Chapter Seventy One

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After some crazy dancing and a surprise performance from sws, Hannah pulls me out of the hall to get changed.
When she pulls out the dress we both squeal, I chose this dress with her about 2 weeks ago and we both love it. Its a mini white dress that fades to gold at the end. Its a tight dress which I like, I can't stand wearing baggy things...unless they're Kellins clothes that I'm wearing.

I quickly change and re-style my hair, Hannah helps me with my hair. She says she didn't bring a costume change because her dress is already short enough to party in, which is quite true. Im not wearing any tights which I'm not too bothered about, its only close friends and family that are here today, well Kellin too obviously. Me and Hannah take some more soothing breaths before linking arms and walking out of the room to join everybody else in the hall.

"Do you think Kellin is going to like this costume change?" I ask nervously.
Hannah rolls her eyes "Twila he is going to LOVE it!"
I laugh "Are you sure?"
Hannah nods and laughs "He'll probably drool over your legs."
I giggle "I can only imagine the look on his face..."
Hannah laughs loudly "Would it look something like this?" She starts making various hilarious facial expressions and I can't help but laugh. When Hannah opens the doors to the hall I'm still laughing and so is she. Once I'm able to control my breathing I look around to see everybody is looking at me, including Kellin. Suddenly the room breaks into applause. I look around to find who started it to see Gabe, of course.
I give him a death stare and mime "Still no chance" at him.
Gabe pouts "But why!?!" He mouths.
I laugh and signal to Kellin "Because I love him, that's why!" I mouth.
Gabe stomps his foot "But he's a noob!"
I feel myself begin to boil with rage. Hannah gasps, she saw exactly what he just said. I calmly unhook my arm from Hannahs and walk over to Gabe, by the looks of his face he knows he's in deep shit.

"Gabe." I say loudly enough for everybody else to hear "My husband IS NOT a noob!" I turn away from him but then turn back "And for the LAST TIME I am married which in your vocabulary translates to, kids cover your ears!" All the children cover their ears "NOT FUCKABLE!!!!" I shout before turning around and walking back to Hannah. Everybody laughs and applauds me. I giggle and kirtsy. Kellin is laughing the hardest. Hannah pulls me over to the wall so I can speak to her.

"That. Was. AWESOME!!!" She squeals.
I laugh "Thanks Hannah face, I did actually rather enjoy it!"
Hannah laughs "Were you thinking about using ButterFingers on his ass?"
I giggle " you have ButterFingers on you right now!?!"
Hannah nods sneakily "Yeah, of course! How else do you think I scared away the people who tried to steal my slice of cake?"
I start laughing loudly when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder. "Hannah face, is it alright if I steal Twila face from you?"
Hannah shrugs "She's your wife, do what you want with her!" I raise my eyebrows at Hannah and she quickly amends herself "Except dump her." She winks at me before walking off to Leo.

I turn myself around in Kellins arms "Hey Kels!" I smile widely.
Kellin kisses my nose "Hey baby!" I blush and he kisses both of my cheeks "I have 3 things to tell you: 1) What you just said to Gabe was fricken amazing! 2) You look absolutely gorgeous right now."
I giggle "Thanks Kels, what's number 3?"
Kellin chuckles before kissing my lips lightly "I love you."
I wrap my arms around his neck "I love you more."
Kellin kisses my nose "I love you more more!"
I giggle "I love you more more more!"
Kellin chuckles "I love you most!"
I raise an eyebrow "I love you more than The Doctor loves Rose."
Kellin gasps "I love you more than Kyle Reese loves Sarah Connor!"
I blush "Really?" My eyes start to fill with tears.
Kellin chuckles "How did I know that a Terminator references would get ya?" He shakes his head before kissing both of my cheeks lightly "Really really."
I waste no time at all in smashing my lips into his. I've got the most amazing husband in the entire world. He's mine now. I pull away and rest my head on his chest, letting the tears well up and spill over.
"Why are you crying baby?" Kellin asks worriedly.
I sniffle "I just can't believe how lucky I am."
Kellins arms tighten around me and he kisses my hair "You are too perfect. Im using all of my strength to resist the urge to pick you up right now and run out of this room with you."
I giggle "I wouldn't mind you doing that..."
Kellin smiles "Well we have to leave in 5 anyway, Disney Land is waiting!"
I start jumping up and down and squealing "I'm legit so excited!"
Kellin laughs "Same! I've never been to Disney Land before!"
I jump up and kiss his nose "Me neither! One rule: On the plane if we watch ANY movies they have to be Disney movies because we're going to Disney Land!"
Kellin chuckles and kisses my lips lightly "That seems like a fair deal!"
I smile "I'll probably be reading though, you'll have to watch movies without me..."
Kellin gasps "And what exactly will you be reading?"
I blush "uh....nothing..."
Kellin laughs and kisses both of my cheeks "You're a really bad lier!"
I shrug "Its good though, that means you should know exactly what I'll be reading."
Kellin shakes his head "I'm stupid as hell, you know that!"
I gasp "You are not stupid Mr Quinn!"
Kellin smiles "Is that so Mrs Quinn?"
I giggle "Yes it is Mr Quinn."
Kellin smiles wider "Well then Mrs Quinn, you leave me no choice!"
I raise an eyebrow "In what Mr Quinn?"
Kellin wiggles his eyebrows "This Mrs Quinn!" He says before smashing his lips to mine.

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