Chapter Fourty Three

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~ Kellins POV ~

Thank god Twila's OK. After asking her a few yes/no questions, she stopped responding.

"Twila? Baby? Are you still there?" I asked, on the verge of tears. No response. "Twila???" The tears began to fall. Still no response. I held her left hand in mine and cried. Not wanting to live without her. I wouldn't. I couldn't. Her father was definitely back. This time he was after both of us. Sure, that thought was scary knowing what he'd previously done to Twila but to be completely honest with the amount of security we have around here means nothing could happen. I'm more worried about Twila and how she's going to cope with all this. I'll have to do something to take her mind off things. I search Facebook for old school friends and sure enough, I find her. Perfect. This will surely help Twila. Not to mention this girl has helped Twila with her father before. I message her and tell her Twila needs help, she responds by saying she watched us live where she heard me say I missed Twila and screamed when she realised Twila was actually dating me. She also says that she's actually following us while we're touring which means she'll be at our next destination. Awesome! We plan a meet up and then I put my phone away and start crying again. What if she's in pain? What if she's dea-NO DONT THINK ABOUT THAT!!!

"Kellin...Kellin? No...don't hurt him...please...don't!" Twila whimpers in her sleep. Oh good, she is alive. I stroke her hand but don't stop crying. I bury my face in the sheets and cry. I'm not sure how long for. And I don't care. Time doesn't pass like normal without Twila.

~ Twila's POV ~

I'm having the dream again. Kellin. He's being hit. No. Please, stop. Don't hurt him! No-wait what's that? I hear faint cries. Wait. I recognise that cry. I try and pull myself to the sound. I pull as hard as I can until my eyes open. I sigh quietly. I'm back on the bus. The cries are coming from the left, I turn my head and see Kellin with his face buried in the sheets, crying hysterically. This is all my fault. I stroke his face with my right hand before shuffling over and pulling him in bed beside me. He looks up and gasps, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around him and let him cry into my hair.

"I thought I lost you. You stopped responding and I thought-" he doesn't finish his sentence, he breaks off into hysterical sobs.

I kiss his hair "Shh, I'm fine. You just got me thinking when you told me what I'd been saying. I had an awful nightmare and when you told me what I said, I had it again. Then I heard you crying and pulled myself to the sound, now I'm here. Shh, don't cry baby. Its OK." I comfort him.

"Thank god you're OK. I couldn't bare the thought of living without you Twila. I'm sorry I made you have another nightmare. What happened in the nightmare?" He asks, crying a lot softer now.

I restrain the urge to break down "I wake up in a warehouse, tied to a post. Its pitch black. A single spot light shines on a chair about 20ft away from me. There's somebody in the chair. You. You have a terrified expression on your face when you look at me. Then I hear footsteps. The footsteps that haunted my childhood. My father walks in. You cower away and he punches you, you land on the floor with blood dripping from your mouth. You try to crawl to me but my father keeps hitting you. I shout and scream at him to stop but of course he doesn't. He walks away, leaving you unconscious on the floor. I fling myself forward and land on the floor, I crawl over to you and cradle your blood covered body in my arms. You wake up and tell me to run. I argue with you, telling you I won't leave without you. You try to convince me you're dying and I refuse to believe you. Then my dad walks back in. I shout and swear and scream at him and he strikes me several times with the belt. I lay over you, protecting you from my fathers wrath. Pain shoots across my back but I ignore it, knowing I'm saving you. That's where it ends. I swore to myself as soon as the nightmare was over that if such things happened in real life, I would act in exactly the same way. I would protect you until my heart stops beating." I explain, stiffling a sob.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now