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"So,this is my dear Y/n's room.."Mikey said. He was looking through all your things,his eyes scanning all the posters and pictures on the wall of the room. You watched him stop at the small framed photo by the bed side of you and your brothers, the three of you were only four at that time.

"You look so cute!" He pointed at the frame,the twins were both on each side while you stood in the center holding a small cake.

"Thanks,it was my birthday that day."you told him throwing your clothes that you had changed out of into the dirty laundry basket.

After, leaving the school you had decided that the two of you should go to your house and stay for the rest of the school day. You didn't really feel like going out much and being at home was your safe place,"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" you asked.

"Am I allowed to cuddle you?"he made his little puppy dog eyes,"No."

"Aweee~ pleasee!"

"No or you can leave my house"

"Fine. Can I pick the movie then?"

"Alright,yes you can. Movies are on that shelf" you pointed to the one next to the TV to which he nodded and went over to look through them,making yourself comfortable you hopped onto your bed and sat in the small corner holding one of your pillows.

"Spirited away,sound good?"he held it up.

"Didn't picture you for much of a Studio Ghibli kinda guy" you chuckled.

"Don't laugh! I love these movies!" He pouted,"Just put it on!" you continued to laugh. He was just a ball full of suprises,handing him the control he set everything up and came to sit next to you. He did his best not to get too close incase he'd make you uncomfortable, the fact that you even allowed him into your house meant you were beginning to trust him a bit and he wasn't about to ruin it.

A few minutes into the movie,you could feel yourself begin to doze off.Last night you hadn't slept much from staying up finishing a book that being in a calm setting was starting to make your eyes start to close,not even feeling the moment your head fell on to Mikey's shoulder.

'She's so pretty..' he thought taking in your features. You were one of the prettiest girls he's seen,the way your nose would scrunch up,how your hair got all messy when doing things and yet you still managed to look just as beautiful. Your voice sounded angelic in his ears.

"Sleep well,princess.." he moved slowly so he wouldn't wake you,grabbing the blanket at the edge of the bed and covering you.


It was late and the twins hadn't seen you all day besides this morning,you weren't answering any of their texts or calls and you weren't at the usual waiting spot that they would pick you up at.

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