Chapter 1

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I am in my cousin Blakely's room waiting on her to get home . Her bed room looks just like any other teenaged girls room lots of pinks and purples. I glance over to her vanity she has tons of pics of her and her friends and I feel a ping of jealousy. I sit on her big bed the blanket is so soft . I get up quickly my stomach is doing flips I am really nervous . See I am here to ask My cousin for a favor . I really wouldn't blame her if she said no , I have barley spoke to her in 3 years . I have been Focused on getting into Berkeley so no partys no social life . All of my spare time was me studying . I ate lunch with Cindy my best friend . She is just like me all we ever did was study but she moved away in June . So I have no one .

                         "oh Abigail . She gasps 

Clearly she is surprised. she is surprised and my only hope . 

" What are you doing herrrre " she stutters

I smile and push my brown hair behind my ear .

" Hey Blakely I guess you are wondering why I am In Your room ." I say playfully

She just looks at me with her arms crossed .
Blakely is one of those girls blonde and popular girls she could make one of the most confident girls doubt their selves she really was beautiful and just had it all . She wasn't mean but it has been so long I am sure she wouldn't want to help me . But I had to try . Even though I am as nervous as I am I know I have to .
                          " ok it's a long story " I say handing her my acceptance letter .

                        " You got in Abigail that is great ." She beams  
      But immediately her expression changes

                         " Why are you telling me this I know we are cousins but we ain't close ." She states

She was not wrong in the past 3 years I have only said hi to her in the hallway  . And we hung out at some family holidays but that is it .

                        " See I got in which is great I am sure you know it is my dream school if I never said I am sure my dad and mom has .  And I am happy or more like thrilled but after I got this letter 4 days ago my family took me out to celebrate and this young waiter asks about what we were celebrating so my parents tell him and then he said        

" That's awesome a whole year early now you can party ." 

You think that wouldn't effect me but the waiter was right I never party or even did anything I stayed on the track to Berkeley and I got it but I have no memories of high school just test and homework . It going to be over and I don't a single fun memory." I say and let out a long breathe

                     " Abigail I feel you but what is it you want me to do ?" She asks

Her eyes looks sad she tilts her head with concern .

           " Look at all your pics you have that I don't and if you don't help me I never will " I say pointing  to all of her pics filled with laughter and fun memories.

                 " What do you want me to do ?" She asks
Her face has no expression at all.

                      " I want you to have you and your friends like let me be apart of your squad your team ,your click ,your group ." I say

I ramble when I am nervous .

                       Blakely laughs . I feel my face fall .

                      " You do realize that you were the one who didn't want to be friends with me . I gave up on that a long time ago . " she says

                       " It's not that I didn't want to be your friend I just was a woman on a mission I was completely obsessed ." I say while playing with my hands

She giggles and grabs a pic that is behind the others where it is not visible. It is of me and her a few Easters ago . The pic makes my eyes tear up . She looks at me and says   
" You can hang with us it will be great . "

                            " Really what about the other girls ." I ask
                           " Abigail everything you heard about the poplar kids is not true some of us are nice ."  She says with a smile showing off her perfect pearly whites .
                       "We will meet tomorrow it is a day before the school year starts ,we just have to go over a few things . "  she says

                     I don't let myself think about what those few things are . This was way easier then I thought it would be . As I turn to leave . Blakely  says with excitement                   " This is going to be a fun year ."!!!!!

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