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December 8th,2020

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December 8th,2020. Tuesday.

BARELY BACK IN SCHOOL AND PEOPLE WERE ALREADY SPREADING RUMORS...and all you could hear was students whispering as you walked by. Your parents had taken a flight back a few days ago to see how you were doing,the twins had managed to convince the doctor to not tell the full story of how you actually ended up in the hospital but that didn't keep your parents from being suspicious. Kimura was now in charge of taking you to school and bringing you home until you fully healed,the twins haven't left your side even at school. They would walk you to class and wait for you after,if they had any gang meetings then Yuzuha would take care of you.

Mikey started avoiding you after the whole incident since he knows it all happened because of him,he didn't want them to hurt you even more. As much as he wanted to see you everyday,he didn't want to risk it. Most of the Toman members that had gotten hurt were doing better now too,Kazu and Baji would still stop by here and there to check on you at home.

"Don't listen to them,y/n"Hina said as the four of you walked to lunch to meet up Emma and the Shiba siblings,"They keep saying Mikey was the one that sent me to the hospital.."it was starting to get irritating hearing the lies they'd spread.

"Hey,y/n-chan! How are you feeling?" Emma greeted,the four of you had arrived at the lunch table they were sat at.

"I'm feeling better"

"Good! I brought you lunch today!"she smiled taking out a second bento box from her bag.

"Oh,Em! You really didn't have to,I could've gotten something here"she pushed it towards you,"Shhh~take it"

"Thanks"you took a seat in between Nahoya and Hina while Souya sat on the other side of his twin and the other three in front.

"Did you hear? Her boyfriend sent her to the hospital"

"I heard he killed his brother to take over his gang"

"Really? Whoa"

"I bet his gang all had their way with her,I heard she was found without any clothes on"

Your hands slammed on the table as you stood up once again,the chattering of the cafeteria died down. All eyes were on you,"Y/n,ignore them...just sit down"Souya tried to calm you but it was too late. You faced the group of people that you heard talking behind you,"FOR YOUR INFORMATION HE WASN'T THE ONE THAT SENT ME TO THE HOSPITAL!! WILL YOU BITCHES SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I SLAM YOUR HEAD INTO THE DAMN WALL?!" you walked over to them. The group of girls now held a look of fear on their faces,"He didn't kill his brother either,stop spreading fucking lies about him and his gang"you told them. Your face inches away from theirs.

"AND FOR ALL OF YOU!! YOU THINK I DON'T HEAR YOU ALL TALKING WHEN I WALK IN THE HALLS?! YOU'RE ALL PIECES OF SHIT!!" before you could continue,two teachers came running to get you after hearing the commotion. The twins quickly running infront of you,"She's done now!" Souya said to them. They wanted to prevent them from taking you the office,"Who said I was do-"Nahoya covered your mouth.

"I suggest you two take her to get some air before she gets into more trouble" one of the teachers warned.

"Yes,of course. Sorry about her!"

"Let's go,Y/n."

"IF I HEAR ANY OF YOU TALK SHIT,I'LL PERSONALLY BEAT YOU MYSELF!!" you yelled,the twins dragging you out the cafeteria while the others quickly got their stuff and followed behind the three of you.

You all now sat in the school's courtyard,you laid on the grass looking at the sky. Taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes, "You can't just go around yelling at people,imouto"Souya told you.

"If you ask me,what she did was pretty badass"Yuzuha laughed.

"Don't encourage her!"

"You two act like you aren't worse than her"Hakkai added with a chuckle,"They shouldn't be spreading stupid rumours anyways"you said.

"I know but they're idiots,they don't know what they're talking about"

"Can we just go home already? I don't want to be here"

"You know mom won't like us leaving,we have two periods left before we leave."you sighed,moving yourself up a bit so that your head now rested on Emma's lap. Her fingers playing with your hair while Hina put little flowers in it,"How's Mikey?.."she smiled knowing you still ask for him.

"He's been missing you,he told me he didn't want you getting hurt again.."

"I miss him too.."a tear rolled down your cheek.

"I know,he'll change his mind eventually. I don't think he can stay away from you for long"



Kimura had brought you to the cemetery while the twins went out while Hakkai and Yuzuha stayed at the house. She waited in the car for you patiently,she thought it'd be best to let you have your alone time.

"Haven't talked to you in awhile"you set the flowers down infront of the gravestone,"It's been getting a bit hard, Haruki."you took a seat on the ground. Face buried in your hands as the tears started to fall,"I miss him so much.."you cried.

"I know you brought him to me,please bring him back.."that's all you wanted,no matter how annoying he could be. No matter how many times he'd stop by to see you,his stupid remarks and love filled compliments. You didn't realize yourself developing feelings until now,"I just want to hold his hand one more time.."

While your cries were heard,Miley listened in. He had stopped by to bring some flowers to his brother's grave before it got late and he heard your voice walking back to his motorcycle,he didn't expect to find you here so he hid behind one of the trees planted in the center and sat on the side where you wouldn't be able to see him. He couldn't bring himself to say anything to you,not yet.

Hearing your voice made his heart flutter,it had been awhile since he seen your face and he just wanted to be able to embrace you in his arms. He wanted to tell you it was all going to be okay and he was right here,to see that smile on your face again.

"Bye,Haruki.."you were done,you wiped your tears and got up. You quickly left a few tulips by Mr. and Mrs.Sato's gravestones that were near by before leaving,Mikey's head resting on the tree hearing the sound of Kimura's car drive off.

"I miss you,princess"he closed his eyes,"I promise this will be over soon.."


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