Chapter Five

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~ Twilas POV ~

"So guys, this ride is called 'Snake in the grass' and its quite fun, nothing compared to the big ones but its a good place to start! We have to ride in pairs because thats the way the carriages are set up! It'll be a bit of a tight squeeze but I didnt think you guys would want to do the first ride alone, that way you can cry like little babies together! Now which one of you is the strongest?" I ask, the guys all laugh at my baby comparison before all pointing to Greyham. "So do you have any back problems?" I ask him.
"No, fit as a fiddle!" He chuckles.
I walk behind him and jump on his back. He's shocked at first but soon wraps his arms around my legs.
"Onwards my trusty steed!" I shout, pointing towards the ride.
He gallops and neighs like a horse. When he puts me down all of us are laughing so hard we nearly miss the ride! "QUICK GUYS GRAB YOUR SEATS!!!" I shout breathlessly. "The fronts really slow, go to the back!" I tell Greyham, who winks and runs to the back seat. The others are in their pairs infront of him. I go and sit with Greyham. "This is gonna be fun!" I say, rolling my eyes. Greyham chuckles. Then the staff member pulls down the bar so we're stuck. "Dammit, now we HAVE to do this!" I say to Greyham, who laughs again. "There's no loops on this ride. Just a few bumps. No cork screws either, so its not really much of a ride but oh well!" I say to Greyham who nods and looks impressed with my knowledge of roller coasters.

"Now guys when we start moving Im gonna count down from 3 and AFTER I say 1 we all shout at the guy in the booth 'YOU'VE GOT RED ON YOU!!!' Ok?" The guys all nod, understanding my movie reference (Shaun Of The Dead movie reference for all of you that dont get it) we all wait...

BOOM!!! Sirens go off as we slowly start moving towards the tunnel.
"3...2....1!!!" I whisper
"YOU'VE GOT RED ON YOU!!!" We all shout in unison, pointing at the staff in the booth who looks embarrassed and, while trying to look at his shirt as quickly as possible, accidentally hits the speed button, so we go faster! Just as I planned! The guys all laugh, then I place my hands behind my head in a chilled out position.
"You knew he would hit that didnt you!?!" Greyham says, impressed.
I just shrug and smile "Its gotta be fast or I'll die of boredom!"
Greyham laughs. I put my hands up as we start travelling upwards in the tunnel, the guys copy me. "Now, when we start going fast you scream as loud as you can ok!?! Air scream if you want to! Only TRUE MEN can air scream!" I shout, the guys laugh but Greyham looks at me, smiling slyly.
I give him a questioning look at he says "Challenge accepted!"
Im really confused. Its only when we get to the top of the hill it clicks in! Me and the guys all scream as we speed down the other side of the hill, Greyham is air screaming his ASS off! The other guys hear him and soon we're all laughing but struggling to breathe because we're going so fast.
"I wont...stop...laughing...until you...stop screaming!" I shout and gasp at Greyham, who shakes his head and continues. I wiggle my eyebrows at him playfully and say "YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!" And start frantically tickling him! Greyham stops immediately and is crying with laughter in seconds! Thank god he's ticklish or that would've been really awkward!
"STOP...PLEASE!!!" Greyham begs
"Are you gonna stop air screaming!?!" I ask, still tickling him
"YES...JUST PLEASE...STOP!!!" Greyham shouts, breathlessly
I stop and fold my arms over my chest, smiling triumphantly.
Its only then Greyham starts tickling me! "ARGH...NO!!! STOP...PLEASE!!!" I shout while laughing.
Greyham tickles me for what feels like forever, until Im flushed and almost dead from lack of oxygen! I playfully punch his arm. "Asshole!" I say
"Aw!" He pouts "Dont be mad at me!" and he fake cries
It looks adorable. Wait whats wrong with me!?! I've seen someone else do that...on youtube...they looked adorable...those eyes...that expression...its all the same...they're connected...they're the same person...but...who is that person!?!
Greyham notices my change in expression "Are you remembering!?!" He asks
I shake my head, still deep in thought. Who is he? This man I cant remember!?! What is his connection to Greyham!?! Im so confused. Why do I feel attached to Greyham so quickly!?! This is all so weird...wait a second...

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