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"Are you ready?"I was a bit nervous.I could feel my hands shake.

"Guys are you sure about this?"I looked at the two,they both looked at me with wide smiles on their faces.I had just watched them do this to five other ones,why was I nervous now?

"Come on,just one time. It's your turn now"Baji cooed shoving me towards it,"Don't be nervous,we've made it this far without getting caught" I took a deep breath. Click. I held the lighter close to the tire. They already had thrown the last of the gasoline all over the car,"Now, move!"Kazutora grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me back.

"Whoa..."I watched the fire quickly spread. I never felt this feeling, adrenaline was rushing through me.

"Fun right?"

"The fire looks so pretty..."how could something so dangerous make me want to touch it. Everytime I saw it I was still amazed.

"We should get out of here before the cops get called"Kazutora said,I watched him look around.

"Yeah,let's get going"I heard Baji add,"Ready to go,y/n?"

"Huh? Oh,yeah. Ready!" I smiled,we ran towards their parked bikes. I hopped on behind Baji,my arms grabbing him tight because I was too scared to fall off since he drove a little too fast.

We headed off towards Baji's apartment complex next since he had said he had a present waiting for me. Just thinking about it made me excited. We had spent most of the night laughing and running a round causing a mess everywhere we went.

"You can open your eyes now,we're here" I heard Baji laugh,taking a peak I noticed we had arrived.

"My mom is asleep right now,you guys stay here. I'm going to just run in and get it" me and Kazu nodded. We took a seat on the stairs while we waited,"Did you have fun?" he asked.

"The most I've had in a long time..."

"Good. Baji sees something in you,he thinks your special.."my eyes widen hearing his words,"he finds interest in people that catch his attention. You seemed to be one of them,he cares alot. You know?"

"I know...I can see it when I look into his eyes,he's definitely something." I still remember when we started to become friends,his sharp teeth showing when he smiled at the fact that I had told them I liked cats over dogs. I giggled to myself thinking about it.

"Keep a promise for me?"I turned to him.

"What is it?"

"You keep and eye on Mikey and Baji for me...they mean everything to me" why was he telling me that? I could hear his voice quiver.

"I'll do my best"he looked down to me with a small smile playing on his lips,"I'm back!" Baji's voice made us both jump. We watched him run down the steps holding to what looked like a small carrier and a backpack,"What's this?"I chuckled trying to look inside.

"Meet Midnight,your new best friend!"He grinned opening the top,I looked to find a small black kitten curled up inside. He had big green eyes,his fur looked soft and fluffy.

"In here are all the stuff you'll need to take care of him with until you have to get more"he gestured to the backpack he carried.

"He's adorable! Oh my...thank you so much"he handed me the carrier,"I'll take the best care of him!" I closed the top once more before giving Baji a hug. This was already the best way to start my birthday off,"I didn't have enough to get you something..sorry"Kazutora said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Don't worry,Kazu. Spending time with the both of you was the best present I could've gotten"his cheeks turned pink as he looked to the ground.

"Let's get you home before your brothers worry"Baji told me,"Hold the cage tightly,okay?" I nodded.


It didn't take long for us to get to my house quickly,it was late and my brothers were probably up in their rooms too busy to notice them dropping me off. They didn't want to leave me a block away this time due to it being late and them being scared somebody would come and do something.

"We'll text you!"

"Take care of Midnight"

"Bye guys!Thanks again!" I waved walking inside my front yard and up the porch steps,the lights were on upstairs. The twins are probably awake still,"I'm home!" I yelled walking in. No answer. Hmm..strange.

I went up the stairs quietly and peaked into their room,they had fallen asleep with the light on again,"Idiots.."I mumbled turning it off and closing the door.

I entered my bedroom setting the backpack Baji gave to me on the bed along with the carrier,"helloo~little guy. I'm your new owner"I let him out. He didn't seem too scared,he let me pet him easily. I took out all the stuff in the backpack,it was packed with food,two bowls,a small litter box and cat litter. He was very prepared as I could tell.

I filled the box up and set it in the corner in the meantime and put his two bowls next to it,filling them with both food and water. I picked up the kitten and carried him over the litter box,"Here is where you use the bathroom"I pointed.


"You better understand"I giggled carrying him with me to my bed,"Aren't you a cutie"I rubbed his chin making him purr.

"Let's get some sleep,Midnight. We have a long day tomorrow.."


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