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"Did you really have to eat most of the dorayakis?" you looked inside the now empty box.

The two of you had made yourselves comfortable at the top of the park's jungle gym,"I bought you ice-cream and food,I deserved more." Mikey huffed,his arms crossing his chest.

"I could just push you off right now.."you narrowed your eyes at him,"But,you won't!"

Sticking the tip of your tongue out to him,you lightly pushed him causing his body to tense up,"Y/N-CHAN!!" He shrieked sounding like a small child. If his friends were to have heard him,he would never hear the end of it,"For a gang leader,you're such a baby.." you laughed.

"You're really out here tryna kill me"he joked putting a hand to his chest,"Oh,shut up.." shaking your head,you verted your eyes back to the view infront of you. The blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the breeze. Such a calm sight.

Mikey was too busy staring at you more than the sky,you made him feel all warm inside just by taking in your beauty.

"I want to get to know you more.." he blurted out.

"Isn't that what we're doing?" you tilted your head,"Huh? Oh! Right!"

'Damnit Mikey,she's gonna think you're even more of an idiot!' the boy thought to himself, you had been the first girl to ever make him nervous even though he did his best to try and hide it from you.

"Do you ever get tired of it all?.."your soft voice made his head quickly turn back to you.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"All the fighting,when does it all just end?.."

"It's not just fighting,you know? Growing up I use to follow my older brother around,I would be at all his gang meetings listening in." he smiled,"All he ever wanted was to protect people and to this day he still does. People see delinquents as nothing but trouble, I want to change that. I want to be as great as he is,I want to create a new era..." the glint in his eyes was as bright as ever. You could hear the passion in his voice as he spoke,every word felt genuine.

"I want you to be by my side.."

"Why are you so interested in me? You barely know me.." you asked. You just couldn't understand his obsession with you,you didn't really think you were that special. Out of any other girl, there was probably five more with the same common interests and personality as you.

But,he didn't want all those other girls. They could hold the same qualities as you,yes but they wouldn't be you. You were the one to catch his eye,you were the first to make his heart stop at the sight of you. He wanted to know you,he wanted to know all your dislikes and likes. He wanted to be the one to see you every morning and night,you were like a treasure he found that he has to try and hide away before someone else comes and snatches you.

"All you need to know is that I'm going to make you mine.."

"You seem pretty confident about that"

"Even if it takes me years,you'll be mine eventually"

"Keep dreaming"

"Oh,I will" he smirked,you turned to see the same smug look on his face as when you first met him. He reminded you of someone you had lost a long time ago,it was as if he was sent straight to you.

*Ring Ring*

The noise came from the inside of Mikey's pants,"You gonna answer that?" you pointed to his pocket.

"Sorry. I'll be right back."he climbed down,you watched him reach the bottom and walk a few feet away that if he spoke you wouldn't be able to hear him unless he yelled.

Mikey had made it clear to everyone today to not disturb him for any type of gang related issues that could easily be handled so,why on earth were they bothering him at this time.

"Yes?" he picked up the phone,"Captain,we have an issue right now.."

"..and I told you not to bother me today"

"Sir,it's Moebius-"Mikey cut them off,he didn't need to hear the rest,"Give me thirty minutes."

"Yes,captain"he hung up.The blonde boy sighed setting his phone into his pocket once again and walking back to the jungle gym,"Yo,Princess!!"He yelled getting your attention from the top and gesturing for you to come down. Throwing the empty box at him, he catched it inorder to throw it away in the nearest trashcan so that you could easily get down.

"What's up?"you dusted yourself off,"Our little date is going to have to end early...I have some business to take care of"

"This isn't a date,we're just hanging out as FRIENDS" you slapped his arm,"But,no worries. You can drop me off back at home."you shrugged turning around to get to where he had parked his bike. He reached over to grab your hand as the two of you walked only to feel you slap it away.


"It was worth a try.."


Your brothers had left you a text letting you know that they wouldn't be home for awhile and that if needed incase of an emergency to give them a call. You were still afraid of Hanma coming to bother you but you knew that your brothers couldn't always be with you 24/7,you'd have to learn to deal with him alone and it wasn't that you weren't able to. You were fairly strong,your skills were at the twin's level due to the training they'd give you at a young age. The issue was that you couldn't bring yourself to hurt Hanma even after all the bad he had caused and was continuing to cause.

"We have arrived" Mikey pointed out coming to a halt infront of your home. You got yourself off before taking the helmet from your head,"Thank you for the food.." you said.

"Does this mean I can take you out again?" he grinned.

"Will you be paying?"

"Anything you like"

"Then,I'll think about it." he chuckled. Taking the key from out of your jeans, you quickly embraced him into a slight hug,his body went stiff at the sudden action. He didn't expect you to wrap your arms around him catching him off guard,"This doesn't mean I like you,relax" you muttered below him making him ease up.

"I'll see you in school, alright?"he nodded. His eyes following you as you walked up to your front porch,"BYE PRINCESS!!" He yelled. You were pretty sure the neighbors could hear him causing your face to flush,"SHUT UP,YOU IDIOT!!" He sent you a wink.

"moron.." you muttered entering your home.

" you muttered entering your home

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