me a favour, ask someone what I just did for you after you left he gym." I say, stomping past him, I turn around to face him "oh and one more thing." I say, pulling my sleeves up to reveal my scars "Thanks for taking the time to get to know me before you judge me." I say sarcastically. I roll my sleeves down and run to the girls bathrooms in tears.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?!?" I hear Hannah shout. I hear him ask a question and she explains what I did in the gym and how much trouble we're gonna be in. I hear him gasp when she explains what I already go through. Then Hannah bursts in.
"TWILA??? Hun c'mere!" She says soothingly.
I unlock my stall door and run into her arms. I cry into her, we hear the bell go and I wipe my tears. My eyes are pink and puffy from crying and my blonde hair is a mess. Hannah sorts out my hair for me before both of us walk out of the bathrooms, she's still got an arm around me. The emo boy runs towards us.
"OH MY GOD TWILA IM SO SORRY I DIDNT KNO-" He's cut off when Hannah raises a hand.
"Save it." She says sternly, then she covers my eyes and my ears and says something else to him. When she takes her hands away he nods and walks away. I give Hannah a quizzical look and she winks at me. We've got Art last. We're starting a new project.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now