Chapter Fourty Seven

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~ 1 Week Later ~

Hannah has kept her promise, either her or Kellin has been with me at all times. Hannah will accompany me to the bathrooms because Kellin cant and Kellin will accompany me on the bus. Both of them are with me at shows and stuff. Absolutely nothing has happened so far. Admittedly I've started worrying a little less. I still struggle to sleep at night knowing the amount of people I've put in danger. But I know Im safe and nothing is coming to get me.

Today the guys are performing in a place not half an hour from Kellins moms place. We took a plane over here to the US for the next leg of the tour. She's been wanting to meet me for months, me and her have talked quite a bit through text but Im still nervous. What if she doesnt approve of me? I cant wait to meet Harper though, Kellins little sister. She seems adorable from all the pictures I've seen of her. Kellin hasnt seen her in a while, nor his mom. So it should be really fun. Hannah is coming with us, purely because she refuses to leave my side. Kellins mom said she doesnt mind, not that it would've phased Hannah if she did, she loves visitors.
We're on our way there now actually, we'd rather stay with Kellins mom than on the bus to be honest. The guys are awesome but even me and Kellin need a break from them while on tour. They dont wash as often as me and Kellin and refuse to buy Ben and Jerries, nuff said.
We're using Hannahs car to drive there, the guys are camping out on the bus at the venu. We'll drive over there tomorrow. Kellin insisted he drives as me and Hannah are the ladies and he wanted to be a gentlemen. Im sitting in the front passenger seat and Hannah is in the back playing games on her phone. Im nervous about meeting Kellins family.
"They'll love you, dont worry." Kellin says sweetly, holding my hand.
I smile "Are you sure?"
Kellin turns to face me and gives me a loving look "Positive."
I giggle as my phone begins to play the countless sws songs I have. I plugged it into the car because the music I have on my phone is better than anything you hear on the radio. Even though my phone's on shuffle, the music on there is 80% sws. I know the words to almost all the songs and I silently mime all the lyrics to the song "The Strays" as it plays.
Kellin chuckles "You really are a fangirl arent you!?!'
I nod frantically "Of course I am!"
Kellin shakes his head and begins to hum along to himself singing. This is probably one of the best things I've ever heard. Then he starts singing along with himself. Wow. Best car journey ever. I stare at him, adoration and admiration written on my face in permanent marker pen. Not literally, I was being metaphorical.
Kellin notices me staring "What?" He asks, laughing.
I smile "Well my hero is singing along to HIMSELF singing the songs that saved my life. Its the greatest thing I've ever heard."
Kellin chuckles "Im super man bitches!"
I shake my head and laugh "I always pictured you as more of a Kick Ass or Thor kind of guy!"
Kellin pouts "But I want laser eyes!!!"
I laugh "You also seem to want to wear tights, underpants over your tights, and probably the tightest shirt known to man."
He laughs with me "Ok maybe not. But I refuse to be Thor!"
"Why?" I giggle.
"Because he has blonde hair." Kellin says simply.
"Wow." I shake my head in disbelief "Fine, you're Kick Ass then."
Kellin nods "I can deal with the wetsuit. So long as you're the Katie Doma to my Dave Lasouski" he winks.
I laugh "But that would mean I end up slapping you, accusing you of fucking a ninth grader, admit I've cheated on you with a homeless guy THEN leave you!'
Kellin laughs "Ok, not Katie Doma then!" He pouts sadly "Who are you then?"
I smile widely "Bitch Im the fricken Hit Girl to your Kick Ass. In the second one obviously, otherwise Im like 11."
Kellin laughs "Suits you, you are badass."
I wink at him "You know it!"
Then we pull in to his moms driveway. Shit. Here goes nothing. I tap Hannahs leg and she laughs, taking out her headphones.
"You know there was no sound playing through my headphones throughout this whole car journey?" She laughs louder.
I blush "Why did you have your earphones in then!?!"
She shrugs "Because I like wearing them! C'mon Hit Girl and Kick Ass, lets go!"
I laugh and Kellin rolls his eyes at her. He jumps out the car before opening my door for me and helping me out.
I giggle "Thank you very much Mr Quinn."
"Anytime Miss Mcreedy!" He winks at me.
I facepalm "You know, its a good thing you're already such a nerd."
Kellin laughs "Why's that?"
"Because it means Im not feeling alone all the time because nobody understands my movie references! And you can find nicknames for me that only nerds like us understand!" I explain.
Kellin laughs "Very true!" Before wrapping his arm around my waist, he walks me towards his mothers front door and the butterflies in my stomach flood my throat and my nerves begin to overtake every other emotion Im feeling at this precise moment.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu