Chapter Thirty Five

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When I wake up Im back in Kellins arms, I open my eyes to find him already awake and smiling down at me. I smile widely at him instantly. He kisses me lightly. "Good morning beautiful!"
I blush and find his wrist, I kiss his scar again. "Good morning Mr Quinn!"
"Can I ask you something?" Kellin says softly.
"Yeah sure."
"Why do you kiss my scar so much?" He asks curiously.
I smile "Because I know for a fact you are ashamed of it and I dont want you to be. Also its my fault its there so its my duty to try my best to fix it. And because you smile whenever I do it." I explain.
Kellin smiles "I love it when you kiss my scar, it makes me feel so loved. Like someone actually cares!"
I nod "I know exactly how that feels! Obviously, I have so many scars there's no point kissing them all but I get what you mean."
Kellin wiggles his eyebrows "Challenge accepted!" I give him a quizzical look but he grabs my arms and begins kissing all my scars. It feels amazing, he's right. He smiles back at me and I smile widely at him. I grab his wrist to kiss it again and notice the bracelet I gave him is on that wrist. I smile. He still wears it. I kiss his wrist multiple times.
"I need a damn shower!" I say loudly.
Kellin laughs "Shower's broken, you'll have to settle for a bath!"
I roll my eyes "Well ok then! Lead the way Mr Quinn!" He shakes his head before picking me up and carrying me, bridal style, to the bathroom. His bath is huge! Big enough for about 4 people! "Thats a huge bath! Its amazing!"
Kellin laughs "I like to do a starfish pose, what can I say?" He plugs the bath tub before running the hot tap, adding in some really nice smelling bubble bath. Within 20 minutes its full. "YOU'RE BATH IS READY M'LADY!!!" Kellin shouts.
I laugh and run to the bathroom "Why thank you kind sir!"
He winks before pouting and slowly walking out the room "I'll just be watching tv...alone..." He sighs loudly.
I giggle "C'mon then!"
He turns around and his jaw drops "Seriously!?!"
I laugh "We cant have you being all alone now can we?"
He shakes his head "No, we certainly cannot!"
I giggle "Let me get in first, I'll call you in once Im in!" I say, shooing him out the room. Kellin nods and I shut the door. I get undressed, my hands are shaking. There are a lot of bubbles, he wont see anything. Still, Im going to be naked and so is he. When Im undressed I dip my foot in the bath. Mmm. Scolding. I wonder if Kellin likes it this hot? I sit myself down slowly, the bubbles consume me and completely cover me up.
"Come on then Kellin!" I shout.
He bursts through the door with a huge grin on his face. "I cant believe you're actually letting me bath with you!"
I smile "Honestly, neither can I!" Kellin laughs and begins to take off his clothes, I cover my eyes until I feel a wet hand stroke my cheek. I open my eyes and see Kellin sitting opposite me, consumed by bubbles just as I am. I take a deep breath. Kellin looks concerned "You ok?"
I smile "Yeah, this is just a huge step for me thats all" I laugh nervously.
Kellin gives me loving eyes "Doll, I know you said you like hot baths but JESUS CHRIST!!!"
I laugh "Is it too hot for you?"
Kellin scoffs "Im a man, I can take it!"
I raise an eyebrow and lean forward, resting my wet hand on his chest. His breathing hitches. "I knew it! This is too hot for you!" I laugh.
Kellin says "Its not just your hand. You just leaned forward and the bubbles didnt cover you up completely..." He smirks.
I blush and hide my face in my hands "Shit. Thats embarrassing. Umm...sorry you had to see that!"
Kellin chuckles "I didnt see ALL of your chest. But dont apologies, I quite enjoyed the view."
"Oh my god Kellin you sick bastard!" I laugh, still not removing my hands.
I hear the water moving and a warm arm wraps around me. A hot hand pulls my hands from my face and I get kissed on each of my pink cheeks.
"Dont hide your beautiful face baby." Kellin whispers, his voice like silk.
I turn and kiss him, he wraps his arms around my bare waist, seeming to approve. His heart is racing faster than it usually does when we kiss, he's definitely enjoying this! He pulls away first, gasping for air. "Can I do something? Its totally cool if you say no. I understand. I just...really want to..." Kellin says awkwardly.
I nod "Sure, dont care what it is. Just do it! This should be interesting." I cross my arms over my chest. Kellins hands drift along my legs, feeling them. This is what he wanted to do? Touch my legs? Wow. He must really like legs. He's blushing really bad as well.
"Awww Kels there's no need to blush! Touch my legs all you want, I dont mind! They're just my legs, I dont really see the huge deal! You look so cute oh my god!" I kiss both of his cheeks and he smiles.
"You have amazing legs!" He states. I roll my eyes and he says "Can you grab the shampoo? Its on the top shelf."
I raise an eyebrow "Why cant you?"
Kellin looks embarrassed "Its easier for you to cover yourself up!"
I giggle "Fine, move back over there for now!" I say, pointing to where he was previously sitting. He smiles and drifts over to the spot, resting his arms on either side of the bath tub, watching me intently. I sigh and turn away so my backs to him. I hold my chest in one hand and stand up. My ass being seen isnt really a problem. There are worse things he could see. I search the shelves with one hand, standing on my tiptoes. "Which bottle is it?" I say, turning back to Kellin who is staring at me with his mouth hanging open.
He shakes his head frantically "The umm, the blue one!"
I shake my head and grab it before sitting back down and passing it to him.

Stomach Tied In Knots ~ Book 1 ~ (Kellin Quinn Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now