Chapter Fifty Six

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~ Hannahs POV ~

When we arrive at the hospital Twila is rushed straight into surgery. The nurses put my leg in a cast and gives me an ice pack for my cheek. Im also given the choice of crutches and a wheel chair, of course I go for wheel chair. Crutches are too much effort. Kellin wheels me to the room we've been told Twila will be placed in after her surgery. We sit in a terrifying silence, until I decide to break it.
"In her sleep...she called for you...several times..." I say softly, looking at the floor. "The only time she ever really smiled was when you spoke to her or if I talked about her memories with mean a lot to her...I've never seen her this happy, Im glad she has you..."
Kellin smiles at me "Thanks Hannah, it means a lot that the only person she considers family approves of me."
I raise an eyebrow "She considers me family?"
Kellin nods "She never speaks badly of you, all her childhood memories that you featured in were positive. She thinks of you as her sister, so do I actually. And a good friend."
I smile "Thanks noob."
"Hannah face, dont call my boyfriend a noob!" A hoarse voice is heard. Mine and Kellins heads snap up to see Twila being brought in. She's helped into bed by a nurse. Me and Kellin run over to her. Well, I wheel.
"On my god Twila! Are you ok!?!" Kellin asks, tearing up.
Twila smiles "Yeah, fit as a fiddle."
Kellin chuckles and I smile at her "Sorry, I didnt realize you were listening Twila face."
She smiles at me "Its fine, I forgive you."
"Umm Twila? Why were you smiling while you were unconscious?" Kellin asks softly.
Twila laughs slightly "The last thing I heard was sirens. Me being that fangirl I am associated that with Sleeping With Sirens which made me think of you." She explains.
Kellin kisses her forehead lightly, the nurse speaks up "She's going to have to be unconscious for an hour or so, because of the medication." Me and Kellin nod.
"Goodnight Twila, sweet dreams baby." Kellin coos before kissing her lips lightly.
"Sweet dreams Twila face!" I say before kissing her forehead in a sisterly way.
Twila smiles before drifting off into her medication induced sleep. Kellin falls back in his seat.

~ Kellins POV ~

"Kellin, did you sleep at all while we were gone?" Hannah asks, clearly concerned.
"Nope. I stayed drugged up on coffee." I say simply.
The nurse gasps "Sir, the bed next to this patient is free, you can sleep in it."
I nod and smile at her "Thank you." I get on the spare bed.
"Well rather than put up with your snoring Im gonna go to the gift shop and the snack bar." Hannah says cheerily before wheeling herself out of the room. Me and Twila are the only ones in here now. I hold her hand in the gap between our beds and fall asleep smiling. Twila's going to be ok.

~ Hannahs POV ~

When I return from the gift shop and snack bar I see Kellin is asleep, holding Twilas hand in the gap between their beds. I take a picture of their hands, theres a needle in Twilas hand because of the medication. I post it on instagram, twitter and tumblr. Kellin and Twila have taken many selfies with me before so I gained quite a few followers. This should shut up the fans who are complaining about the rescheduled tour. I post the picture with the caption:
"These two are adorable 😘👌 Fans wanted to know why the tour was rescheduled? Here's the only proof you need. Quite complaining and comfort Kellin! ☺️"
I tag Twila and Kellin, in seconds I get thousands of comments like:
"Oh my god, I feel awful 😱"
"Sorry Kellin, I didnt realize!"
"What happened!?! 😱"
"Omg hope Twila's ok!"
Now the fans know something up, they wont complain about the tour being rescheduled. Good. Thats the least Kellin needs right now.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now