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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.




"Do you know some girl with blonde dyed hair?" you asked,you were curious about the girl from before and if she was asking about the two of you then he must know her.

"Um...I've known alot of girls with blonde dyed hair" Mikey responded feeling a bit ashamed,he didn't want you to think he was going to play you just like he did them.

"Well,this one always wears her hair in a ponytail with a red bow. She's in our grade and-"he cut you off,"Kasumi?" you thought for a second trying to remember the name you saw written on one of her journals.


"What about her?"

"Seems like she has a crush on you" you said not trying to tell him the other thing she had told you,"She's had a crush on me since middle school but I kept rejecting her"he said shrugged, continuing to lick his ice-cream that you both had stopped by for.

"She's pretty,why don't you give her a chance?" you asked just to see what he would say,"She's okay,I guess? Not really my type" you felt his free arm go around you.

"Plus,my eyes are already set on you"

"Whatever.."deep down you couldn't help but feel relieved in some way but you would never let him know that,"What did you wanna meet after school for anyways?" you questioned the blonde.

"Just wanted to spend time with you" he answered,the way the sentence left his lips sounded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You're keeping me from my precious studying time"

"You act like you like studying"

"I don't need to like it,I just need to study enough to get better grades" sighing to yourself,you took a seat on a bench near the sidewalk. Mikey knew something was bothering you,it was written all over your face.

"Aren't your grades already good enough?"

"Not to my mom"he kneeled infront of you,"I need to be in my brother's level of good enough,they're at top of every single one of their classes" Mikey would be lying if he didn't admit that he was a bit surprised,he never would've taken those two to be that smart. But,it makes sense now why they don't skip school like most of the gang.

"Well,if it makes a difference. You're the smartest person I know and I think you're good enough as is"you faced him,his eyes looked to have a hint of light. A smile tugging at his lips,"Don't your brothers graduate this year? You still have time" he picked up your free hand.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about anything"


"Always here for my princess" he grinned,"Oh,shut up"you stood up,"Can we go to the bookstore near by? I want to buy some stuff"

"I'll take you anywhere you like,let's go"


Meanwhile,at the Shiba household. Hakkai and Yuzuha had just arrived home,"You're both late" the familiar sound of their older brother's deep voice filled their ears as they walked in. Yuzuha turned to her younger brother to let him know it was going to be okay and to just stay calm.

"The bus was running late" Yuzuha responded.

"Excuses,excuses,excuses..."Taiju walked into their view,"You both know what happens if you come home late"Hakkai could feel himself start to shake. Fear taking over as his brother towered above him,"Leave Hakkai alone,it was my fault we ran late" his sister defended.

Taiju wasn't aware Hakkai had joined his school's soccer team and Yuzuha didn't want him to find out,she was scared he'd do much worse to him if he did. She wouldn't be able to bare seeing him get hurt,"Hakkai just go to your room" she ordered.

"Who are you to tell him what to do?"

"Just leave him alone tonight.."her voice  sounded shaky,"Please"

"Hakkai go to your room. Yuzuha will be taking your hits tonight again" he told him,he knew how much it hurted him to hear him say she was taking his hits. It made him feel ashamed that he couldn't bring himself to protect his only sister,"Go HAKKAI!" Yuzuha yelled.

"S-sorry..." he quickly passed the two of them,running to his room and closing the door. He sat on the ground trying to listen in on what was happening on the other side of his bedroom door.

"How long are you going to keep taking his hits?!" Taiju laughed,his fist colliding with the side of her stomach. He made sure to try and miss her face as much just incase somebody at school would notice,he didn't want to deal with that again.

"Yuzuha..."Hakkai cried,his head buried in his hands hearing his brother's hits.

Blood started to drip from the side of Yuzuha's mouth as she held her stomach with her arm,"Gross" Taiju looked at the drops of blood on the living room floor in disgust.

"Clean this up"he told her,she could hardly move. His hand grabbed her shirt and lifted her up,"Did you hear me?" she nodded.

"Good,now get to it" he dropped her before walking away back into his room of his own,"...fucking bastard" she pushed herself up. This wasn't the end of it but she was going to figure out a way for this to stop eventually, she promised her mom she'd do anything to protect her family and she was going to do anything to make that happen.

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.
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