Chapter Seventy Two

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Me and Kellin are on the plane now, on our way to Disney Land. Kellin is watching Frozen and miming the lyrics to almost all of the songs. I giggle at him for a few minutes before turning on my iPad. I saved up some work money and bought this for one soul purpose: fanfictions. I used to read them all the time on my phone but I needed a bigger screen to hold, like a book sort of size. I go on Wattpad, my favourite fan fiction app, and type in: Kellin Quinn Fanfics. Into the search bar. Sure enough plenty of fanfictions show up. I read a few descriptions, checking to make sure they're complete and have many chapters, before settling for a fairly long one. I wonder if fanfictions are anything like the life I'm living with Kellin now? No way, this is so much better than any story!

This fanfic is getting seriously good. Its emotional as all hell. The main girl character was bought on stage by Kellin and a slutty fan kisses him in front of her. The main girl runs off, thinking Kellin loved the slut more than her, and attempts suicide. Kellin discovers her body on the tour bus in the bath with a knife in her stomach. He calls the amulance and the rest of the band before going into the bunk area and trying to commit suicide himself. The girl wakes up in hospital, not knowing about what Kellin did. She's informed and goes to see him. He's in a coma. She thinks he's dead. When he wakes up he doesn't know who the main girl character is. He's lost his memory. The girl survives months without Kellin, losing too much weight and constantly self harming, and whenever she sees him she breaks down.

I finish the story and thankfully it ended happily. God some of those chapters were so tense! I need to read more fanfics! I find this really short one and decide to read it. I instantly regret it:

"Imagine 20 years sitting in your living room with your 2 children and listening to the radio when you hear that Kellin Quinn was found dead in his home. His wife and child died in a car accident which lead to Kellin getting into drugs and alcohol. Eventually it all got too much for him and he commit suicide. Tears begin to roll down your face and you go into a state of shock. Your children try to snap you out of it but they can't. The lead singer of your favourite band, the man who saved your life, commit suicide."

I clamp my hand over my mouth and close my eyes in pain. Why did I read that!?! My eyelids suddenly feel heavy, I realise I've been reading for the last 6 hours with no breaks at all. I close my eyes and almost instantly fall asleep. I have nightmares about the short story I just read, about hearing Kellin commit suicide. About a world without him.

I wake to somebody shaking me "Baby? Twila baby are you OK!?!"
I open my eyes "Huh? What?" I ask sleepily.
Kellin pulls me into his arms "You were calling for me in your sleep and you were crying. What happened baby?"
Tears spill from my eyes "I had a nightmare about the story I just read."
Kellin gives me a confused look "What happened in the story?"
I shake my head "Its too painful to say, I'll show you." I sniffle. I pick up my iPad from my lap and turn it on. I go back on Wattpad and select the awful story. Its only a page long. I hand it to Kellin and he reads it. As soon as he's done he wraps his arms around me again and kisses my hair.
"Its fine baby, I'm here. Don't worry, you're fine." He comforts me.
I snuggle into his chest "I actually cried when I read that, I'm glad you didn't notice."
He sighs "After watching Frozen 3 times, I'm pretty surprised I didn't notice too!"
I giggle "3 times? Seriously?"
Kellin looks embarrassed "I may or may not know how to select a different movie..."
I laugh "Oh my god!" Before picking up the plane TV remote and going to the movie menu.
"What were you reading before that? You were getting really into the book you read before that one, I saw your facial expressions change as though things were actually happening around you! Was it a good book?" Kellin says unexpectedly.
I blush. Shit. I was reading fanfictions about my husband and now my husband is asking what I was reading. Umm. Think of something Twila! "It was umm...nothing..." I say nervously.
Kellin laughs "OK now you HAVE to tell me!"
I blush a deeper shade "Its embarrassing!" I whisper.
Kellin kisses both of my cheeks "You weren't reading lemons were you?"
I laugh "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Kellin sighs with relief "Why can't you tell me then?"
I giggle "Because you'll laugh at me!"
Kellin gasps "I would not!"
I raise an eyebrow "Uh huh, of course you wouldn't."
Kellin places a hand on his heart "I promise I won't. Please tell me what you were reading!"
I sigh and go back onto Wattpad, finding the previous story. I select the introduction and hand it to Kellin. He takes it from me eagerly and starts reading. By the end of the description he's smiling and I'm blushing.
"Awwww baby!" He kisses my lips lightly.
"Its such an emotional story! At one point the main girl character is forced on stage by you and then a slutty fan kisses you and the main girl believes you'd rather have the slut than her so she runs back to the bus and you discover her laying in the tour bus bath with a knife in her stomach and then you try to commit suicide because you can't live without her and oh my god I cried it was the best book I have ever read in my entire life ever." I say quickly, not really breathing.
Kellin holds up a finger "First off, the tour bus doesn't have a bath. Second, I wouldn't let some slutty fan kiss me. Third, why did you cry?"
I smile "Because after she wakes up in the hospital she finds out you tried to commit suicide to be with her and then you're in a coma and when you wake up you don't know who she is and she has to live months without you and she self harms and doesn't eat and then you finally remember and everything is happy. I also cried when you tried to commit suicide." I admit.
Kellin smiles and kisses my nose "And if things happened exactly like that and you tried to kill yourself, I would try to kill myself too."
My jaw drops "No, no, no. Kellin your fans need you."
Kellin smiles "And I need you."
I wink "Thankfully I'm not planning to commit suicide at all."
Kellin kisses my lips lightly "Thank god! Should I read this story then?"
I shrug "If you're willing to see how fangirls truly feel about you. I think it also describes how I feel a lot of the time. I can relate to the main girl character in so many ways! Including in the way I feel about you!" I wink
Kellin nods "I'm definitely reading this then!"
I laugh "OK, you read it all for the remainder of this flight and I'll watch some movies!"
Kellin smiles "Remember, they have to be Disney!"
I giggle and kiss his lips lightly "Of course baby, now enjoy the book!"
Kellin nods and starts reading. I decide to watch Big Hero 6 because I think its awesome and nerdy. Every 10-20 minutes I look over at Kellin to see a different expression on his face. He looks just as into it as I was!

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon